NMA Informal Survey

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1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
1. Usually on Discord with my old school friends, in terms of forums, Reddit. Why? I don't even know, it's painful.
2. I keep in contact with all my friends online, both IRL and online friends.
3. Besides Fallout I'd probably say Gundam at the moment. Not the kit building cause I'm poor, but the shows/movies.
4. Not often, I prefer single player RPGs. Aside from that I don't play much else.
5. Six-String Samurai. What a charming ride. If I'm going mainstream though, The Road.
6. Wasteland 3.
7. The Pillars of Eternity series and the hidden gem that is Tyranny.
1. RPGCodex. Lots of edgy people, but sometimes it has opinions and informations you won't find anywhere else.
2. Probably 50
3. Space operas, SF and Space in general.
4. I rarely play online multiplayer. Played some Counter Strike back in the days, and most played multiplayer for me is HoMM3 - but as a hot seat.
5. Besides Mad Max 2, Boy and his Dog.
7. Might & Magic 6
8. Never enough games talk.
1: I rarely tweet twats on twitter. I did used to post daily on YT with chesti account but I am out of the habit.
2: Nobody really. IRL friends text. In the past when google hangouts were going, I did that a few times.
3: I used to be more compulsive than obsessive. Smoke a few joints and compulsion to paint. Game wise I have been through VTMB 4 or 5 times but again that is history. Soccer/football < I used to be.
4: I've never played online. I have played lots of games on LAN's.
5: Mad Max. I watched that one you pushed and it's cool in that kind of camp way.
6: My number one like in the early fallouts was the floozy slutty walk some of the ladies do. PMSL at that.
7: As Pax says Tyranny is good. VTMB and Deus Ex old favourites plus DAO.
8: I enjoyed doing this more than giving birth to my twins. (Na no probs glad to help)

Gluck G man ;p
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
1. FunnyJunk I guess. Cause it's full of autists. No, we're full.
2. Friends?
3. Nothing, everything I loved is dead.
4. I try to play with you.
5. Mad Max I guess.
6. There's nothing quite like Fallout.
7. Underrail I guess.
8. No. Make more.
1. FunnyJunk I guess. Cause it's full of autists. No, we're full.
2. Friends?
3. Nothing, everything I loved is dead.
4. I try to play with you.
5. Mad Max I guess.
6. There's nothing quite like Fallout.
7. Underrail I guess.
8. No. Make more.

Number 3 made me feel sad.
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
1. Mainly Instagram, because that was the very first form of any Social Media I ever started using back in September 2015, and quite frankly I'd say things are somewhat sane there compared to say Twitter or Facebook. I mean yeah sure, you can use Insta if you want to.
Oh and I also use Reddit too, but that's for other things, I avoid R/Fallout or any other Fallout subreddit like the plaque to the best of my ability!

2. Mostly online friends now, at least so far. Originally I started using Social Media because it was for me to keep in contact with my High School friends at the time. But as life goes on and the seasons change, so do your friends, for they have moved on with their lives and have changed.

Okay in all seriousness, I actually started looking into that group more deeply since last year around January. Uh I was reminiscing about TheFineBros React videos that I saw about them when they were first initially released, which is the one were YouTubers React to them, and the one were they reacted back, and so I was thinking to myself like "Huh, I wonder how the band is doing these days?" And the rest is history! Oh and TBH, I'd say it was the perfect time to become a fan, because recently they just got back from a hiatus and have now embarked on a new beginning, a new era for themselves. And I can't wait to see what's next for them! Also, I didn't foresee myself getting REALLY deep into the fandom because now, there's no going back, and I have no regrets! :cool:

4. Eh I used to play online with others, you know the usual, Call of Duty. The reason why I stopped it's because I got sick of it, due to the overexposure and overhype of the game mode and concept.
Plus I think it's overrated, the reason being are the things I already stated above.

5. I Am Legend.

6. Does the Metro series count? :-D

7. I like the stuff that Toby Fox has made.
(Undertale & Deltarune)
And I hope he finishes Deltarune sometime soon, the amount of effort he puts into his games is amazing!

8. Yeah I'd say I enjoyed doing this kind of survey, and now you guys somewhat know more about me, so I'd say that's a W. :nod:

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Try The Last Man on Earth unless you are talking about the book.
1. Tumblr, discord - Facebook when I don't have spicy opinions.
2. 3 friends I chat with on the regular with online I know IRL, otherwise I got one or two good buds I knew just online.
3. A Swedish Post-apoc TTRP called "Mutant" is my crack - I used to be more into Star Trek but recent media has soured the appeal. Oh, and dinosaurs. I fucking love dinosaurs, dude.
4. Not often, to be frank. I don't play as much online games as I used to, and I've had some recent events reducing the number of people I know personally that I play online with.
5. Not sure if I have -one- favourite as I have several instead. Mad Max: Fury Road is a good one, Postman is fun, and The Battle for the Planet of the Apes tickles a special brand of post-apoc media for me.
6. With broad and vague limitations, I'd dare to suggest Mutant: Year Zero - Road to Eden. More of a Commando's+XCOM in style, perhaps, but I'll take it.
7. I think I have to give it to Mass Effect, specifically ME2. Had tons of fun with that one.
8. I don't know yet. Let me sleep on it-
1. Nowhere. I don't post here either.
2. Most.
3. I'm not obsessed with Fallout, it mostly sucks.
4. No.
5. Mad Max and Threads.
6. What's a Fallout-like?
7. Planescape Torment.
8. No.
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:

#1Mostly nowhere, I'm busy with my real life too much to sit in front of the monitor for a whole day, but I also interact with Diablo 2 Resurrected forums technical help and general moding topics. the forum is open for anyone who has active game license, although their kind of stingy when it goes to vaugue language, i once got a 15 day ban for saying what i think about transgenders and the like in some woke topic.

#2 Nerds don't have friends, there are only ppl that pretend to be my friends when their laptop breaks down and they don't know how to fix it, or if they want to have their 00 era niche DRM'ed game run on their new rig.

#3 Well i'm obsessed about a lot of things, however I assume You mean other games, well since I've got my pc i was a fan of Fallout and Diablo franchises, and they both haven't aged well..
#4 No I usually play alone.. I may ask a random for Dclone help if I'm at the beggining of hell difficulty as Dclone is rarity oin EU non-ladder.

#5 Steel Frontier, Hands Down No doubt about that. When I'll finally replace the system drive in my rig Steel Frontier is getting an FullHD upscale with TopazLabs VideoAI, cause the SVideo resolution looks terrible on modern displays, and TopazLabs does miracles with old Video if handled properly.

#6favourite Fallout-like what? You mean a game a movie or what? there are no games like fallout.. I already said other post apo games tend to stray too far left for my liking, and i can't stand the indie crap that's floating around.

#7 As I've already said arpgs Diablo2Resurrected, DevilutionX, TitanQuest, while I'm not fan of all of the games in the janra, i do play some, Diablo series mostly, although like Fallout, official releases post number 2 were crap.

#8 well whatever.. I see you're hell bent on stirring up commotion to this forum, in hope more ppl will flock, it ain't gonna happen, we'll be a small community until last one of us dies on heart attack at old age.
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
(Discord baby.)
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
(A handful.)
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
(History, the migration period specifically.)
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
(The Postman.)
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
(Actual Fallout.)
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
(Swtor or Godfather 1.)
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
(I've been through worse.)
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1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
I go outside.
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
Nothing. Obsessions are for the mentally ill.
4. Do you often play games with people online?
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
A Boy and his Dog
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
Fallout: New Vegas
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
No. :]
1. Discord every blue moon regretably. No.
2. None.
3. I'm young and virile so my obsession flickers from one thing to another every few months. Right now it's on Korean web novels and Limbus Company.
4. No. I have no friends.
5. 28 Days Later. (It counts)
6. Underrail. (similar atmosphere though doesn't play much like Fallout, if that doesn't count then Atom RPG)
7. Mass Effect (The first one only)
8. No. Fuck you.
1. RPGCodex. I have fun insulting people over game's analysis, ESPECIALLY codex old timers. NMA is a bit too old to suffer my insolence.
2. Friends? What a funny word. Especially on Net.
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout? Now that's a headache. According to my history of game going backward, that should be UFO ET, UFO Afterlight, UFO Aftermath, Silent Storm series, Hammer & Sickle, Fallout Tactic, IWD2, NWN2OC and dlc, SMAC. VTMB I played too often to have fun any more so that's stop for now.
4. Do you often play games with people online? Almost never. The last time I play a game that has other players is City of Hero/Villain about 3 months before they get closed officially.
5. Water World. I am Legend, it prove its quality despite the low presence of female characters. Resident Evil series because Mila Jojovic did good job DESPITE being flatchest as fuck!
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like? Now this is hard call. The closest to Fallout retrofuturism would be Silent Storm series (mainly WW2 and lots of bombed urban ruins) Hammer Sickles (lots of German bombed urban ruins). UFO Aftermath has too light story element for that but it come close. Fallout Tactics because a lot of them consider that non-Fallout.
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout? Based on my history that would be NWN2OC, then VTMB.
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy::boy::boy::boy::boy:
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
Steam. When the faggot lgbtqhdtv mods don't ban me for upsetting their feelings or shitting on their peers.
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
1 or 2
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
You mean game? Rn I play Cyberjunk albeit heavily modded, Project Zomboid heabily modded and STALKER Anomaly with the GAMMA mod pack.
4. Do you often play games with people online?
I play that piece of shit Fallout 76 with a friend. And we like to listen to eachother complain and talk shit about it. I also love griefing events and killing everything
on sight with my overpowered weapons. I especially enjoy when jaggofs come and do the thumb down and angory emoji like it supposed to make me stop or something keklmao.
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
Can't have 1 favorite movie. I'd say Mad Max series, The Road(maybe) and another I can't remember now(no its not The Book of Eli)
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
ATOM RPG(hoping devs can count to 3) and Metro 2033/Last Light if we talking shooters. Exodus was a piece of trash, fuck that shit and anyone who says its good.
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
Yeah sure, I love a good circlejerk.
1. Discord, Reddit random crap shouted into the Twitter void
2. Probably about a dozen or so on a regular, at least like 3 on a near-daily basis.
3. Designing tabletop games & music, my other 'fandom' is Battletech.
4. EVERY - SINGLE - DAY, it's basically the reason I get up each day.
5. A little consideration lands me on Equilibrium, but Running Man, Tank Girl... there are so many...
6. Jagged Alliance 2 (not totally Fallout-like, different genre, but it gives me the same headspace of enjoyment)
7. Cyberpunk 2077 exceeded my expectations, so I'll plop it here.
8. By the fact I'd otherwise be doing nothing, this at least occupied my time, ergo it must have at least been literally better than nothing.
1. Where do you post when you do not post here? Why? Can I post there?
Steam. When the faggot lgbtqhdtv mods don't ban me for upsetting their feelings or shitting on their peers.
2. How many friends do you keep in close contact with online?
1 or 2
3. What are you obsessed with besides Fallout?
You mean game? Rn I play Cyberjunk albeit heavily modded, Project Zomboid heabily modded and STALKER Anomaly with the GAMMA mod pack.
4. Do you often play games with people online?
I play that piece of shit Fallout 76 with a friend. And we like to listen to eachother complain and talk shit about it. I also love griefing events and killing everything
on sight with my overpowered weapons. I especially enjoy when jaggofs come and do the thumb down and angory emoji like it supposed to make me stop or something keklmao.
5. What is your favorite post apocalyptic movie?
Can't have 1 favorite movie. I'd say Mad Max series, The Road(maybe) and another I can't remember now(no its not The Book of Eli)
6. What is your favorite Fallout-like?
ATOM RPG(hoping devs can count to 3) and Metro 2033/Last Light if we talking shooters. Exodus was a piece of trash, fuck that shit and anyone who says its good.
7. What is your favorite RPG not related to Fallout?
8. Did you enjoy taking this survey? :boy:
Yeah sure, I love a good circlejerk.
One of the LGBTQRSXYF mods in the NMA group actually deleted US from the group. By us I mean this website which the group is based on to begin with.
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