NMA Mothership Zeta review


Vault Consort
Staff member
The Dutch Ghost braves the mothership on NMA's behalf to see if there's any gaming goodness or just random probage.<blockquote>The NPCs the player meets are rather generic overall even with their different backgrounds, and despite some services they can provide the player he or she will likely have no lasting attachment to any of them. In some cases it’s even necessary to shoot them in order to get their unique clothing or weaponry, and once these characters have provided whatever the player needs or wants, the hesitation to get those items will not be big.

Most of the gameplay consists of a rather uninspired corridor shooting session that most of us have done hundreds of times before in FPS games with far more diversity. What little RPG elements there are don't have any of the choices or hard decisions players would expect from a Fallout game, only what path in the first part of the game to tackle first. All the player has to be sure of is that he or she has retrieved all the items they wanted from most of the ship as these sections are sealed off once the player has finished the finale.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta review
We mourn for the sacrifices, our brave comrade (with somewhat foolish dedication to duty :P) has made to bring this dire news to our attention.

I propose nominating him for the medal of "Purple Target"
Thanks for the effort!

What a bore you went through... instead, i was just playing a really awesome game, called "Plants vs zombies". Those guys from Popcap are great, with very simple graphics they made a fantastic game, extremely addictive and fun.
Good review. It tells the overall game in details and explains why some parts don't work or are badly designed.
Thank you for your suffering, Dutch. If only your reviews didn't make me want to play these damn things, I could be sincere. :evil:
JayGrey said:
Thank you for your suffering, Dutch. If only your reviews didn't make me want to play these damn things, I could be sincere. :evil:

Honestly man, don't bother with Mothership Zeta.

I would rather advice you not to play Fallout 3 or any of its DLC at all but if you honestly want too you are better off playing The Pitt, Broken Steel, and Point Lookout once.
The Pitt has a better plot then the main game, I have yet to play Broken Steel or Point Lookout, I will probably pick up the DLC 2 set to check them out, I'm a glutton for punishment.
I just can't stand that the Rednecks have super high hitpoints and do magic damage in Point Lookout. Totally kills all the immersion you might get from an otherwise neat environment.

Mothership Zeta wouldn't understand immersion if you drowned it.
Nice review, some stuff that I would have written differently, but overall a nice read. :ok:

Well for you eventualy. But I am thinking about the cost/performance ratio which is extremly poor with all of Bethesdas DLCs.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What would you have written Alec?
Nah, just some grammatical and stylistic choices you made, that I would have done differently.
The content is excellent.
Lovely review, really saves me the trouble of even having to touch this one before blowing it off.
alec said:
Nah, just some grammatical and stylistic choices you made, that I would have done differently.
The content is excellent.

Yeah, I still have to learn a lot about English grammar and sentence build up.