NMA Podcast Round 4 - Far Harbor and more

- Thread started June 8th 2016
- Thread regarding a pod cast
- Pod Cast definition: a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
- Private video
- No link to actual pod cast
You know, if you guys want to save time you could just tell us all the Chris did the Interview, but he did it while he was making breakfast at home and no one recorded it.

Looks like that's two of your posts now that have gone unanswered. I'm in the dark too
- Thread started June 8th 2016
- Thread regarding a pod cast
- Pod Cast definition: a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
- Private video
- No link to actual pod cast
You know, if you guys want to save time you could just tell us all the Chris did the Interview, but he did it while he was making breakfast at home and no one recorded it.

That's because I'm not done with it yet. Says so in the post. (I had to step away for a while to deal with something involving my roommates, and a sample felt like the best middle ground versus saying nothing until I was done.)

Once I get the video fully made, ripping the audio will be easy, then they'll be posted together. (I used part of a copyrighted song in the podcast video as well so I also had to ensure it wasn't flagged by YouTube.)

EDIT: I'm on the home stretch with this video/audio project. I couldn't find a way to get rid of most of the verbal call-outs from Teamspeak so unfortunately those will be part of the cast. I did however find out where to turn those off within the program so before we interview Chris, everyone will need to set their clients up to mute these.

That and we'll have to test for echos and reverb before we truly start.

EDIT #2: Finished at last. I'm compiling the video at present, and once the audio is stripped, I'll upload both to YouTube and link them to the forums. (The first render cut off three hours in. I'm trying again in another format, and if that doesn't work, multiple parts.)
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4 hours? I thought you guys were planning on cutting it down to 2 or so, at least it's not 7 hours long again.
That said, bad news. My work didn't accept my excuse to not come in. Someone just called me about the call-in from last night, that someone has to cover me or it's my job to work.

This is last minute I know, but I can't figure out another way to get my shift covered and free today up that won't look suspicious.

@Millim, let Chris know we'll have to postpone again, and send me the e-mail you used to reach him. I'll apologize for the delay.
That said, bad news. My work didn't accept my excuse to not come in. Someone just called me about the call-in from last night, that someone has to cover me or it's my job to work.

This is last minute I know, but I can't figure out another way to get my shift covered and free today up that won't look suspicious.

@Millim, let Chris know we'll have to postpone again, and send me the e-mail you used to reach him. I'll apologize for the delay.

No worries, just sent him an E-Mail.
I'll message you his E-Mail now.