NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

Oh my god the dialogue is HORRIBLE.
I actually sat through a few hours of this.
I saw grammatical errors in the already minimalistic dialogue system.
Ghoulrillas teaching broken English to a young boy.
"We dur Disciples. If you ain't killing, we ain't helping"
"We dur Operators. Grovel at our nice hair. If you ain't paying, we ain't helping"
"Dur Pack dur. Strength in numbers DUR. If you ain't strong, we ain't helping"
"Hi buddy I'm Gage. If you ain't raiding, i ain't helping"
I actually sat through a few hours of this.
I saw grammatical errors in the already minimalistic dialogue system.
Ghoulrillas teaching broken English to a young boy.
"We dur Disciples. If you ain't killing, we ain't helping"
"We dur Operators. Grovel at our nice hair. If you ain't paying, we ain't helping"
"Dur Pack dur. Strength in numbers DUR. If you ain't strong, we ain't helping"
"Hi buddy I'm Gage. If you ain't raiding, i ain't helping"

It's not just that. The voice acting. From EVERYONE. Ugh.

I've actively made a point to ignore everything to do with Fallout 4 to try and forget its existence. So every time I do watch something Fallout 4 related it's like a slap in the face.
It's not just that. The voice acting. From EVERYONE. Ugh.

I've actively made a point to ignore everything to do with Fallout 4 to try and forget its existence. So every time I do watch something Fallout 4 related it's like a slap in the face.

I got something a little different for you this time:


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I think AlChestBreach may very well want to kill himself.

Oh my god the dialogue is HORRIBLE.

23:14 is beautiful. He seems lost for something to say.

- Do cake walks end in death?
-mutters- Sometimes...
Surprised you haven't brought up the red grammatical error.
It's four words Bethesda. That's it, that's all you had to do. And you fucking screwed it up.
To be honest I'm shocked that the Bethesda writers know how to read.
Actually Emil is the only human on their writing team. They have a swimming pool filled with 3 manatees, and balls that say : "bombs", "faction", "radiant", "main", "prisoner", "cereal", "power armour", "ghouls", "magic", "dragons", "mutants", "science", "vault", "fifties", "dungeon", "soda" and "missing family member". Then they get the manatees to pick one ball each and just roll with it.
The idea that the Master and Father are both in the same universe makes me just turn away from Fallout 3&4 entirely.
The idea that Bethesdrones actually believe that Nuka World surpasses any of the New Vegas story DLC makes me sad. Not angry, just sad knowing that companies like Bethesda can throw shit at these kids and they'll eat it up.
The drones are what makes up most of gaming's audience these days, which is rather sad since it confirms a decline in quality as long as games are constantly hyped with flair, bling and gimmicks that are meaningless.

EDIT: Which is probably why I'll be sticking to indie or niche titles from now on.
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The drones are what makes up most of gaming's audience these days, which is rather sad since it confirms a decline in quality as long as games are constantly hyped with flair, bling and gimmicks that are meaningless.

Like the kiddies pissed off at pre-ordering No Man's Sky.

"These darn corporations. I trusted a previously unknown indie developer who had no track record and didn't show any of their development process. I knew multiplayer without buying PSPlus was too good to be true!"

OR the worse ones are.

"So what if Sean told a few porkies, you're just a hater and in an infinite universe how do you know there isn't multiplayer. Checkmate atheists."
Like the kiddies pissed off at pre-ordering No Man's Sky.

"These darn corporations. I trusted a previously unknown indie developer who had no track record and didn't show any of their development process. I knew multiplayer without buying PSPlus was too good to be true!"

OR the worse ones are.

"So what if Sean told a few porkies, you're just a hater and in an infinite universe how do you know there isn't multiplayer. Checkmate atheists."
Most of the response towards No Man's Sky is either buyer's remorse or tribal fanboy-ism. Only a select few of those responses are proper constructive critique (though I acknowledge that there is rather irrational hatred of the game that is just as negative as the fanboys).

My response to seeing rabid defense over No Man's Sky by fanboys is to immediately disregard the opinions of said No Man's Sky fanboys (the more rational ones are fine) because of some of their hostile and disgusting actions even before the game's release (sending death threats to Hello Games for announcing a delay was one of the most significant of said actions). The actions of some of them after release (like DDoS-ing Jim Sterling's website for his mixed review of the game) further vindicates my contempt and apathy towards those fanboys.
I think we should begin setting a date for this podcast now that its been over a week since the DLC has been out and most of us have seen or played the damn thing. Any day or time is good for me. What about you guys?
Any day after this Saturday is fine for me.
I've not even played it yet, I probably won't for a while, but I still have some things to say in terms of direction