NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

The idea that Bethesdrones actually believe that Nuka World surpasses any of the New Vegas story DLC makes me sad. Not angry, just sad knowing that companies like Bethesda can throw shit at these kids and they'll eat it up.
I am comforted by this. NV 1, 2 are rated the highest in the franchise and they are the least commercial. It would actually make me sad if fanboy's started playing 1, 2, NV and saying they were equally good. Let the Casi's hate. I rather an us/them then an melting pot of taste and ignorance.
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I am comforted by this. NV 1, 2 are rated the highest in the franchise and they are the least commercial. It would actually make me sad if fanboy's started playing 1, 2, NV and saying they were equally good. The the Casi's hate. I rather an us/them then an melting pot of taste and ignorance.

But what if, and it's a big if (bigger than Toddie's ego), the fanboys played said games and saw them for what they are? Near perfect.
What if they realized that the world and the story are not two separate entities, but they're actually meant to be interwoven? They could realize that the worlds of NV, 1 and 2, whilst "empty" and "boring" and "stupid dessert", made sense and were actual post-apocalyptic worlds.
They could realize that the different choices in Beyond the Beef, a side quest that is entirely optional- even when someone asks you to look into it- completely blows Fallout 4's MQ out of the water.
If they knew about the development issues, and Zenimax's decision to not have a competitor for its money-maker TES V, they would understand why some areas feel unfinished.

Wait, what the fuck am I saying? They have the mental capacity of a fucking carrot. And I checked, the average IQ of a carrot is 3.
I got something a little different for you this time:

OK, that...

What do I even say?

Some plebs have no taste, I swear.

I think we should begin setting a date for this podcast now that its been over a week since the DLC has been out and most of us have seen or played the damn thing. Any day or time is good for me. What about you guys?

Saturdays are my most common free days, this week included, so if the 17th is too soon, the 24th could also work.
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OK, that...

What do I even say?

Some plebs have no taste, I swear.

Saturdays are my most common free days, this week included, so if the 17th is too soon, the 24th could also work.

Seems good to me. I will be busy up to 20.09.2016
Saturdays are my most common free days, this week included, so if the 17th is too soon, the 24th could also work.
Saturday works good for me too. The 17th sounds good but we can push it to the 24th if anybody is going to be busy that day.
I'm not around on 17th, so I'd be in favour of the 24th.
Also, I still haven't finished Nuka World.
Saturday works good for me too. The 17th sounds good but we can push it to the 24th if anybody is going to be busy that day.

Then let's put up the 24th as a potential date.

Also, topics. Nuka World's the big one, and so is our overall opinion of Fallout 4 now that the DLC list has wrapped up, but let's add the 'No mods on PS4' thing. I got some good words about that.
Then let's put up the 24th as a potential date.

Also, topics. Nuka World's the big one, and so is our overall opinion of Fallout 4 now that the DLC list has wrapped up, but let's add the 'No mods on PS4' thing. I got some good words about that.
Sounds good. I'll put that up on the front page for topics. The list I made of all the crap I have seen from this DLC is almost 3 pages long. I am sure @Hassknecht and the others who have played this "solid exit" of a DLC will add more to the list.
I think I'm about halfway done with the DLC, shouldn't be too long. If I can motivate myself to drag my arse through it...
I'm genuinely pleased to see that there are so many Alchestbeach fans here. He's easily my favourite Youtuber. I love him but he's usually pretty upbeat and easy to please so if he is getting sick & tired of Nuka-World than that speaks volumes.

I know I haven't been here long and I don't know any of you very well but I'd be down to join the podcast. What timezone are y'all in?
I know I haven't been here long and I don't know any of you very well but I'd be down to join the podcast. What timezone are y'all in?
You are more then welcomed to join! :-D As I said before, anybody on NMA, veteran or new member, is more then welcomed to join the podcast. We usually go by the timezone from where @AgentBJ09 is from. His timezone is central time US and the podcast usually start around noon. We will be using Team Speak so if you don't have it you my want to learn how to use it. Anyway, we hope to see you there!
I got something a little different for you this time:
Why did you thumbs down a comment? That doesn't work anymore. Why does YouTube even keep the dislike button on the comment section anymore?
Well at least they didn't compared hating Bethesda to racism.


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Have any of you tried getting through the gauntlet on Survival Mode? It's horrible, even if you go in prepared. I really doubt they bothered to play test this content; not balanced at all. I think back to playing New Vegas on Hardcore Mode and Hard difficulty, and when I died, it felt more like it was my fault, that I got too cocky. Survival Mode just comes off as arbitrarily hard. I mean, fucking ants kill me in a few hits, and I'm level 42 with strong armor and good gear.
Have any of you tried getting through the gauntlet on Survival Mode? It's horrible, even if you go in prepared. I really doubt they bothered to play test this content; not balanced at all. I think back to playing New Vegas on Hardcore Mode and Hard difficulty, and when I died, it felt more like it was my fault, that I got too cocky. Survival Mode just comes off as arbitrarily hard. I mean, fucking ants kill me in a few hits, and I'm level 42 with strong armor and good gear.
Thing is that FO:NV was designed with Hardcore mode in mind. Survival mode was introduced later. In Hardcore mode, you need to use a Doctor's Bag to fix broken limbs. In Survival mode, you use Stimpaks because they didn't had Doctor's Bags and couldn't just add it later on.
Have any of you tried getting through the gauntlet on Survival Mode? It's horrible, even if you go in prepared. I really doubt they bothered to play test this content; not balanced at all. I think back to playing New Vegas on Hardcore Mode and Hard difficulty, and when I died, it felt more like it was my fault, that I got too cocky. Survival Mode just comes off as arbitrarily hard. I mean, fucking ants kill me in a few hits, and I'm level 42 with strong armor and good gear.

If Survival Mode does anything, it's make me happy that I prefer the sniper archetype for ARPGs. Of course, bullet sponge enemies really suck all the fun out of that.
Thing is that FO:NV was designed with Hardcore mode in mind. Survival mode was introduced later. In Hardcore mode, you need to use a Doctor's Bag to fix broken limbs. In Survival mode, you use Stimpaks because they didn't had Doctor's Bags and couldn't just add it later on.
Yeah, NV's hardcore mode feels natural, its design choices make sense. You have basic needs that are reasonably balanced, the items make sense (and go back to the original games in their functionality) and the game doesn't feel bullet spongy. Sure, the game gets hard (especially with Sawyer's Mod), but it remains fair and not too frustrating.
Survival mode feels tacked on, like a "rebalance"/"realistic"/"hardcore" mod. Everything becomes a bullet sponge, you get most arbitrary limitations to basic mechanics (yet stimpaks still work the same), and the basic needs are just there to frustrate you. Like Fallout 3: Wanderer Edition. Its main gameplay addition was frustration. Great, so now the game is not only boring, but also frustrating.
Hardcore mode feels like what the game was supposed to be right from the start, with "normal" mode just added for less experienced players. Survival mode feels like a mod designed for Let's Plays und RAAAAAGE moments.