Square doesn't need no DLCs. They can make a "whole" crappy game with the same effort, and sell it for much more. Plus, you can't really add dungeons or anything to FFXIII. Imagine a FFXIII DLC that adds "extra 100m of running-forward gameplay" :lol:
After experiencing Final Fantasy 8, I can safely say I do not give a shit about what they do. That game goes beyond stupid. For example, there are 3 soldiers. 2 of them got hit by a really powerful attack. One of them has throat lacerations. What does the survivor do? He tickles them and throws them off a cliff.
^ What the FUCK are you talking about, again?

OHHHHH, the Laguna backstory. Took me a moment. Umm, what would YOU do?
I dunno, I like FF8 the most maybe because it was the first one I played. Haven't touched it for years so I forgot all the silly things...
Could someone explain to me the appeal of FF games? They look like teen melodramas with bubble gum characters and combat that I can already experience in most decent flash games.

I've never ever played one so I might be ways off but I just can't bring myself to do so.
maximaz said:
Could someone explain to me the appeal of FF games? They look like teen melodramas with bubble gum characters and combat that I can already experience in most decent flash games.

I've never ever played one so I might be ways off but I just can't bring myself to do so.
They've become more-so that way since VII. Gameplay wise, IX or X has the best (VIII has a fucked magic system and XII is pure crap, the rest are fine). Story wise I'd say VI, VII, and IX are tops, with different focuses (VI certainly isn't a teen melodrama, I'd say that neither are the other two but they are more arguable, especially VII). They are good JRPGs (some for their time, others period) with the exception of XII, which was a shitty singleplayer MMO. I liked their characters up until X, when they decided to put in a stupid, whiny lead character with a 2D love interest and XII where they added two characters (one of them the "lead"/narrator) who were complete garbage and added for the single reason of appealing to the Japanese (they are completely irrelevant to the plot).

That said, the Final Fantasy series as a whole gets more hype than it deserves. Chrono Trigger is probably the best JRPG ever made and Super Mario RPG is second in terms of TB JRPG gameplay. Final Fantasy combat is better than any flash game I've played though.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ What the FUCK are you talking about, again?

OHHHHH, the Laguna backstory. Took me a moment. Umm, what would YOU do?
Cast a fucking Cure on him instead of tickling him. I mean gawd damn, I just spent 15 minutes drawing Cure, and he doesn't even use it.

EDIT: Oh yes, here is the scene in question, with awesome commentary from the Spoony One. Skip to 4:30 to see the idiocy happen.

I've played FF games since I on the NES, so I have a lot of nostalgia when it comes to FF. I loved IV, V, VI, VII (didn't like VIII), and I'm probably the only person here who liked X-2.

I'm rather excited about XIII.
Could you elaborate more on why you're excited? I'm genuinely curious. I'm considering picking one up just to be able to say that I've tried one.
maximaz said:
Could you elaborate more on why you're excited? I'm genuinely curious. I'm considering picking one up just to be able to say that I've tried one.

JRPG's are among my favourite types of games, and as such, any time a new Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest is coming, I get excited to play them. To me, FF and DQ represent the very best of the JRPG, and for the most part, I've never been let down.

As I said above, nostalgia also plays a big part of my excitement for these games. I played both the original FF and DQ on the original NES.
FF7 and 9 are awesome. 10 is decent, although the main character is really unlikable. 8 is a horrible, horrible game, and playing it is akin to eating broken glass.

I don't plan on getting a ps3 or 360 though, so I'll be passing on this one.
rcorporon said:
I've played FF games since I on the NES, so I have a lot of nostalgia when it comes to FF. I loved IV, V, VI, VII (didn't like VIII), and I'm probably the only person here who liked X-2.
Not a big fan of IX? I've heard good things about X-2's gameplay and what I saw of my roommate play looked decent but the dialogue that I saw was laughable at best, which didn't surprise me. I quite liked VIII's characters and story when I played it (back around when it was new) but the drawing sucks ass and the 2nd to last area locking you in pissed me off to no end. I went there at a little above level 20 without doing hardly any of the sidequests (which was about half of the game, something I take exception with) and got stuck in the final area being just barely unable to beat the final boss (at around level 30 with barely upgraded weapons). Needless to say, I've been much more liberal in my use of save slots ever since.

V didn't impress me, the idea of the different classes is kind of cool but the plot is pretty crap and gameplay wasn't interesting enough to me. I've heard good things about III, which also has classes, from a friend of mine so I need to give it a shot one of these days, though he likes V pretty well.

What did you think of XII?

rcorporon said:
JRPG's are among my favourite types of games, and as such, any time a new Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest is coming, I get excited to play them. To me, FF and DQ represent the very best of the JRPG, and for the most part, I've never been let down.
JRPGs are a mixed bag but I'm happy to see games increasingly diverging from the battle system of the original FF and DQ as it creates more variety. The fact that Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG are still at the top of the genre for me and are ignored doesn't help. The increasing focus on side-quests in them is killing them as it distracts from the plot (huge amounts of time, games like FFVIII and Last Remnant are about 50% sidequests) and offers poor rewards and the same gameplay and encounters. One of the reasons that I Chrono Trigger (and Super Mario RPG to a lesser extent) is where it is is because it was so concise, you were always advancing the plot and effecting the world so the game really never dragged (unless you needed to grind for Lavos).

XIII looks promising but I've been more interested in Versus XIII due to the description of the battle system. I liked Kingdom Hearts gameplay and would love to see it refined and expanded on. That said, XIII has me more excited than I've been for a FF game since probably VIII or IX, or the very start of X (if you don't play past ruins of Zanarkand [ie, stop before Besaid], then you might think that it's the best FF game). If it came out for PC or I had a PS3, I'd pick it up.
I dunno, I liked the Last Remnant quests, the battle system is fun (even if if a bit flawed) and the reward was usually adequate enough for fulfilling quests. What the game lacked was good writing, which I blame mostly on the translators. I was playing it as JPN VA+ subtitles, needless to say that the original dialogue is infinitely better (still not stellar) that English 0 at least it doesn't feel like it was written by someone mentally retarded.
But are the sidequests as good as the main story quests? If no then why are they there? To lengthen the game. Depending on how much worse they are than the main quest and how much they drag out the game (thus how much mileage the gameplay has in it), it's more or less of a problem. Post game quests make a lot more sense to me as they add on gameplay to the end of the game once you've finished it rather than the middle of the game, making it drag and spreading out the story, often too thin.
UncannyGarlic said:
But are the sidequests as good as the main story quests? If no then why are they there? To lengthen the game. Depending on how much worse they are than the main quest and how much they drag out the game (thus how much mileage the gameplay has in it), it's more or less of a problem. Post game quests make a lot more sense to me as they add on gameplay to the end of the game once you've finished it rather than the middle of the game, making it drag and spreading out the story, often too thin.

I felt like gameplay-wise, sidequests were fun, some offered cool battles akin to what you'd find in the main quests; others are obvious fillers. The writing though...

Just like any Square Enix game, you could beat it in under 40 hours or spend 100+ hours on it; the difference from other Square games I've played is that they've actually bothered to make quests rather than having you simply explore the terrain, battling RE monsters all the time.
UncannyGarlic said:
Not a big fan of IX? I've heard good things about X-2's gameplay and what I saw of my roommate play looked decent but the dialogue that I saw was laughable at best, which didn't surprise me. I quite liked VIII's characters and story when I played it (back around when it was new) but the drawing sucks ass and the 2nd to last area locking you in pissed me off to no end. I went there at a little above level 20 without doing hardly any of the sidequests (which was about half of the game, something I take exception with) and got stuck in the final area being just barely unable to beat the final boss (at around level 30 with barely upgraded weapons). Needless to say, I've been much more liberal in my use of save slots ever since.

I never got around to playing IX... I own a copy of it, and plan on beating it this summer.

Final Fantasy X was my absolute favourite FF game, so it was really neat for me to see the world / story continued in X2. The writing was so-so, but the overall story was pretty cool, and I liked the ending.

V didn't impress me, the idea of the different classes is kind of cool but the plot is pretty crap and gameplay wasn't interesting enough to me. I've heard good things about III, which also has classes, from a friend of mine so I need to give it a shot one of these days, though he likes V pretty well.

What did you think of XII?

I loved the job system. FF:Tactics is an awesome game, and the job system was quite cool. I'd like to see it return to FF.

I never got through XII, as I ended up in an area that I was too low level, and didn't want to grind it out. I plan on finishing it sometime. I liked the characters in it... the bunny eared girl was cool.

JRPGs are a mixed bag but I'm happy to see games increasingly diverging from the battle system of the original FF and DQ as it creates more variety. The fact that Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG are still at the top of the genre for me and are ignored doesn't help. The increasing focus on side-quests in them is killing them as it distracts from the plot (huge amounts of time, games like FFVIII and Last Remnant are about 50% sidequests) and offers poor rewards and the same gameplay and encounters. One of the reasons that I Chrono Trigger (and Super Mario RPG to a lesser extent) is where it is is because it was so concise, you were always advancing the plot and effecting the world so the game really never dragged (unless you needed to grind for Lavos).

XIII looks promising but I've been more interested in Versus XIII due to the description of the battle system. I liked Kingdom Hearts gameplay and would love to see it refined and expanded on. That said, XIII has me more excited than I've been for a FF game since probably VIII or IX, or the very start of X (if you don't play past ruins of Zanarkand [ie, stop before Besaid], then you might think that it's the best FF game). If it came out for PC or I had a PS3, I'd pick it up.

I agree about the mixed bag, and sadly, in terms of current gen, only "Lost Odyssey" has been decent. "White Knight" seems OK, but its getting mixed reviews. Some JSRPG's have been awesome (Cross Edge, Disgaea 3, and Valkyria Chronicles) but in terms of a real JRPG, you're right...

XIII seems cool, and the production value looks to be through the roof. Also, it doesn't look like it will be a "teenage melodrama" at all.
As far as Final Fantasy goes, I liked the early ones, Final Fantasy IV, V and VI. I, II and III I didn't try (for long), even though there were some nice remakes. I played VII up to a point, but I didn't play it back on its day, I played it recently, so I don't know, I just got bored at Junon and gave up.

Some spinoffs are good too, like Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Dissidia, but neither are good as RPGs, but as other genres. Crisis Core ends way too quick and isn't very free-roaming, Dissidia, well, is a fighting game with levels. Both are great but as RPGs are not the top choices, same goes for the proper series.

Final Fantasy VI, my favourite, has a great story, combat and progressing, easter eggs, characters, it has everything. Even still, there are better RPGs for the SNES.
OakTable said:
Ausdoerrt said:
^ What the FUCK are you talking about, again?

OHHHHH, the Laguna backstory. Took me a moment. Umm, what would YOU do?
Cast a fucking Cure on him instead of tickling him. I mean gawd damn, I just spent 15 minutes drawing Cure, and he doesn't even use it.

EDIT: Oh yes, here is the scene in question, with awesome commentary from the Spoony One. Skip to 4:30 to see the idiocy happen.


Ooh, that was a pretty amusing review. Thanks for the link :)