Norwegian Massacre


Antediluvian as Feck
There is terrible news of a Massacre in Norway - This appears to be the act of a Neo-Nazi movement in Norway.

Police say 80 people died on Utoya island when a gunman opened fire on a youth camp attended by members of the governing Labour Party.

The massacre came after a huge bomb exploded outside government buildings in Oslo, killing at least seven people and leaving buildings in ruins.

Police say the two attacks are linked and have named the suspected gunman as 32-year-old Norwegian man Anders Behring Breivik. He was arrested on Utoya and is currently being questioned by police.
More facts will come out in the next day or so, but I feel for the people of Norway. Are there liberal guns laws in the country? How can one person kill so many without the police intervening.

This appears to be the individual involved.

One man with gun, rifle and shotgun on a small island with 500 people.

Deathcount so far is 87 dead and rising.
" considering himself a Christian, conservative, nationalist[40] and a one-time Freemason.[43] His social-media accounts identify him as an admirer of Winston Churchill and anti-nazi World War II hero Max Manus,[42] as well as social liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill (whom he quoted on his Twitter account before the incident).[44]. And according to his Facebook he was really into World of Warcraft"
Well, he is white, conservative and christian, so it has to be videogames that are to be blamed.
He was armed. You can talk tough as long as you want, but standing up to an armed man running around shooting people is entirely different in real life than it is on paper.
Just imagine the scenario, you're on a tiny forested island with serialkiller wearing a sniperrifle. Nightmare fuel.

If you're a regular person you just panick and run, hide...those who jumped into the water were actually the smartest.
AskWazzup said:
I'm just trying to be racional.

Thats your problem.

You wouldn't and couldn't be rational in this situation.

Your instincts would take over an you would run an pray for your life like anybody else. This is no goddam Hollywood movie where John McClane saves the day.
AskWazzup said:
You're talking as if that's what everybody does every time, when in fact that is not the truth. Just out of the top of my head, i can recall a situation where a crazed killer, in my country, was killing of people in a remote village, but a few brave souls mustered the courage to act and captured the armed bastard.
And the passengers of one of the 9.11 planes tried to stop the terrorists. It does happen that people sometimes do "heroic" things. But it is very unusual for people to do such things and even the police say that one should rather flee and hide then trying to attack. Because even they know that such things end rather in more kills then actually stopping the attacker. Runing away to save their lifes is exactly what "usually" everybody will do every time. Anything else would be a exception. Particularly if you know the attacker is armed and you not.

AskWazzup said:
I'm not trying to talk tough, i'm just trying to be rational. If you see a man murdering innocent children, you shouldn't sit on your ass somewhere in a corner. It's not like they were in an open field and the killer had to reload his gun at some point.
To get in panic is rational for most humans. It requires much training and exercise to overcome this and even well trained Soldiers get often enough in the face of death in panic. And those are most of the time even "armed" so capable of "shooting back". One of the main reasons for the constant drill is to get a routine and thus avoid the usual course of panicking.

As Hassknecht said. It is easy to theorize. But who knows how anyone of us would really act in such situations. Or anything that would be similar. Getting in panic and loosing your head though is usually normal.

Hassknecht said:
Well, he is white, conservative and christian, so it has to be videogames that are to be blamed.

Good he was not brown, foreigner and muslim otherwise they would have blamed the Islam.

One has to love the news media today ... I wish they would stop saying "islamic terrorists" and only talk about "terrorists". One who knows about the Islam would realize that the Islam and terrorism does not go well together.

Anyway. Who knows. This guy might be simply crazy like the people which did the Oklahoma City bombing.
AskWazzup said:
You have an island, with plenty of bushes, trees and uneven terrain.. Good spots for an ambush... You have one armed killer (who isn't very physically imposing) and 500 people, of which, at least 10-20 should be responsible grown ups.

Nobody even tried to fight the assailant????

And your later post - what would the grown-up politians do ? Spit words or papers at him ? I understood there was a guard on the island, but it wasn't said hwether he was armed or not. Running into a gun empty-handed doesn't sound too heroic, or smart for that matter.

Also - there was a children's summer camp there. Who would have thought of popping a van full of armed guards onto a peaceful island where kids play ?

I feel for the people whose friends or family were victims. It's going to shake up the Scandinavia a tiny bit, alright.
AskWazzup said:
iii said:
AskWazzup said:
I'm just trying to be racional.

Thats your problem.

You wouldn't and couldn't be rational in this situation.

Your instincts would take over an you would run an pray for your life like anybody else. This is no goddam Hollywood movie where John McClane saves the day.

You're talking as if that's what everybody does every time, when in fact that is not the truth. Just out of the top of my head, i can recall a situation where a crazed killer, in my country, was killing of people in a remote village, but a few brave souls mustered the courage to act and captured the armed bastard.

That kind of cowardly thinking is what is wrong with our society today, when you see a gang of dumbasses kicking and beating a man on the ground and nobody pays any attention...

So you are calling those people cowards?
He was shooting people for over an hour - where the fuck were the police...I realise they had a lot on their mind that day, but I'm sure everybody on that island who had a mobile phone tried to call for help, and yet he was still killing people more than an hour after he started. :?
.Pixote. said:
He was shooting people for over an hour - where the fuck were the police...I realise they had a lot on their mind that day, but I'm sure everybody on that island who had a mobile phone tried to call for help, and yet he was still killing people more than an hour after he started. :?

That was in concert with the explosions, wasn't it ? That's where your police was at. The cell-phone lines were probably hot because of that.

He planned the attack to coincide with the panic the bombs would incite
AskWazzup said:
You're talking as if that's what everybody does every time, when in fact that is not the truth. Just out of the top of my head, i can recall a situation where a crazed killer, in my country, was killing of people in a remote village, but a few brave souls mustered the courage to act and captured the armed bastard.

The "few brave souls" thing is what's important. If you're with a group of people, you could possibly overwhelm the attacker. One person trying to jump the crazy motherfucker out in the open while everyone is running around panicking is just going to add +1 to the bodycount. For all we know, people DID try to stop him and ended up dead.

AskWazzup said:
That kind of cowardly thinking is what is wrong with our society today, when you see a gang of dumbasses kicking and beating a man on the ground and nobody pays any attention...

Nobody pays any attention because unless they're armed, they'll just get stabbed/shot/beat down as well. Or if they ARE armed, what are they going to do? Draw their weapon and instruct the ghetto trash to step away from the victim? What do you do when they tell you to fuck off, and continue beating the man? If you shoot them, you're going to get sued by the ghetto scumbag's family, and will be looking at prison time.

Being a good samaritan just isn't worth it. It's the same reason where if you see someone in the street drop to the ground with a heart attack, you call 911 and keep walking. If you try to help him, he can sue you if something goes wrong.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
AskWazzup said:
That kind of cowardly thinking is what is wrong with our society today, when you see a gang of dumbasses kicking and beating a man on the ground and nobody pays any attention...

Nobody pays any attention because unless they're armed, they'll just get stabbed/shot/beat down as well. Or if they ARE armed, what are they going to do? Draw their weapon and instruct the ghetto trash to step away from the victim? What do you do when they tell you to fuck off, and continue beating the man? If you shoot them, you're going to get sued by the ghetto scumbag's family, and will be looking at prison time.

Being a good samaritan just isn't worth it. It's the same reason where if you see someone in the street drop to the ground with a heart attack, you call 911 and keep walking. If you try to help him, he can sue you if something goes wrong.

Also - Phil's got a point here. I understand that this situation was different - but in todays age I heard several stories where a person steps into a fight, gets beaten up and then faces a lawsuit. It's not that black and white - out post-modernist society is fubar in the head in every imaginable way õ_o

fedaykin said:
But but but....Fox News told me only muslims do terrorism! :shock:
väga naljakas (very funny...)