Norwegian Massacre

Yes. On one hand, one shouldn't be playing cards when judging a case - on the other, that guy talking was one of the "expert witnesses" coming in to simply "hold a speech" about psychology. It wasn't necesarily a vital testimony.

Altho I personally would have replaced a judge being bored at such a time. hell, even I watched this from home, and I managed to pay attention to all of the dudes speech, it really wasn't all that boring. a bit dry and nerdy perhaps, but still.

The box of tissues aren't that much of a surprise, considering the first two-three weeks of it, when they systematically addressed every single dead - in detail - and then every survivor. These testimonies were not shown to the public. They were refered in detail on NRK's websites (in norwegian) and lots of it is rather harsh reading, even despite NRK's guidelines (they summarize the more graphic testimonies)
The thing is, the judges aren't frickin' paid to not listen to a testimony, regardless of how boring it may be. They are paid to listen to ALL the testimonies and evidence presented, and then dispense a verdict.

Besides, it sets a bad example - this time the defendant is a murderous loon without a reasonable doubt, but perhaps the next case will not be as clear-cut, and the judge might have developed a bad habit of not listening to testimony by then.