Now Loading (and Pencil Sketch)


First time out of the vault
Some fanart based on one of the most ('interesting'? 'Cause she sure as hell isn't 'useful' or 'good') NPCs in Fallout 2 - the pictures are big (ahem), so in the interest of saving space I'll just link to them.

Miria - Now Loading

Miria - Now Loading (pencil sketch)

I had the sketch idea before I decided to import it into Illustrator to give it some colour and a more professional look. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to use a '50's Astro-Boy-esque style (or something like Fallout Boy), but I'm not really at home in that art style and I'm not sure I could do it justice.

Thoughts? Please don't pull any punches.
It's interesting. I don't know if that's what I'd imagine Miria looking like, and the face is creepy anime style, but the rest looks pretty good to me.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
*Casts 'Summon Wooz'

*Materializes into existence*


To make it worse, it's anime.

Please, stick to drawing pokemons if all you can sketch is a copy of a copy of an uniformized, shallow and utterly tasteless drawing style.

Or learn how to draw. Kthx.

Thoughts? Please don't pull any punches.

Whoops. Sorry.

pic 2: anime face ok, lets go with that. boobs..kind of low on body! crotch, kind of crazy wide no?

pic1 doesnt even load
Okay, wrong crowd for manga-style art. Ehh, can't help that.

Ratsnack: Mkay - non-flame comments a plus. Proportionally all I had to go on was the in-game character model. Also, fabric creases didn't come off so well in the pencil sketch.

Re: pic 1, my crystal ball's as good as yours. I submitted the pic using a PC, yet the only computer I've used that's able to view it is a last-generation iMac.
naverhtrad said:
What, at being uniform, shallow and utterly tasteless? I think that would be a losing battle, myself.
haha, while funny, i dont think you want to start a shooting war...

luckily, Woozy is still on holidays and doesnt check NMA much (iirc).
I'm not in the habit of starting flame wars. But if I get a chance at the metaphorical massive critical in the groin on a flamer, well... I'm sure you can appreciate the strength of the temptation.

Still, discretion would appear to have been the better part of valour in this case. Wouldn't want to antagonise a mod before I even get past the 10-post mark.
naverhtrad said:
I'm not in the habit of starting flame wars. But if I get a chance at the metaphorical massive critical in the groin on a flamer, well... I'm sure you can appreciate the strength of the temptation.
Chill man, we're on the internetz... Art will always be art. opinions will always be opinions. If someone says something sucks that goes for that person, and the artist will just have to deal with it. So don't bother.

naverhtrad said:
Still, discretion would appear to have been the better part of valour in this case. Wouldn't want to antagonise a mod before I even get past the 10-post mark.
If Wooz misbehaves, he'll have higher instances throwing garbage on him, so don't worry. They have rules too you know.
for me, the first (colored) pic is loading...forever

hmm... it seems that radiation causes eye deformity....:) (actually i don't have anything against mangish draw style)
I like your effort, keep it up. :ok:
Brother None said:
Upload it again, might just be an error because of the upload

Checked your second upload, it had the same problem. Dunno what it is, something with the format