NPC Armor

Since my dog meat can't have Kevlar, maybe we should take all the H&Ks out of the game, also caseless ammo isn't cannon, blah.

We don't have to call the armour Kevlar in its description, we can find a compromise later. We can use Glovs idea: "modified form of Combat Armor" in its description. It does not need to be green, the LAPD frms are fine. Leave my dog meat alone :evil:
Dont worry Dude, Dogmeat will get his
new threads. (providing someone can
figure out how to put in a new dialogue
and do the scripting stuff)

Actually, animals FRM's are soooo much
easier to change than humanoids as they
dont have pesky left/right hand bias (making
them flippable) and they dont use weapons
(giving them far less sequences)
How about this for the
Doggiebody armour item

I know some people who would made an excellent, (probably) rightly worn item from that. :ok:
All right fellas, you are putting armor on Dogmeat now. I been keepin an eye on this project for a while, but now you have me. Keep up the work guys, looks great. Now, how about K-9, cyberdog and Goris? I guess just adding a dialog to improve the armor on the robo dogs without changing looks would be ok. I love having all three dogs in my party, though cyberdog could use another advancement step, it would be awesome to be able to use the three to the end. :clap:
Solon said:
All right fellas, you are putting armor on Dogmeat now. I been keepin an eye on this project for a while, but now you have me. Keep up the work guys, looks great. Now, how about K-9, cyberdog and Goris? I guess just adding a dialog to improve the armor on the robo dogs without changing looks would be ok. I love having all three dogs in my party, though cyberdog could use another advancement step, it would be awesome to be able to use the three to the end. :clap:

Hmmm, Yes, I know what you mean.
But this might be stepping too far into
the dangerous realm of game balance .....
lol @ game balance. We ARE talking about Fallout 2 here, I don't recall much game balance from day one. :lol: Anyhow keep truckin.
I'm really too busy to finish metal cassidy in a timely manner, I think it would be best if I just emailed you what I've got so far (Admittedly not much). Sorry about that, I underestimated how busy I'd get.
No worries Paravel. I already
PM'd you my email adress so
you can send me what you've
done and i'll finish him off.
Thanks for helping out!
Do you have MrBean01's files? since he disappeared we don't have a pimped Ghoul. Are you planning on finishing what he started, or going with your own thing?

Once again, thanks for this (especially Dogmeat), and thanks for not disappearing on us :)
MrBean01 worked on a ghoul!? I had no idea.
Sounds interesting ... Please re-appear MrBean!

Once again, thanks for this (especially Dogmeat), and thanks for not disappearing on us Smile

Its our pleasure. Like Killap i always finish what i

BTW, MIB88 is scripting the Doggiebody armour now
and it'll work something like this:

+15 AC
+40 DR vs. normal damage
+10 DR vs. explode, plasma, laser, fire.

Its not as good as i'd hoped but we're unable
to script DT.... unless anyone knows how to
ad DT into a new NPC armour item?
Thats pretty cool, man. I particularly
like the long hair ian sprite. If they
finish this it would be awesome to
bring him into FO2.

Regarding MrBeans work on Lenny and
Myron on P3: if that is all he did for
them it's not much use, to be honest.
hehehe, the combat armor with blue pants is awesome. It'll be great once it's part of the game=> that's very realistic as regards characters as Ian who already wear a blue pants, 'cause sometimes we could wonder where the usual brown pants comes from. Great work.