NPC Armor

Thanks for the comments.
Yes, the basic vest is not scruffy
enough, and a bit too - bold. I'll
ruff it up a bit.

BTW, is the text on dogmeat
readable? also, are the icons
on cassidy's armour distiguishable?

Jotisz has done an alternative
deisgn for the K9 kevlar - but
im having trouble posting it.
I'll try again:


EDIT: dammit! anyone know why
image links come up broken sometimes?
Im using
Its because you are linking BMP files, JPG for teh win. It says NYPD I think. Is Jotisz's one the NCR flag? I prefer the NYPD one.

cassidy's armour is super hot! Yes I can make out the icons.
Yeah, Josan is doing a tremendous job on that animations. Just wanted to say that, howgh.

Thumbs up, no matter what he's currently working on. :ok:
Not so sure about the doggy armor, but the animation looks good. Maybe a bit fast but is that because of the .gif or will it be like that in game?
Glovz its only the gif if the frames are recompiled then they have the original speed. I wanted to finish this armour in this month but I won't be able to make it in time. I overestimated my free time, but not much animation left so it will be done soon but not in this month
Thanks Mr. Wolna
How goes the Uniq Critter Mod? (Metzger and the police armor)

@Jotisz, i really like the style of your dogmeat armor. I think it looks a lot better than the one Josan made (somehow i don't see a dog using kevlar).

@Josan, nice job on cassidy, you've done more than i expected ;O
When you have finished your current NPCs, do you have any plans for Davin/Miria? They are not so important, so no matter if you skip them, the new sniper animation is more important IMO.
Dude101 said:
When you have finished your current NPCs, do you have any plans for Davin/Miria? They are not so important, so no matter if you skip them, the new sniper animation is more important IMO.

Sorry, no plans for Miria / Davin as yet. Jotisz and
i will probably take a look at how many sequences
they have and decide based on that.

So which dogmeat armour would you guys like to


Can someone please tell me how i do, from a normal game, extract the FRMs so i can edit them and create different ones?

Like step by step and what progs to use to view them, edit, etc.
Maybe i'll have time to make some stuff.
Demonslayer said:
Maybe i'll have time to make some stuff.

What do you want to do? PM me and i can
offer some tricks and time-savers or if you
have specific questions.

Back to the dogmeat armour - If anyone has
a preference speak now or forever hold your
I like the blue version of the non-kevlar armor more, but a kevlar version isn't too bad either :)
The blue one looks like a silly cape

Go for the Kevlar one but put on NRCP (for NRC Police) instead if possible.

The kevlar fits better into the universe (what with all the advanced polymers in it - think powerarmour and combat armour description)