NPC Armor

Hehe, I've just been testing editing frms, and this is what I came up with... possibly the coolest ghoul ever?

Nice Ghul! I would love to see this ingame and working. :)
Thank for the kind feedback! I did this as a test for the Fallout races mod, to see how hard it would be to have a fully functional ghoul hero character. Anything that requires slimming or fattening a character is going to be veeeery labor intensive, so NPC's like Vic are going to be challenging... although the thought of Power Armor with a gut seems too good to pass up...

For the time being, I think I'll see how far I can get with Lenny, since most of his animations are similar to the regular human males...

Fallout ranger, let me know if this overlaps with what you're doing. You've already done great work with Cassidy and Sulik, so hopefully this will fit in nicely as well.
I'm currently doing Lenny's metal prototype, and I got to thinking... all this work for one wimpy character... doesn't seem too worthwhile. But then, I remembered Myron, the only one wimpier than Lenny. Slapping the custom Lenny armor graphics over Myron's base image produced this with only minimal tweaking:


So now, it seems I'll be doing all this work for TWO wimpy characters! Luckily they have almost identical animations and weapons, so here's to 2 birds with 1 stone.
MrBean01 said:
Slapping the custom Lenny armor graphics over Myron's base image produced this with only minimal tweaking:

So now, it seems I'll be doing all this work for TWO wimpy characters! Luckily they have almost identical animations and weapons, so here's to 2 birds with 1 stone.

Great looking work! What about leaving Myron's red sneakers alone? Might be easier and it'd look neat. Kind of like Fallout Ranger's Sulik with bare feet :D
The Masticator said:
What about leaving Myron's red sneakers alone? Might be easier and it'd look neat. Kind of like Fallout Ranger's Sulik with bare feet :D

Ya know, that could be brilliant. Not only would it save loads of time, it'll also set myron apart... Metal armor + Red sneakers... only Myron can pull that off... :lol:
Ok, seems like all my preliminary tests are done for Lenny and Myron:

Lenny in Leather:

Lenny in Metal:

Myron in Leather:

and Myron in Metal:

I really dig the exposed red sneakers. Makes Myron look like a little boy in oversized armor, which is exactly what he is.

So here's what I have planned:

Leather Jacket, Leather Armor & Metal Armor: Fully develop for both Lenny and Myron.

Combat Armor: Too complicated to personalize to the same degree, so I'll try making a "skinny" version of the existing male combat armor model. This skinny CA model can be used for both Lenny and Myron, unless we want to continue with Myron's "lucky red shoes" theme.

PA and Adv. PA: Existing graphics for both... unless we can somehow easily "nerdify" Myron's...
MrBean01 said:
This skinny CA model can be used for both Lenny and Myron, unless we want to continue with Myron's "lucky red shoes" theme.

Damn MrBean! This looks great! I'd be all for leaving the red shoes on for the Combat Armor. If you need any help doing some of the gruntwork, I'd be more than happy to help with all the cut and paste tedium to speed up the process. The sheer number of frames is pretty massive, and I'd love to see this project ready to go in time for Killaps expansion release sometime in November. I'm on a mac, so I don't have access to thex .frm extractors. But I've got more than years of photoshop experience under my belt that I'd love to put to use on this project.

MrBean01 said:
PA and Adv. PA: Existing graphics for both... unless we can somehow easily "nerdify" Myron's...
The downside of the mighty PA is that it takes away all the personalization of each of your NPCs and they just become an army of faceless tin men. I'm going to mull this over a bit and see if I can't come up with an overwhelmingly good idea for Vic, Lenny and Myron. Cassidy is taken care of with the helmetless paladin and Sulik has the great looking tribal armor that Fallout Ranger is working on.
So.. It's finally happening.. I never actually thought people would gather togher to make NPC armour FRMs.

Great work so far people love to see some in game screens as well

Keep up the good work!
I felt that I should help a bit here is South East and East views of metal armored Vic.

If you like this I'll make the other 4 view too
I'm doing other things so I can't make the frms but you can with the cut and paste process.
Great work, everyone. I was thinking about Sulik, though. I never liked that his CGI version was bald, but his isometric version had hair... and no tats. Any plans to rectify this inconsistency?
Idiotfool said:
Great work, everyone. I was thinking about Sulik, though. I never liked that his CGI version was bald, but his isometric version had hair... and no tats. Any plans to rectify this inconsistency?

That'd be an incredible amount of work... not sure if anyone's up to it. In other news, I'm getting busy with work, but I'll try to do some preliminary animation tests with Myron/Lenny this week, to make sure everything looks ok when switching between frames. If everything looks good, we can start mass production!