NPC Armor

How is it more work than what's being done already? Just swap the hair part of his head with bald Cassidy's and bingo presto!
Yes, but there are many animations... and this means a lot of work... a lot... uh.
Idiotfool said:
Great work, everyone. I was thinking about Sulik, though. I never liked that his CGI version was bald, but his isometric version had hair... and no tats. Any plans to rectify this inconsistency?

If you can extract all the .frm files of Sulik and a bald headed guy and email them to me, I'd be happy to make him bald and put on the tats. Maybe even a couple of antique white pixels for the bone in his nose. But I'm on a mac, so I can't extract or repack the files myself. If you're willing to do that part, I'm willing to make the generic tribal into Sulik.
The Masticator said:
If you can extract all the .frm files of Sulik and a bald headed guy and email them to me, I'd be happy to make him bald and put on the tats. Maybe even a couple of antique white pixels for the bone in his nose. But I'm on a mac, so I can't extract or repack the files myself. If you're willing to do that part, I'm willing to make the generic tribal into Sulik.

Hey Masticator, as soon as I finish testing the animation, I'll get you started! :D
I'm really interested in this project. How it is going, buddies?

Keep up the good work, and the news!
I Love the myron pictures

Brotherhood armour would be awesome. And lenny just looks Really cool. If i ever get my fallout 2 working i would be glad to help 8-)
There's a lot of frames... but... more people involved in this project = better chances to finish it.

I wish you luck guys :)
This is a great idea. This is one thing FO2 has sorely
needed to make it complete. I would love to help out with
the grunt work to make it happen. But im in the same
situation as Masticator - im on a Mac and cant unpack frm's.

Send some my way and i'll be ready to go!
Great job so far guys. Keep up the good work. It always annoyed me that sulik looked like a normal tribal. And That was exactly how i pictured myron to look like first time i put metal armor on him.

Awesome! If i get my fallout 2 working And learn to mod i could help. But unfortunately That wont be till christmass
Hello all,

Well, jositz and i have almost finished Vic
in metal armour - gut poking out and everything.
Its alot of frames. i didnt count how many but
its at least 1000. But i find it easy with some
TV or music. :)

Is it my imagination or cant we just flip the east
view to make the west? and also with the others?
If so that would save a huge amount of time.

How are the other NPS's going?
Josan12 said:
Is it my imagination or cant we just flip the east
view to make the west? and also with the others?
If so that would save a huge amount of time.

I don't know but if it's the same for both sides it'll take 50% less time to do (except for leather jacket that has one arm without sleeve).
That would save time, but the problem with flipping the images is that a person holding a gun in their right hand facing one way will be holding it in their left when facing the other way. Same for armor decals or any other asymmetrical features. If the original frames are mirror images of each other, you can probably flip yours.
Josan12 said:
Is it my imagination or cant we just flip the east
view to make the west? and also with the others?
If so that would save a huge amount of time.

I'm afraid the frames aren't mirrored. Weapons, and clothing asymetry would be all screwed up, as would the attack animations. The NPC would be attacking with the wrong hand etc. To do it right you've just got to do the grind.

I still haven't heard from anyone willing ot send me (mac user) the .frm files so I can help with this cut and past grunt work. I'm more than happy to donate my time, but I can't do anything without the files. We mac users can't extract the .frm material.
The Masticator said:
I'm afraid the frames aren't mirrored. Weapons, and clothing asymetry would be all screwed up, as would the attack animations. The NPC would be attacking with the wrong hand etc. To do it right you've just got to do the grind.
True, each direction is unique.
Yeah, you guys are right. But keep it
in mind, just in case you come across
a set of frames that can be mirrored.

So who is doing what? We dont want
to tread on each others toes with this
job, so make sure you post what you're
working on.
Combat and Power Armor: add scrawlings and decorations
All others : no shoes, add tribal head (slightly diffeent than normal)

Please leave the shoes on.... :|
Huh? For Sulik? I think it makes sense for Sulik to remain barefooted in any armor besides combat and power, plus it helps to preserve his individuality so everyone doesn't look too similar.