NPC Armor

Kyuu said:
Huh? For Sulik? I think it makes sense for Sulik to remain barefooted in any armor besides combat and power, plus it helps to preserve his individuality so everyone doesn't look too similar.

Alright then. I guess its fine as long as I don't have to look at Sulik's feet for the entire game.
Josan12 said:
So who is doing what? We dont want
to tread on each others toes with this
job, so make sure you post what you're
working on.

Sorry for the lack of updates on my part... work's been kicking my butt, but Josan, I don't think anyone has mentioned doing anything with Vic, so you could keep going if you want, although I can definitely understand if you want to move on to someone else... :)

The only NPC's I've worked on are Myron and Lenny. They are similar in build and have the same animations, so it basically halves the work.

I believe Fallout Ranger has got Sulik and Cassidy.

Masticator, I'll pm you to work out getting you started.
Hi guys!
Josan helped me out in the works he mentioned about flipping the views which I think can be possible if we change the armor looks in the case of metal armor to something like this well what do you think?
Yeah, Vic is definately the most difficult NPC. That
damn gut messes things up! But im almost done
so its all good.

I think jotisz has an idea with the asymetrical
armour. Anything that saves time& labour is worth
considering. we could effectively make metal armour
symetrical (like Combat and leather armour)
so in any animations where the character isnt holding
anything flipping should work. Anyone agree?

i would be ok keeping the one arm leather jacket as
is just cos its so legendary. :)

Also - could someone who knows the script post up which
animations are unused for which NPCs?
we dont want to waste time on
animations which were never scripted.
Hey guys, this looks really good so far, it will make a massive difference to the b-team mod and GUP (ehh, it will all end up in the mega mod anyway ;) )

Anyway as long as you guys are pixel editing things is there any chance you could finish off this for me, it needs to be added for every armour type the player can wear and for any critters who want to be able to use it.

Wild_qwerty said:
I introduce the "Flick X-Box", the bow flicks out from each side of the rifle stock and then luanches the bolt. This is because when you walk around with the rifle the animation doesnt have a bow, so it has to flick out for just this attack.

The attack will use the un-used continious attack from the rifle, which I think sprays out in a wedge shape, so maybe the flick bow fires multibow bolts/arrows at the same time?

Coments welcome :D they might need a little more work yet

For thread here
Love the crossbow! I'm wondering what death animation would go it that... *twang* *thunk* *Chest explode* :mrgreen:

I've also been in contact with Masticator, and he's got access to all the files to start work on Myron and Lenny, so hopefully we'll get some good progress going on that.
For the crossbow, it's a fantastic idea, but ditch the recoil, real ones don't have it.

Yes, seriously, ditch the recoil, it looks supercorny and isn't realistic.

Unfortunately this would mean redoing all of the FRMs. Its based on a basic rifle animation which does have a recoil.

Its not going to be possible to remove it so its unfortunate that you don't particularly like it.
I am loving the crossbow idea, that is one of the first weapons to emerge from the ashes of a nuclear war, I think I read some ware about something called a stone bow that might be more fallout as it uses any small round object (stones but lead balls where used) in place of arrows.
I don't really like the crossbow animation that much.
Looks like it's been done on paint or something :?

I would rather have the party memebers with their FRMs complete than seeing you start other thing and leave both half completed.

I know thati'm an outsider and i'm not doing nothing but it's better to start one thing and finish it than start 15 things and leave them all half done.
Demonslayer said:
I don't really like the crossbow animation that much.
Looks like it's been done on paint or something :?

I would rather have the party memebers with their FRMs complete than seeing you start other thing and leave both half completed.

I know thati'm an outsider and i'm not doing nothing but it's better to start one thing and finish it than start 15 things and leave them all half done.


But Qwerty is a good animator anyway.

I suggest to focus on this
, because it might be useful for some cool special bio-weapons, and this
, just because it looks far more cool than the almost useless bow. But yeah, it looks it's not my business at all. :)
I think, the biggest problem from the crossbow is, that it looks like a "pimped" version of the standard rifle. Maybe it should be more unique. I also would love to see it ingame.. :>
Come on! Bows are so Oblivionish. :wiggle:

Moreover, in PA world, I'd rather make something like pipe rifle.
Lexx said:
I think, the biggest problem from the crossbow is, that it looks like a "pimped" version of the standard rifle. Maybe it should be more unique. I also would love to see it ingame.. :>

Unfortunately it has to look standard. The *only* way to add a crossbow to the game is to use one of the un used animation slots.

In this case its the rifle continous fire slot. When the player walks around normaly it will look like a rifle but when he fires it the bows flick out from the side and shoot the bolt out. Which is why I was calling it a flick bow.

As for the other animations they were allready competed a long time ago.

Download them and give it a crack :)

Jesterka said:
Moreover, in PA world, I'd rather make something like pipe rifle.

So that would mean that you would like the wasteland canon in the above pack? Nothing like a muzle loading buck shot firing 6 inch pipe gun on your shoulder

I just relised that you guys might not be familair with the ability to add new ammo calabars into the game. You cant do it in the mapper you need to hex edit the pro files but it works sweet. This means that for all the new weapons you can create a different calabar so you can load the wronf ammo into the gun.
ie: you cant put toxic waste into into a normal SMG or SMG ammo in the toxic waste spray gun.
So, aside from the qwerty crossbow, how
are the other NPC's progressing?
Jostiz and i have almost finished all vic's
frames in metal, and made a start on
combat. Its looking good so far, and
we've had success with creating a symetrical
metal armour and flipping NE, E, SE to
create SW, W and NW. It works only when
the character has nothing equipped in
their hands, but saves a hellofalotta time!

Could someone who knows the code point out
which animations are unused for which NPC's?
I agree.

Jotisz and i are working
hard on vic - 50% complete:
and im talking about all 1000+
frames!! :)

Could everyone else who is
working on this post what
they're doing as we dont want
to tread on each other's toes...