CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

@CT Phipps.
You admit the game is bugged to hell, which equates to a nearly broken product. Much like Nuka World your defense isn't off to a good start![]()
I work(ed) in academia so I may be biased. You generally would often talk about how HP Lovecraft was actually a horrible writer in technical terms but a magnificent storyteller.
You say there's good story in notes, yet the point we've established many times on NMA is that you can't rely on environmental storytelling- you need dialogue also. Rigging the Gauntlet may seem like commentary on the state of consumerism in theme parks or whatever- but because Bethesda can't write for shit it comes off as if it's trying to take itself seriously. If Obsidian did a silly theme park DLC I'm pretty sure they could've salvaged most of my negative points.
There’s a fair bit of dialogue during the Gauntlet actually with one of my favorite bits being when Colter does his “rallying speech.”
*tepid clapping*
I also liked the dialogue changes for Colter if you're wearing the Silver Shroud costume. "What do you think you are, some kind of superhero? Did you come here to defeat me, the Big Villain?"
Again with the terminal entries/notes! These gangs have no depth aside from these bloody terminals. You're just further reinforcing my point that Bethesda rely on environmental storytelling!
The ambient dialogue is actually pretty good for the gangs as the more you bestow parks and regions on them, the more they’re going to start to like you and they change their opinions a great deal. The Disciples and Operators were extraordinarily loyal to my Sole Survivor by the end. There's also the conversations the Traders have with their fellow slaves and their owners.
Trader: "I can't sleep, I'm too tired."
Raider 1: "Then I'll beat you unconscious!"
Raider 2: "No, Dave, you can't treat your resources like this. Listen, slav...err trader, take this Med-X and you'll sleep like a baby."
Trader: "Thank you! This will be the best high ever."
Raider 1: "Seems like a waste of good chems."
Plus, there's Redeye!
I don't want to debate Oswald, because he actually has dialogue we've both got a lot of material to work with and debate, so I'll leave that one for now.
One of the best parts of the DLC.
Sure gatorclaws and ghoulrillas may be a homage to DK, but maybe instead of reusing assets and making ghouls susceptible to ghoulification they could've done something new- even if it was animatronic gorillas; they could've twisted it by saying none of the NW animals were real- and that they're all robotic because it's cheaper. it would've been better than the Vault Tec mind gas.
Gorillas are pretty damn close to humans so it isn't ridiculous like Ghouligators but I'm not a big fan of them.
Speaking of Vault-Tec, why do NW allow VT to do these sinister experiments in the park? Don't use ignorance as an excuse, because if riots occurred frequently in the same ride I'm sure eyebrows would be raised.
“Every minimum safety standard met!” – from the jingle.
Nuka World is a worse pit than 1950s Disneyland in terms of safety records and theme parks have an appalling one in general. There’s another ambient bit of voiceover dialogue I love from the original park. “Please note there are forty unclaimed children in the Hospitality Center. Also, please do not drink Nuka Cola Dark and use the Nuka Cade guns.”
I mean, remember, there’s a NUCLEAR REACTOR’S DIRTY WATER underneath the Kiddie Park. Bradburton also talks about how Nuka Quantum will kill you but no one will care because it glows. He was allowing the military to do experiments in the park as part of his immortality scheme too.
I like the World of Refreshment as a ride, I just don't like how basic the mission was- they at least tried with Kiddie Kingdom.
Twas kind of boring. I think the Bottling Plant needed more than a Nuka Lurk Queen. Then again, I was expecting Nira to turn out to be a boss.
You say you can use charisma to bypass violence- but at least one gang have to be dealt with. That's not avoiding violence- that's still a large group being slaughtered!
As Meatloaf says, "Two out of three ain't bad."
I agree the new settlement objects look nice, even if I'm not the biggest fan of the feature.
I don't do armor but I'm happy with Cait dressed up as Nuka Girl, which thankfully I could look from Space Mountain....er Nuka Galaxy.
Again I agree with you on a lot of points on concept- on paper the DLC sounds good. but when you break it down it becomes less impressive. If you enjoyed it, good for you, at least you got your money's worth![]()
I regret Atlas isn't a boss fight.