Obesity - Global phenomenon or blown out of purportion?


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
If you have been alive longer than 5 years, You probably heard about obesity issue involving around in the western world. Now, we are not going to use this thread as a target to call fat people, meat eaters, vegans or such pieces of shit
or whatever had you be. We are going to discuss, Economic, Social, Political facts that cause someone to gain an absurd amount of weight. This can also factor in person ignorance, Willpower, And inability to change their style due to addiction to fats and sugar.

I'll start by saying it's a combination of issues, Sugar particularly High-Fructose corn-syrup. Things high in saturated fat, And portion size. I also feel that lack of strong education on reading labels and inability to purchase the meals inorder to cook due to busy lives or what not also play a huge role in it. I'll hold off on more reasons until more people post and get some diverse opinions here.
I was awhile a go, Then had a change of lifestyle. So now i'm congruent to my BMI.

Why do you ask?

BMI is a pretty wacky measure, as it only counts if you are not engaging in any sport activities of any kind. Also, it does not take into account your bone density, or body structure. Even an eye test is more accurate than it, i think it's pretty easy to tell when your getting fat - if you have a full fist of blubber on your sides (when you grab your sides) - you are fat :grin:.

What is also interesting, that you don't have to be overweight, to have high cholesterol, as i find out not too long ago in my tests.
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I was awhile a go, Then had a change of lifestyle. So now i'm congruent to my BMI.

Why do you ask?

BMI is a pretty wacky measure, as it only counts if you are not engaging in any sport activities of any kind. Also, it does not take into account your bone density, or body structure. Even an eye test is more accurate than it, i think it's pretty easy to tell when your getting fat - if you have a full fist of blubber on your sides (when you grab your sides) - you are fat :grin:.

What is also interesting, that you don't have to be overweight, to have high cholesterol, as i find out not too long ago in my tests.


- Height Here

- Weight Here

- Result here.


I don't get into technical detail. But that what i was trying to aim for.

Yeah, You don't have to be overweight or obese to have high Cholesterol. You get that mainly by high contents of saturated fat, Which is why mainly i have a life style that consist of lean meats and low fat dairy products.

Please don't turn this conversation into Us vs them. As i feel this is the direction. Our weight is irrelevant as to what is the cause of obesity.
BMI is rather stupid to say the least. Over the past few years my BMI went from slightly underweight to slightly overweight, and I added little bodyfat at that.
I think obesity is a growing problem. Too much sugar, too little exercise.
BMI is rather stupid to say the least. Over the past few years my BMI went from slightly underweight to slightly overweight, and I added little bodyfat at that.
I think obesity is a growing problem. Too much sugar, too little exercise.

I don't think anyone really believes that BMI is the real deal 100%. Even my own family doctor agrees it has it's flaws. As Does BMR as well. According to the American Heart Association. Men should have around 35 grams per day. 4 grams is one teaspoon. Its almost impossible to avoid going over that limit because it's in almost everything in today's market.
I don't think anyone really believes that BMI is the real deal 100%. Even my own family doctor agrees it has it's flaws. As Does BMR as well. According to the American Heart Association. Men should have around 35 grams per day. 4 grams is one teaspoon. Its almost impossible to avoid going over that limit because it's in almost everything in today's market.

I am trying! Having a mostly vegetarian diet with some meat 1-2 times a weak. I'm trying to completely cut out processed food and just make my own meals - mashed potatoes, tomato & onion salad with olive oil, cooked white beans with a few other ingredients, turkey breast once in a while, buckwheat, some eggs and fish and lots and lots of green fruits and vegetables. Also started to eat a lot of garlic (it seems to have a lot of great qualities). It's a pretty bleak diet as far as taste goes, but it's possible to get used to it and in turn get all your sugar naturally.
I don't think anyone really believes that BMI is the real deal 100%. Even my own family doctor agrees it has it's flaws. As Does BMR as well. According to the American Heart Association. Men should have around 35 grams per day. 4 grams is one teaspoon. Its almost impossible to avoid going over that limit because it's in almost everything in today's market.

I am trying! Having a mostly vegetarian diet with some meat 1-2 times a weak. I'm trying to completely cut out processed food and just make my own meals - mashed potatoes, tomato & onion salad with olive oil, cooked white beans with a few other ingredients, turkey breast once in a while, buckwheat, some eggs and fish and lots and lots of green fruits and vegetables. Also started to eat a lot of garlic (it seems to have a lot of great qualities). It's a pretty bleak diet as far as taste goes, but it's possible to get used to it and in turn get all your sugar naturally.

I can't even enjoy fast food anymore. A lot of people go through sugar withdraw when they are trying to limit it. I never experience that much. But i mostly deal with random sources of fatigue.
I think my reason is simple, I enjoy food more than sex. This combination means I literally don't give a damn how I look but I just have to get my next fix of junk food. The only reason I want to loose weight is because of health reasons, and because feeling uncomfortable (not "uncomfortable with" anything, uncomfortable in general, when I'm sitting, standing, laying down, etc). As long as I can be moderately a fat ass without going over the top I'll be happy.
When you think about it ... it's kinda perverted - for the lack of better words - probably 1/2 of even 3/4 of the world is starving while many people in developed nations try to avoid food, or well eating to much of it. Something that kills us eventually is something other people need ... makes you kinda sick when you consider how much food is wasted each day. But at least that might change in the future. Hopefully. France force big super markets to give unsold food to charities.
It really amazes me how many of my countrymen do not realize how well they have it, and they vote for the right to buy Iphone 6's without taxation in detriment of local industry because they have money and want to spend it in fancy things. My god, you HAVE money, you have FOOD, but you can't buy an Iphone because of importation restrictions and you go nuts.

Maybe it doesn't has much to do with obesity, or perhaps it has.
Isn't obesity, by definition, blown out of proportion?

(This may be silly, but damn the title of this tread is killa).