No, money doesn't make you happy. Or at least I don't think it does.
But you can just as well be depressed in front of a full fridge like in front of an empty one.
To believe that money can't buy happyness probably isn't wrong. But many think that it means you also don't need money, or that it isn't important. Up the point where they don't have it anymore.
That's what I mean. People assume that it imples riches or great wealth. Being a multi-millionaire is probably a hastle, people squander it - or they have to work to maintain it - but having money - at all - is extremely important!

To all cultures except jungle-tribes who barter directly with goods
But to have access to currency is to have access to most joys in life, like clothes, food, shelter - hell, most socializing requires SOME funds!
It's an easy thing to say for those who have the money and take it for granted "money isn't important, friendship and family is!" yeah, try to collect friends while being a homeless hobo
I know I'm nitpicking a bit here...