Still Mildly Glowing

Hi, I'm new to this community. Can someone tell me, where I can download the English version of this mod?
Thanks for helping me out.You can download it from Oylmpus 2207's site:
are you done with the game?! I have some questions
1. The game installer doesn't have Hi-res mod. What should I do?
2. After installation before you start the game campaign you will hear Max Payne themed music ( the game ) is that for real or I made a mistake in the installing process?
3. What is this game about? Unlike other Mods and TC there are readME files for instructions in installation with a little bit, if not more background for the gameplay and story.
4. I will think of something a long the way.
A great series but it's more first person shooter games than that's what its about.. that game is similar somehow to Fallout also, I guess that means its interesting.
I will try it.
Cool. You should install ZRP( first for Shadow Of Chernobyl(the first game in the series). ZRP is the unofficial patch for it that fixes a bunch of bugs. And if you find the game a bit too challenging for you(the game has you surviving in one of the most hellish environments in gaming history), you should install the Complete mod for it. It makes the game slightly easier and improves the graphics too. You can download it here. ZRP is not compatible with the Complete mod, by the way.
I appreciate that, thank you very much. Oh and don't worry, what ever game I get my hands on I always play it on hard mode unless advance/nightmare/hellish/impossible are already unlock. I will play it in its original release first then comes the latter like fallout then falloutFixit and fallout 2 then RP next are the other mods and TC ( haha if there are TC on that game ).