Ok, Gluttonville. Gluttonville is just a big warehouse , a kind of regional distribution house for priceclubs around the area. It's big and full of stock.
The gluttons suffer an incurable genetic disease, originally given during the war and since mutated. Basically the disease wastes people away, consuming calories. The only way to delay the illness is to eat, a lot. THus they are pretty fat.
Happily the disease is no longer contagious- we think.
There are about a dozen to 20 gluttons, mostly men. Their numbers are declining. Part of the reason might be old age, or the disease, the dire, or something else.
THe gluttons have stayed because there is a steady food source, but also to leave means getting past the Dire and the Dire would make quick work of any glutton that tried to get out on foot. Also the gluttons lack a vehicle like the rig that might get them through.
Supplies- clothes, weapons, electronics, household goods, groceries, videos, film, you name it, you can probably find it in the warehouse.
But you will probably notice that the shelves were most of the food is kept have begun to empty.
ANother things, Gluttons don't have much sex. Part of it is because they are so damn ugly that they don't want to have sex with each other. Pro-creation is often done out of necessity or with women sold to the gluttons.
SO the women should be careful. Despite their fat, the gluttons can be very strong.
The Gluttons are possessive and own much of the warehouse as a group, trading amongst each other for fun. They will trade with the group, but nothing will be given for free.
Theft is a capital offense.
Kilrick and Marshall will make the deal for the generator and a few people will have to put the generator together. This will take a couple of days as the others repair the rig.
It would be wise if the Gluttons were not told about the Greys or about the three amigos.