Oculus is dead!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

See all your favourite ads in 3d, brought to you by Oculus rift and Facebook.

Look at all the love they are getting. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game/comments

I'm finding the "Has not connected Facebook" in the bio box particularly amusing.

A lot of people on my Facebook feed are acting like some profane blow has been struck against the gaming community here, but it bears remembering that Oculus isn't the only VR game in town. Sony's got Morpheus, and Valve's effort was already being touted by loose talk as a possible Rift killer. Besides, it's not like evil corporate empires having controlling stakes in gaming is anything new. I'm not saying I'm happy about this, but I'm going to wait until I see Facebook screwing this up before I actually start wailing and gnashing my teeth. Their current gaming/app model has largely been a hands-off meritocracy, although the term "merit" is relative there.

I am a little concerned about the Kickstarter backers, though. Hopefully, they don't see any ill-effect from this (apart from the possible chagrin of feeling like Oculus sold out).
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I had that shit when I was a kid. Although it was slightly more primitive, bulky and red :0 It had real 3D and NO ads! Who wins? Eeexactly!

Also, imagine the warnings in the pampflet "Important - do NOT use the device while operating a vehicle! Seriously!"
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Haha, people who use facebook are actually concerned about how this acquisition will impact oculus rift. I can imagine the debates are priceless.

I believe backers where aware that selling the company was a possibility, at least i hope they where. I think they are just a bit struck because of all the vile things, it had to be facebook.

Maybe well see a "no selling to facebook in the first 3 years" provision added somewhere in the eula or something for future fundraisers.
I too have not understood all the hate from people already. It's not like the technology will change, but the sky is always falling online.
Is not like that thing was ever gonna be anything other than a rich people toy. Along with those rumble chairs.
Is not like that thing was ever gonna be anything other than a rich people toy. Along with those rumble chairs.

You can't know that. That's probably what people once said about PCs, video projectors, record players.
VR is coming, no doubt about it and with a bit competition i assume the price will be around 100$, that's fordable.
Unless the find a way to make VR happen without clunky headsets, specialized screens for bespectacled people and stupid treadmills it won't really catch on. Specially when those previously mentioned things only create an "neck = analog stick" effect, Competitive FPS won't ever even think about using it, and you better know a good chiropractor if you want to play for hours with your goggle helmet. Not to mention the fact that only a fraction of genres will actually benefit from such an aparatus.
I agree, in its current state its completely useless. But if you design games around this hardware, like they are designing it round mouse@keyboard then you get a different result.

In order for vr to escape its niche prison you have to have software designed specifically for it and the prices have to be affordable, so far everyone is working hard to meet those two prerequisites.

The clunkiness is just a result of it's infancy. The first prototype was built from parts of mobile phones, facebook steeping in enables them to manufacture components that meet their needs.
Wtf is this oculus?

P.S. i finally reached 1000 posts!!! This is a first in my life.
The key to popularizing VR will be making believable virtual genitalia. It'll really take off then. Lots of people will never leave home again.