It used to be possible, early hacking involved basically using a toy whistle to create the dial up tones.
Called "phreaking", and one of the earliest hackers was called "Captain Crunch" because the whistle came from a cereal box.
At one time it was possible (as late as radial dial telephones) to place a call by rapidly tapping out the numbers on the hook switch, with brief pause between numbers. (eg. ===== ===== ===== = == = ==, for 555-1212)
Trying to get a look at Neowise. Not sure this shitty state is the best viewing point for such a thing since this morning turned up with no luck even though the software said it was in the sky. Hoping the dusk cycle will be better. Apparently July 22nd is the peak so we have plenty of time assuming it does not burn up suddenly.
With all the stuff currently going on, I've noticed that people are often really bad at advocating for themselves. Social media really magnifies this too.
Soon Flat Earthism will be something you can disprove with 100,000 dollars. Prominent morons in the Flat Earth community should be forced to ride one of these.
If these games get remade, I'm not sure how much I'd want the graphics to change. There's just something about shitty flat textures and no atmospheric effects that has so much charm. Focus on adding/improving the gameplay and features.