When will we get 3d printed dentistry? Just imagine it:
You go to the dentist for either a filling, or even a tooth replacement. The dentist looks your mouth over and cleans it up. He then pushes the over head light away and pulls down this hydraulic/robotic arm with a small mechanical enclosure on the end. He opens a drawer, pulls out a type of mouthpiece wrapped in plastic and sticks it on the end of the enclosure. You open your mouth and bite down on the mouth piece. It has small holes in it where you bite down to allow the enamel printer to have access to the crown of the tooth as well as the sides.
After awhile of sitting there with this enamel printer doing it's thing a little ring tone alerts the dentist that it is done. It detaches itself from the mouth piece and retracts partially away to be serviced by a technician that comes in. You remove the mouth piece and place it on the metal tray beside you and the dentist gives you a quick examination to see how your operation went. He declares it a success and while throwing away the no longer needed mouthpiece, tells you that all your tooth issues have been resolved and that your teeth now have a fresh coat of highly corrosion resistant lab enamel.
Your teeth look like they never had cavities and since they've been filled with actual enamel they may as well have never had them. Also, you always wanted a slight snaggletooth on one of your canines and now you have it.
Seems like this would reduce the cost of going to the dentist as well as wait time.