This ghoul has seen it all

Official Simpsons media.
News Radio. It was ok I guess. had Phil Hartman and Stephen Root on it and those guys are great(see Lionel Hutz and Bill Dauterive). Joe Rogan was just kind there, being unfunny. then it got canceled because Hartman's wife shot him in the face. But Yeah, Joe Rogan isn't funny. in fact his stand up is shit.He was on Newroom or whatever it was called. Some shitty sitcom I won't look up.
News Radio. It was ok I guess. had Phil Hartman and Stephen Root on it and those guys are great(see Lionel Hutz and Bill Dauterive). Joe Rogan was just kind there, being unfunny. then it got canceled because Hartman's wife shot him in the face. But Yeah, Joe Rogan isn't funny. in fact his stand up is shit.