Old World Blues trailer

There were a couple of scenes that looked like what I would expect Fallout 3 to look like in first-person.

Namely, they had COLORS.

I wish Obsidian would go back and introduce colors into the existing FO:NV content. After all, "now your monitor is in authentic monochrome" is not really a feature.
VRaptor117 said:
JE Sawyer already said that this was going to be the most "lulzy" of the DLCs.

Funny in the spirit of light parody of 50s schlock is miles ahead of the sordid affair the Fallout franchise has had with lulzy content.
Rare to see such creativity in a trailer, really nice. The writing seems promising too, albeit the whole ''lose your brain and search for it'' bit (unless it's a red herring) was a bit predictable given the subject matter and already used in Point Lookout.

And I agree it seems like the right kind of silly, much better than San Francisco or Little Lamplight at any rate from what we saw.
I hope there are larger atomic versions of the weapons we get our hands on.

TwinkieGorilla said:
shihonage said:
I wish Obsidian would go back and introduce colors into the existing FO:NV content..

Do you mean FO3? Because otherwise, what? :|

Since FO3 is completely unsalvageable content-wise (graphics are the least of its problems), I couldn't care less what happens to it.

FO:NV mostly recycled assets from FO3, resulting in the same monochrome look.
Some people have pointed out that that zone with the houises they show in wich you fight the Bigger Atomi Roboscorpion is Tranquility Lane, so New Vegas again fixing FO3 content and actualy make it make sense?
I may have showed a little resentment about the think tanks earlier, but this trailer really made me like them more.
"Save us in the name of science...please?"
I never really thought fallout should get TOO 50's, but I really can't wait to play this.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
I never really thought fallout should get TOO 50's, but I really can't wait to play this.

I think it's alright as long as it doesn't drag it on for too long. As DLC, which lasts only a few hours, it works. It's easy to say that this 50s sci-fi parody trailer was most likely exaggerated for the larger number of people who bought NV.
At 0:15 in trailer, is that crater the same crater that is located on other side of mountain range (inaccessible) on vanilla game map?

I haven't looked at Old World Blues very actively, so sorry if this question have been covered before.
shihonage said:
FO:NV mostly recycled assets from FO3, resulting in the same monochrome look.

Yes, but they already made a concerted effort to change the environment back to real colors from "cyan-green-nightmare!" so I don't quite see your complaint as...er...senseful, I guess. I can't bring up anything in my mind where I thought "Oh, these environmental color schemes need to be replaced." So...yeah. :?
Wow, this is the first time I actually want to spend some cash on a Fallout DLC. New Vegas was almost sickeningly gloomy at times, so I welcome some lightheartedness with open arms.
I'm loving the SCIENCE!!!! thing that video had going for it. I knew that OWB was going for that from what we have heard about it before but they nailed that sucker on the head.

Voice acting sounds awesome from just those little quips we got.
TheGM said:
Voice acting sounds awesome from just those little quips we got.

I especially love the guy that says "What did you do with the brain? That's the most important part."

If only I could tell which think tank he is.
I think eh is Mobious, the HAMMMY NARRATOR!! mentions "Mobious" by name in the Trailer, I wonder, is the Narrator a abd guy, was he braging abotu how imrpesive his atomic machines were to the Courier, or is he worried because the COurier will have a hard time accomplishing whatever task he needs him to do? well eh sasy "Saves all in the name of SCIENCE!" at teh end so maybe he is a good guy?