One thing that Bethesda did better than Obsidian


It Wandered In From the Wastes
In Fallout 3, Bethesda knew what all the sane players would eventually want and gave an option to blow Three Dog's brains out. Obsidian did not.

Boy,what I would give for getting my hands on Mr. New Vegas and finally have a radio station without his voice after every song. But I can't find him and the wiki says he can't be found in the game. Guess Obsidian are big Newton fans.
You can have a radio station without Mr new vegas voice, its New vegas music radio or somethign like that.
His station seems to play the songs I like more often than the other one.
Threepwood said:
Isn't he an autmated machine? hm.

Mr New Vegas is indeed an AI, or at least a machine with simulated human responses.
I didn't find him that annoying, he didn't call me Buddha or Jesus whenever I helped people out, and when I was tired of him I simply shut the radion down.
I never really used the radio in the first place, I win.
Still, don't see why they didn't include that option, unless they spend very little time on developing the radio to begin with. And looking at the radio bugs, that might be the case. Killing Mr. New Vegas would mean writing additional dialogue for the janitor that would take his place, like in F3.

And hell, he starts talking pretty much after every song. Is that even normal?
Well, they added the Mojave-Whatever-Radio, which has no voice. And if Mr. New Vegas is some ai, killing him would mean the deactivation of the radio channel.
You can turn off the Black Mountain radio. :wink: Mr New Vegas was not even half anoying compared to 3 dog. I miss President Eden and Tenpenny Radio though. Kaizer Soze legion and NCR shud have their stations. NCR even TV programs like in Max Payne 2.
Requete said:
You can turn off the Black Mountain radio. :wink: Mr New Vegas was not even half anoying compared to 3 dog. I miss President Eden and Tenpenny Radio though. Kaizer Soze legion and NCR shud have their stations. NCR even TV programs like in Max Payne 2.

Recipent Unknown continues, brought to you by the Mojave Express!
Requete said:
You can turn off the Black Mountain radio. :wink: Mr New Vegas was not even half anoying compared to 3 dog. I miss President Eden and Tenpenny Radio though. Kaizer Soze legion and NCR shud have their stations. NCR even TV programs like in Max Payne 2.

Tenpenny Radio? Is that a mod or did Bethesda gave you a very special edition with all cut content restored?
I don't mind Newton, but yeah, I agree with Vik, Bethesda did that better in Fallout 3....and, it would be the only thing that is better...

Tenpenny Radio? Huh?
I just feel that it's pretty much the kind of freedom that Fallout is known for. I mean, being able to even kill a radio host in a game world if he's annoying, that's awesome right there.
I didn't found him annoying at all. He was good.

Also it helped the 50s Vegas Asthetic that it was moderated by a guy that actually lived in the 50s.

The only reasons I wanted to kill Three Dog were;

1 - Horrible written dialog

2 - Imitation of some dumbass 90/modern radio moderation.

Both are not the case here.
if you have a couple minutes of time to spend, copy all of the songs to another folder from their location in the fonv data, and then rename the ones you like to hear to the exact file names of the songs that play on mojave radio that you do not like to hear.

copy these back to the original folder they came from, and when it asks, overwrite the others with the same names (the songs you dislike)

this way you get the best of both worlds.. no dj chatter and a solid music station that only plays what you want.
Three Dog was supposed to be like Wolfman Jack, a radio personality from the 50's, not the 90's. I think they just didn't want you killing off who is possibly the most famous voice talent in the game. Or maybe it's part of his contract.

The thing I always liked Three Dog, though, was that he was voiced by Erik Dellums, who had a few appearances on The Wire as a character who is completely different and does not sound a thing like three dog at all. Really threw me for a loop.
whirlingdervish said:
if you have a couple minutes of time to spend, copy all of the songs to another folder from their location in the fonv data, and then rename the ones you like to hear to the exact file names of the songs that play on mojave radio that you do not like to hear.

copy these back to the original folder they came from, and when it asks, overwrite the others with the same names (the songs you dislike)

this way you get the best of both worlds.. no dj chatter and a solid music station that only plays what you want.
I'm so doing a Metal Radio once I create a evil character.
It's not that I find Mr. Vegas annoying, but more of the fact that his news announcements are pretty much after every song. That's probably a bug though.