Online Post-Apoc. Films


It Wandered In From the Wastes
A while back there was a news post about a online post apoc film. I forgot what it was called. I've looked through the archives from 2007-2003 but I can't find it.

It was live action...soldiers, I remember one of them ends up getting head shotted by a sniper. Anyone remember this and where I can find it?
That was pretty cool.

Wasn't there another animated short we posted here some time ago. I think it involved a guy, some animals and involved some kind of exploration for minerals or something.
Thank you for sharing those.

While the russian one was creepy in an entertaining way, threads has got to be creepiest film I've ever seen.. jesus fucking christ
Damn, Threads remains a bloody scary movie.

Methinks a certain president who calls himself a Texas Tiger should see this, it might burst his bubble of glorious war dreams.
Threads is some bleak shit, but I hadn't seen any of the other films here. Repent, popcorn time is extremely fucking nigh.
Things To Come

A 1936 post-apocalyptic/sci-fi hybrid that's in the Public Domain in the US. The screenplay is by H.G. Wells and is loosely based on one of his earlier novels.

Interesting portrayal of a post-apoc. vision before the nuclear age. Also features the motif of a benevolent militaristic order that uses its superior technology to rebuild the world.

- A.S.S.R.
A.S.S.R. said:
Things To Come

A 1936 post-apocalyptic/sci-fi hybrid that's in the Public Domain in the US. The screenplay is by H.G. Wells and is loosely based on one of his earlier novels.

Interesting portrayal of a post-apoc. vision before the nuclear age. Also features the motif of a benevolent militaristic order that uses its superior technology to rebuild the world.

- A.S.S.R.

That was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.