OOC- Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 2- General Discussion

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Ok, more trouble, got to study for 3 important exams during the coming weeks. I'll try to make a post whenever I can, but it will be slow.
I hope you do well on your exams, and thanks for letting us know. I have a mini update I don't think I'll be able to post tonight (in response to Steve's post), but this will give the other players one more chance to post before that. If more players post in the next couple of days, I may be able to make a full update during the week this time and then another one this weekend.
Gotcha. Soooo - The odds are stacked firmly against that idea, but! its a two-way-screwage idea. Can't Black and/or sheen help stim their numbers? What about hockey? He spotted the truck.
Hockey's out of range at the moment. The base range on his M-16 is 130 yards, and 110 yards on his SAW. Black and Sheen do have the range to hit any zombies that show up on the road, but they haven't seen them yet in order to be able to shoot at them. They also may have other things they'll want to shoot at even when they do come into range, and will need to choose their targets wisely. The Claymore Duran is planning to set will help too, but he hasn't set it yet (good thing too, or the truck would not be able to get past it easily).

Right now there are no visible zombies within range of the motel, and the ones that are pursuing the truck have been left far behind - for now. Once they get within range, the people at the motel and the T-Bone can start taking them down.

I'll wait to update until tomorrow night in case anyone who hasn't posted yet still wants to. The next update after that will probably be this weekend. I'm looking do to one on Friday or Saturday, and another on Monday (since I'm off from work that day). Hopefully we'll be able to speed things up a bit.
Ok. so the truckee's will have ample time to go and scrounge some weapons and/or ammo. maby Wallace can find the bastard with his Mini... Or get a nice new M-14. what ever works.
Well, there's no guarantee that there will be ample time. But there should be some time - if the Air Force lets the truck through, that is.

Oh, and Samantha has Wallace's Ruger Mini, though he doesn't know this yet. Both M-14s have already been claimed, one by Duke and the other by Luke. The only rifle left in the crates is an M-16, and someone might claim that one before he gets there.

There are also the guns that fell from the roof, but they'll need cleaning and possibly repairs.
Damn. I suppose the M-16 would work. Wallace will just have to get extra persuasive, eh?

He's gone so far with just his pistol. He would do fine with a Colt .45

What about ranged dule wielding? (I recall mention of offhand weapons)
If the M-16 is still available when Wallace gets there. He should be able to get his own rifle back from Samantha if he wants it, though. If Stardreams joins us by that time, it's up to her, but if Samantha's still an NPC I think she'd give it back without the need for a roll. Of course, the rifle is even deadlier in her hands.

The .45 pistols are also all taken. Sally, Luke, Bob Larkin, and Lynne each have one. Bob and Lynne both have two pistols currently. Wallace's .357 Magnum is pretty decent, though, and there are extra bullets for it.

Dual-wielding pistols is possible, but very difficult. Anything larger is right out. You wouldn't be able to fire them at separate targets simultaneously, though (this isn't a John Woo movie). You could fire them at the same target at the same time, but these would be unaimed shots and thus at 1/5 skill unless you have both a high enough Handgun skill (which Wallace does) and laser sights (which he doesn't).

You can also fire only one pistol at a time with no penalty, which means you can go longer without having to reload (the "New York reload").

I think the Spot Rules for combat on page 2 of the rules thread have some information on dual-wielding and unaimed shots.
I noticed that the Colt's were missing from the creats, whilst reading up on weapon locations. Err- Wallace could go for the M79, and blow himself to hell. What about horst's blaizer? Their's a P-89, and Ak-47 (Somewhere) in his truck
re: mines

I was just wondering? Are there not mines posted on the road the truck is coming down? I know that in game the characters do not know that but that could kill a lot of characters all at once. Maybe some characters want to get out of the truck and walk?
There are weapons in Horst's truck, but with Flip dead nobody knows about them. So far three Claymores are active: one NW of the motel, one W of the motel, and one on I-80. Alanen is about to set one SW of the motel, and Duran started preparing the Claymore he intends to place on the north road, but he did not succeed yet so it is not armed. If it were, the characters would be better off staying in the truck than getting out and walking unless they gave the mine a wide berth. If it went off it'd probably kill anyone on foot within 10 yards in an arc in front of it and possibly within 25. The truck would be damaged a bit, but the people inside would be safe - Claymores are anti-personnel weapons, not anti-vehicle.

The worst the claymore would do to the truck is flatten its tires, and maby (MABY) puncture the fuel tank. (other than astetic damage). nothing too serious. now- an AP mine would bounce schrapnell arround in their like a b.b. in a box car (of death..)
let me omit my last statement. an AP mine COULD puncture the door panneling, and bounce arround the cab of a car, killing the inhabitants. the truck is set too high for that. I would say those nasty (err - 8mm?) balls projected from the claymore would pass under. SuAside's probably right about the radiator, but then again - their actually pretty resiliant.
I wonder, what would a claymore do to a truck. There should be someone we can ask about this. I would assume much depends on the range of the mine to the truck, but basically a claymore is like a big shotgun blast, right?
a claymore projects metalic orbs, in a 90 degree arc. Most claymore wounds are actually shin shots. I''m not sure how high the ball's actually travel, on the verticle axis, but I assume it isn't too high. Reports of the ballberrings being stopped by kevlar exist.
The rules say the Claymore affects a 120 degree arc, but that sounds about right. It does 6d6+6 damage within 10 yards, so even a Kevlar vest wouldn't be much help at close range. Further out, though, it could be very helpful.

I'm working on the update now. It should be ready in an hour or two.
Mr Handy,
I have a coupld of questions. One is does Jim hear the question about guarding the gate because if he does he can walk over there and stand guard in order to do something.
Second question is can Lewis use Cryptography to make a secret code that Mahone will understand that will help get Captain A-hole out of the room, like maybe an attempted coup aginst him?
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