Look, Ma! Two Heads!

its called a joke welsh
make him run over then, he's done it before and would walk the same path.Mr. Handy said:From Luke's position on the roof, he can't actually see the helicopter or the people near it.
he doesnt need to hear anything. the simple fact the soldiers are preventing people from boarding the chopper and that Bob tried to get his attention would be a giveaway.Mr. Handy said:He can hear the whistle with no problem, but he should roll Listen to determine if he can make out enough of Bob's words to assess the situation without being able to see what's happening on the ground.
i know it's not CoC rules, but a 7.62x51mm isn't hampered at all by a military helmet anywayMr. Handy said:He can see the snipers and Thayer on the motel roof just fine, and he notices that Sergeant Black (with the .50) has removed his helmet.
SuAside said:just a lil' comment. if you use the Barrett on the pilot, that means you have a really good chance you wont have any chopper left to fly.
it's a .50 cal (12,7x99mm) anti-material rifle. it goes through the windshield, through the console (if hit), through the pilot, through the seat, through the passenger (if any), through the second seat, through the back wall and into whatever is behind (fuel tank anybody?).
if you shit the fueltank, [aliens]game over man, GAME OVER![/aliens]
if you want a sniper to take a potshot, use Sheen's bolt action 7.62x51mm. it'll be more than powerful enough to break the windshield and kill the pilot, but hopefully wont go through to the back of the chopper towards the fueltank.
a 5.56x45mm from an assault rifle would however be slightly deflected by the windshield as/if it punches through. making the aim extremely erratic and nearly impossible to predict at that range.
ah ok. sorry, had the wrong orientation.Mr. Handy said:The helicopter is facing south, as that is the direction it was flying in when it landed. The snipers are due west of it and facing east, so a shot from the Barrett would go through one side and out the other. It wouldn't hit the fuel tank in the rear unless the shot was badly missed (unlikely with Black firing),
if that's the case, the .50 cal (if using a Ball round) would go through the side window, through the pilot, through the co-pilot and out the other side. damage would probably be minimal to the chopper if it's a wellplaced shot.Mr. Handy said:but it could still damage something vital - including the co-pilot.
the M4 is right out unless you want to risk ruining the entire chopper due to deflection and ricochets.Mr. Handy said:Sheen's M24 is your best bet as SuAside said. Black also has the M4, which is less likely to kill the pilot but also would do less damage to the chopper in the event of a mishap, though there is some risk of deflection. Lereux is an intelligence officer and not a combat specialist, so these things haven't occurred to him, but Black and Sheen would certainly know.
positioned like Handy said, it's possible to make a relatively clean shot imo.welsh said:Hey Suaside- considering the thin metal on a helicopter, wouldn't any bullets do damage to the helicoppter. I agree that the .50 cal would do worse. After all, the Vietcong used .50 Cals to bring down helicopters on a regular basis.
if he hits the front console or the panels above or behind the pilots i think you can pretty much scrap the chopper.welsh said:I would think that the main problems would be destroying the avionics and equimpment in the helicopter- rendering it too damaged to fly.
snipers use 2 types of rounds, usually. APEI or Ball.welsh said:Would puncturing a fuel tank necessarily destroy the helicopter? I could see it causing some nasty leaks and spill aviation fuel on the parking lot, but would it also necessarily ignite that gas? I would think its a possible (a chance) vs a probable (better than 50%) chance.
A shot through the helicopter could damage it so that it can no longer fly. Each shot would have an increasing probability of doing sufficient damage that the helicopter cannot be safely flown or even go up in the air.
Mythbusters = crap.Fearlessfred said:If hit I don't think the fuel tank would explode on impact.
They did this on a episode of MythBusters and only a tracer
round got it to ignight. However if there was a spark...