Kharn said:
Dude, hate to agree with Sander, but that's ugly. Or non-feminine at least.
Okay, okay, alrighty, but what's the big deal anyway? I dig women like that. I admit: "I like girls with boyish features." Say it with me: "Blade Runner likes girls with boyish features." That wasn't so hard now, was it? And hey, I can live with that. Some men fall in love with archetypical women (i.e. all the right curves, eyes in which you want to drown, perfect teeth and so on) that turn out to be pigs anyway. I never fall for what the majority sees as beautiful. I'd rather have someone like Justine than a fake Britney Spears. And I really fall in love with talent, discipline and such. I think those qualities can make an ugly woman the most sexy human being in the world. I'm not making that up. (And no: Britney is not talented. Every young girl can shake her tits and ass and make funny sounds while doing so. That's not a gift or a talent. It's called "brainwashing".)
Kharn said:
Also: I also agree that Sander, much like Ozrat, is the ugly
Apparently, it's one of the only things we agree on. (And probably ever will.)
Kharn said:
Also: do you realise tennis is a pretty capitalist sporting event?
Yeah, I know. I don't particularly like tennis, though, and I think the prize-money is simply outrageous. I also hate male tennis matches, to be honest. Tennis, tennis, tennis: it's all one big metaphor for me (honestly, I'm not making this up): male tennis is like a big slanging-match, imo: it's rude and all in all not very impressive (power > technique, subtlety). But female tennis is like a refined discussion with pros and contras, well-thought-out arguments and returns. It's more subtle. (That's probably why I hate the Williams sisters a.k.a. the Power Puff Girlz.)
Women's tennis is like one of Plato's dialogues.
Men's tennis is like an ordinary scolding in a downtown bar.
I rest my case.
EDIT: And why this discussion in the first place, people? All I wanted to say was that I'm happy for Justine that she won another tournament. That's all. Then some fucktard kicks in, telling me she looks like a man. Wtf? Did I ask mister Cunnilingus for something like that? Jesus fucking Christ... I hope your future wives will be glamour models, but chances are they won't even be half as good looking as the girl in this thread. Wait until you guys are 40 and one day you'll wake up next to some sweaty meno-pausing creature with tits that no longer defy the laws of gravity, who will gently ask you: "Do you still think I'm attractive?" I wonder what you guys will be answering then...

Beauty fades, accept it.