Operation: Anchorage first review and feedback

I thought it was alright, not great, but alright.

I had to throw my own Character's playing laws out the window though. I only use one handed weapons with him normally.

One thing though I am royally pissed about, you don't get the Winter combat armor to use outside the Sim.
rcorporon said:
Big surprise... you rip out the few RPG elements that were in FO3, and you're left with a terrible FPS.

With so many good FPS's out there, why would Beth try a move like this? Their hubris is the answer, I think.

I'll say the same thing to you, that I say to anyone arguing politics or the economy - I blame the consumer.
As far as ratings go, I think it's something like:
9/10 - 10/10: Great
7/10 - 8/10: Good
5/10 - 6/10: Okay
1/10 - 4/10: Awful

Sure, it's not exactly a linear scale and the highest point is still pretty low if you take actual GAMEPLAY into account (10/10 gameplay will usually be "revolutionary", which is to say, it's what everybody else has been doing for the past ten years, just more badly implemented), but you didn't really think those scores ever meant anything other than something packaging can quote, right?

Actually, that seems to be true for the entire reviews, not just the score. A good review doesn't consist of strings of sentences that look good on a box.
I guess a good review doesnt even need a score and tries at least to seperate the reviewers oppinion and the actual review. To mention what the game does and what not and in the end give a statement about it and eventualy additionally a personal oppinion.