Paladin Solo
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I think that site is run by Osama. They disgrace the innocent people who died that day. And Wooz, you can't tell me you actually believe all of that. And Sander, now think about this question. If you lived under a dictator who would kill you, your family, and your friends if you said or did one thing he didn't like, wouldn't you want to be liberated? Now, don't go saying you would rebel. That was tried in Iraq, and if that moron of a general didn't let the Iraqis use their air power, the rebels could have won. So, this war, is just unfinished business. But still, if you were going to rebel, you would do hardly any good by yourself against someone who has control of the military. He may have the hatred of his people, but as long as he has fear over his people, well you get the idea. Look at Serbia, remember that dictator there? Everyone feared him, until the Balkan War. Then, he was overthrown. It took an invasion, but it helped. Not too many complaining then. May I ask why? Don't say because countless innocent people were murdered unless you want to prove my point. If I were living under a tyranny, I would rebel if I wasn't the only one. You can't do any good by yourself against an Army, no matter how weak. It won't be a low budget Arnold movie. But otherwise, I would yearn for someone like the U.S., Britian, Australia, etc... to come to our rescue. And in return, they can dig some oil wells in our backyard. Freedom is worth it. Hell, if you don't have anything to gain, why do anything. The U.S. had lots to gain, we were one of the willing few to try and do some good, whilst others sat at home and said we are doing wrong, and we have some oil to gain alongside.