OXM cover power armor not as it is ingame

Brother None said:
One wouldn't expect these kind of slip-ups from them.

Oh, really?
When we only saw the Helmet, it looked like Power Armor. A little trashed, but the helmet-gas mask is right. But the armor looks VERY weird and skinny and trashy and bulky! It's as if a power armor helmet had a son with Master Chief's armor made of fouquing scrap-heap that was made in Interplay's backyard!

Heck, the chest plate looks alot like a tech version of the Armor Plate from Arcanum. Except Arcanum's looks better.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
It's certainly not the issue for me. I like the look of it, it just needs to be a hell of a lot fatter. Still like FO1 armor best, then probably FO3 if they fatten it, Enclave armor, then Tactics armor at the bottom.

I gather this is below the bottom.
Pretty much. While the game's decent enough if you and a friend just want to press some buttons for a while (Having a friend with you is important, it's pretty terrible by yourself, and there are a hell of a lot better choices for co-op monster whacking if it can be avoided entirely), I kind of wipe Fallout from my mind while playing. Actually didn't even think about that when I was scribbling my list.
For me, thats not exaclty the problem, the armor looks trashy, unpratical,steampunkish, wow-ish(the pauldrons) and dangerous, can you imagine getting hit in that armor? It would be too easy to break some bones using that armor.
The really funny part its beth fanboys explaining how that armor its a "variant" or "more advanced", that's like weilding trash cans together and calling that high-tech.
So, it's confirmed that it's not a T-51b Power Armor...
Which makes me wonder what it is...
Another Advanced Power Armor?
An old, obsolete model that is worse than the T-51b?
Will the T-51b be in game?

Also, when I look at it, it looks completely unfallouty - more steampunkish or dieselpunkish than something from the Fallout setting.
Sorrow said:
So, it's confirmed that it's not a T-51b Power Armor...
Which makes me wonder what it is...
Another Advanced Power Armor?
An old, obsolete model that is worse than the T-51b?
Will the T-51b be in game?

Ugh, this could also mean that Power Armor could be everywhere ala Oblivion and it's bandits decked out with Daedric Armor.
Damn, this looks like the way power armor was intended to be in 3D


(From Van Buren)

Bethesda, LOOK! LOOK AT IT!
Better than what?

At least Fallout 1 armor looked like an armor not like a metal space suit.
I didn't see visible gaps in Fallout 1 PA, which is more realistic, because real PA doesn't have visible gaps too.
Better than the general design of FO3. Obviously the FO3 armor has been polished and all, but if they polished this one it would be better.
Stag said:
The problem isn't just the proportion, it's the colors and the basic design, the suit is very cartoonish and just completely out of place.
Yup, the design of the thing sucks in the first place. Proportion is just one of many problems.
Sorrow said:
Better than what?

At least Fallout 1 armor looked like an armor not like a metal space suit.
I didn't see visible gaps in Fallout 1 PA, which is more realistic, because real PA doesn't have visible gaps too.

you didnt see them because you didnt watch for them.
The stomach-gap was always there... its visible in the video and so on. The Join-gaps on the arms an legs are a bit to big, but actually these parts arent uncovered, just not as good armoured as the rest of the suit, but thats common. Joints are allways the weekspots and if the gaps are small enough, you dont expect major impacts there and simply dont have to armour it as thick as torso and other parts...
Get over yourself!
Retarded T-51b Powered Armour 101:

The first step to creating your very own T-51b is to scavenge for the right parts! Such parts for require a bucket for the head, an industrial grade oven for the chest and various other assortments of crap for plating.

The chest will come fully equipped with a compartment for those days where you need to cook those delicious brownies for those LONG missions against the enemy! And who said an oven has only 1 use!

The helmet is the perfect chamberpot for when your waste recycler malfunctions! A slop bucket is by all means the perfect helmet!

I could go on but I ran outta ideas for the various weird looking 2nd rate armour bits hehe :mrgreen:
***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC said:
you didnt see them because you didnt watch for them.
Ok, I watched the intro again, and it seems that there is a torso gap. On the other hand, arm joints are protected by articulated plates.
Get over yourself!
what bothers me the most is that they are acting like their "reinvention" was necessary in order to sell this game to "the masses".

It's not like anyone really wanted to see power armor made of trash..

I can think of plenty of very good games that sold well, that feature a form of power armor, and FINO3 is the only one where it looks cobbled together from rubbish.

exhibit A:
