OXM interviews Pete Hines

rehevkor said:
So if Broken Steel is the "last" of the three DLCs why not release all 3 together at retail?

Apparently Bethesda still has some 'rabbit to pull out of their hat'.
Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt will be put on DVD together but there is no word yet on Broken Steel.

I wonder if they release that with a crap load of interviews and stuff such as design drawings and still ask 20 Dollars for it.

Some people will want to have BS at all costs but it would still be a rip-off.
Jast make a search in google please. Use the keywords: Bear's Pit, Jagged Alliance 2. And see how a "niche" and "not suitable for masses" game still kicks every of its competitors to dust.

TBH "Nival" brings lots of confused feelings to me. On one hand they have been getting better and better at making games and their games are generally enjoyable even if they are medicore in other areas. BUT I would really like tem to acquire some dedicated writers and some decent translators. Some of the writing is actually quite good in "Russian" context but the auto-translators (which are quite common and generally used to pirate/localize the non-Russian titles) they generally use really butcher the whole thing into "Me! bad guy! urgh!" fest.

Edit: TDG: As it was pointed out in another thread, they still haven't used up all od their allocated X-Brick Live Aracade Points of 700 (Or was it 800?). So It is safe to assume that there is at least 1 more DLC on the way.
Heck and after that If they just use the existing files and publish a new "Stand Alone" expansion (not DLC it has to be classified ad Xpack!!!) they can get another 700 points... Think of the possibilities!
cronicler said:
Jast make a search in google please. Use the keywords: Bear's Pit, Jagged Alliance 2. And see how a "niche" and "not suitable for masses" game still kicks every of its competitors to dust.

Is this in response to another thread? I'm a little lost. Loved Jagged Alliance 2 though, and that I remember stating repeatedly.
People, people, its a senseless discussion this one you are having about FO ownership. Pete was obviously referring to as how "We PWND fallout." not that they *own* it, as the dictionary may lead you to believe.
lugaru said:
Is this in response to another thread? I'm a little lost.

I think he quickly mentally defined you as "not conforming to the NMA hivemind" and gave you the auto-response of pointing out Jagged Alliance 2 is pretty awesome.

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense to me either
It is a response to your question: Who should make Fallout?

It should have stay dead as far as the "Official Sequels" are concerned. Just let the modders some decent tools or just the freedom to do so alone and let them build their dreams.

Have you noticed how many old and Enjoyable titles are being Zombified? THI4F anyone? Why is it so hard to create "new" stories instead of using the old ones over and over.

The mainstream developers should just hop to Baen or Del Rey (don't mind/ignore the SW and other crap like Tranformers: The Movie books and stuff) and grab a few (Military, SF, Fantasy, Alternate, generally pulp) books for 5, 10 bucks a piece, read some and get some new ideas if they lost that much creativity.... Do these people even look at other titles or are they all stuck deep in their own little cocoons?
I never thought Fallout was "owned" by Interplay, much less Bethesda. I always felt the world and experiences there-in were "owned" by the community and playerbase at large. Fallout was something to be experienced. You only "own" it in the semblance that you can bottle an idea or capture a feeling.
lugaru said:
Also them OWNING it means they can have people they trust to make a good game and some good money work on the franchise, such as Obsidian. I know the whole point of this thread is to weep and wallow, seeing how only the potentially inflamatory bits are excerpted here but seriosly, other than be wiped from the face of the earth who do you want to own fallout?

If New Vegas lives up to my fears, yes I want it to be wiped out.
Eternal said:
I never thought Fallout was "owned" by Interplay, much less Bethesda. I always felt the world and experiences there-in were "owned" by the community and playerbase at large. Fallout was something to be experienced. You only "own" it in the semblance that you can bottle an idea or capture a feeling.

The greedy Bethesda folks are not amused by such alien interpretations of the word "owned". They are not creators, they are leeches. Money leeches that is. and quite the stubborn kind too.

And on the matter who would have been better to make a true Fallout game with the right spirit, i have to say that Sir-tech are one of the best choices. Not just for Jagged Alliance 2 but for Wizardry 8 too.
I don't know who have played it and who haven't, but it kicks major ass. The story is good, the world is big, there are many secrets and items, classic humor, fighting fractions, turn-base battles, the big replay value...
Well, it's not near to Fallout. It can't represent the feel and universe of the game. But it combines all the elements just right.
Peoples be silly.
Khan, is your post some kind of joke? Or are you being serious?

Because that's just a bit above ridiculous.
Well hey, haven't been around the news section for awhile, is it usually like this, my memory getting foggy, or did the anti-Beth just reach a new level?

Yep, they suck guys, but good God folks, they're just a collection of nincompoops who can't make good games, they did have good intentions with Fallout 3, they really did try, unfortunatly for them it was a bit below the established standard of "goodness".

Me, I like it a bit more chill, you understand? Money grubbing leeches? No more than Blizzard perhaps, they just go about their practice differently, with a little less subtlety.
Oh, and I always considered the "hivemind" to be incredibly tongue-in-cheek on this site, I'm starting to rethink that theory however.
Eyenixon said:
Peoples be silly.
Khan, is your post some kind of joke? Or are you being serious?

Because that's just a bit above ridiculous.
Well hey, haven't been around the news section for awhile, is it usually like this, my memory getting foggy, or did the anti-Beth just reach a new level?

Yep, they suck guys, but good God folks, they're just a collection of nincompoops who can't make good games, they did have good intentions with Fallout 3, they really did try, unfortunatly for them it was a bit below the established standard of "goodness".

Me, I like it a bit more chill, you understand? Money grubbing leeches? No more than Blizzard perhaps, they just go about their practice differently, with a little less subtlety.
Oh, and I always considered the "hivemind" to be incredibly tongue-in-cheek on this site, I'm starting to rethink that theory however.

I think the whole "anti-Beth just reach a new level" is mostly from frustration. Old fans just waited for a game that they can love, play and replay like the predecessors. But what part of us saw in the new title was a mockery to the name Fallout. And that's from where the frustration begins. It was supposed to be our fun, a game for the old fans, which would have made new fans too.
No such thing happened. Part of the old fans (i mean the people that bash Bethesda and Fallout 3) got alienated. And years of waiting were rewarded with nothing. No enjoyable game for us. Just something quite different, with lame story, bad combat and a illogical world. A FPS with RPG elements, which are very weak.

I can't agree more that Blizzard are more interested in the money. But, at least they satisfy the fans. Sometimes partially, and yet from them we always get games that are worth mentioning and playng.
UncannyGarlic said:
...a FPP RPG would be a bit of a crap shoot...

Troika would have been my number one choice but they are dead.

don't forget that VTMB by troika was built on the source engine by valve, and even though it took the fanbase to work out the kinks in the game, it's amazingly well done. FPP RPG games are entirely possible. VTMB and wizardry 8 come to mind as two FPP RPGs that did amazingly well. of course, neither sold well, and both were the last games released by the companies that made them. (troika and sirtech, respectively.)

so the question has to be asked on whether a true RPG in FPP will even sell? i don't think it would. what you are left with is an FPS with RPG elements. now those sell really well. just look at fallout 3 and bioshock.

hell, the first STALKER game did well enough for a sequel, only problem is that the sequel was sort of shit.
Questioning the hive mind is no way to build up a strong hive mind.

Also, I don't think there's much of a hive mind.
Brother None said:
Also, Frith I'd hate most of those companies getting it. Blizzard sticks to its formula well, yes, but it does so because it's a massively popular formula, not sure if they'd take on a TB-RPG. Valve? Pew-pew. BioWare? A Japanese dev? Gotta be kidding me.

InXile's previous game sucked but they're a tabula rasa enough despite the fact that prior to the JDA hiring they had shit-all to do with the Fallout IP.

Obsidian, with Troika dying, has been the only really valid option for aeons now, and that's where it's at now. If you pretend Fallout 3 doesn't exist it's actually pretty sweet, if you also forget NV will likely keep Fallout 3's core gameplay "concept"*.
I don't think that most companies would do to well with canon, Blizzard included, so I was listing companies which I think could make interesting and fun games out of the franchise as well as companies who are brought up a lot or would simply do better than Beth (which wouldn't be hard). Being realistic, most companies wouldn't try to make a faithful sequel so I was simply listing those which could produce interesting spin-offs or better main series games than Beth.

Also, I'd love to see the Japanese take a whirl at a scifi, post apoc RPG, I think that they could do some cool stuff with the setting.
Blizzard would make a pretty decent game actually, at least before the merging with activision. They would change some things, they would make it a lot more accessible but they wouldn't dumb down everything. Even a mmo as "easy" as wow for example, you can play it pretty casually without worrying about many things or you can go hardcore.
Point being, they do have professional people working there. Yes, they are told to make it easy so more people can buy it, but they don't make it pointless. They wouldn't kill the character system for example and they would make a very good story while keeping true to the canon (or most of it). They also listen to the fanbase. Just take a look at starcraft 2 forums, sometimes they go like "do you guys like this? please don't shoot us if u don't", but i think we have to thank the Koreans for that :P

On the other hand, I don't agree with flaming bethesda to death. I don't like fallout 3 one little bit, but the programmers aren't to blame for intentionally destroying something. They did it destroy it, but i don't think they woke up one day and say "hey, let's ruin fallout !!111!"
It's marketting department and the people calling the shots, yes, those we can flame to death :P
UncannyGarlic said:
Also, I'd love to see the Japanese take a whirl at a scifi, post apoc RPG, I think that they could do some cool stuff with the setting.

They have on occasions done such games but it sometimes ends up cliché.

One of the best examples I remember and which concept I liked was Last Armageddon.

Humanity has disappeared around the year 1999 because of some substance in the air that has made them dissolve.
Now demons have taken over, they don't require air so whatever took out humanity doesn't affect them.

At the start of the game an energy wave hits Earth that turns the planet into a wasteland, following this is an invasion army of alien robots who want to take over the planet.

Now the player must lead a band of demons against the invaders, learning more about why humanity disappeared and what their own role was in this event.
Ausir: We haven't seen any new title from Blizzard since Warcraft 3 and FT. While some people hated them as rts games they were pretty consistent Lore and Story wise. I Just wish they would drop the whole betrayer cliche thou. (And no WoW was not a "game" in that sense. It was a MMO wearing the husk of warcraft lore and it had to squash a lot to fit into a balanced gameplay.)

So we don't really have much indication how well the current generation Blizzard can stay within the cannon and be creative...