OXM Podcast interviews Pete Hines on Fallout: New Vegas

Myron Rolle said:
It's really odd how they're interview Pete Hines as if he's a developer working on the title. That already sounded odd for Fallout 3, let alone for this title.


I just doesn't make any sense, yet it keeps happening! HOW? WHY?
They need J.E. Sawyer to speak, not Hines. Hines may have a Charisma of 7, but I want to listen to the guy making the game, not Pete.
Crni Vuk said:
I dont have any issues with a level cap as long it has a meaning its been a while but Fallout 1 had a level cap as well no?.

But for example in Fallout 3 it was easy to get a character that was almost good in everything, or good enough to talk his way out of all situations (the few you encounter anyway ...) and strill shoot what ever is moving without any penalty. So the Einstein version of John Rambo. In such a setting the level cap is useless.

If you have actualy to think which skill to max. a level cap can be a good thing cause you might want to replay it again for the case you can get other solutions with other skills. I also hope that we will see the limit in skills again with 300 and not 100 like in F3 ...
It's pointless to have skills that range up to 300. There's no way that they need that many increments (FO2 certainly didn't).

It would have been nice to hear that leveling/skill tweaks would be incorporated in the "hardcore" mode, so that lower skill levels would be more detrimental and a master-of-all character would be impossible. That really is a lot more important than silly stuff like dehydration. It will get modded in either way, but it would be nice for the console gamers.

thenightgaunt said:
Wow...just wow. That's up there with the lead developers of 4th ed D&D saying "if you use noncombat skills while playing D&D, you're playing the game wrong" (in reference to item crafting skills and the like).

Cause god knows the way for a studio to go out of buisness fast is to appeal to their fanbase and produce the kind of games the customers want.
You're taking that statement pretty far out of context. In this case, potential customers aren't limited to the one fanbase that Hines is referring to. I'm sure they think about the potential audience, but they don't make big decisions just to appease a small group of hecklers, which is what he was asked about judging from the article.
Vic Ious said:
Things to do after installing New Vegas:

  • - changing Inon Zur's pseudo-orchestra soundtrack to original Fallout ambiente soundtrack

And that's pretty much it for the moment.

But Inon Zur did make the soundtrack for the original Fallout!

(at least according to OXM's definition of "the original Fallout")
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
Inon Zur seems to be the best choice for the series (imo), his music fits right in with the bleak setting. :wink:

Oh Todd Howard, you scalawag.

My issues for XP balance was just how much XP you could make off of hacking safes AND THEN the terminal next to them. And how everything awarded you almost as much XP as a kill. And a game shouldn't award you MORE xp for playing on a harder difficulty. It makes more sense for it to be opposite honestly. But in such a populated world such as the capital wasteland, it makes sense one would be TEH UBER GEWD O DA WASTES!!
verevoof said:
I've always wondered why those straps are there. Did I miss something in the games?

I always figured that the rapid changes involved with FEV would occasionally cause physical disfigurements on an individual level.

Hence some homemade cosmetic surgery would occasionally be performed to remedy the situation.
Mutie face straps:

"To hold their face on, duh!"

I think it was in Avellone's Bible. Quote from...Scott Rodenhizer? The sculptor.
Khan FurSainty said:
In Fallout it was hard to reach the cap before blowing up the Master and his army. You had to go everywhere, you had to do all or almost all quests. In Fallout 3 the 99 lvl cap from Fallout 2 would have made much more sense, because of all the exp you were getting. Or just lowering the exp value. Both would have worked fine.

They can leave the skills limit at 100 if they use a low level cap and also make the intelligence skill points you get even to the intelligence you have. I mean 5 intelligence = 5 skill points, 3 intelligence = 3 skill points. Or simply making the skills more expensive as you invest more points in to them.
I am not sure. The question is more about how meaningfull the skills are. Its no difference in Fallout 3 if you have level 20 or 99 really. You could maximise most of your skills already a lot earlier thats the issue with inteligence been totally overpowered (seriously who did NOT spend almost all its points on it in F3 ?) cause strength for example or the other skills had no real meaning.

If you decide to make a wimp with 3 points in strength, it should play like a wimp not beeing able to even wear his armor or hold his weapon. With that, yeah I like a level cap cause you cant max out every "important" skill like becoming a rambo einstein. :P
You can mute the soundtrack if you dont like it. Or replace it with music from Fallout and Fallout 2.
It still doesnt please me either though. Didnt like the soundtrack in Fallout 3. Bland.
Patton89 said:
You can mute the soundtrack if you dont like it. Or replace it with music from Fallout and Fallout 2.
It still doesnt please me either though. Didnt like the soundtrack in Fallout 3. Bland.

that's how he does it, bland. I dont know how or why people use him. He seems to never understand what he is doing. Kinda important for a job.

F1 I love, F2 is good. actually. it is great too. hm. thinking about it now.
Drifter420 said:
Khan FurSainty said:
He is probably the Charisma 10, Speech 100 Bethesda Golden Boy. When someone trys to take the word, Pete jumps in front of the microphone and starts answering questions while spraying money out of his sleeves in the journalists feet.

I'm sorry...are you accusing Pete Hines of bribing journalists? Really?

Yes I do. Sue me! Also, it is not Pete who is doing the particular bribing, but those people who arrange the accomodations of these journalist in fancy hotels, restaurants etc. If you think this works otherwise, you are pretty naive.

el_jefe_of_ny said:
that's how he does it, bland. I dont know how or why people use him. He seems to never understand what he is doing. Kinda important for a job.

F1 I love, F2 is good. actually. it is great too. hm. thinking about it now.

I think I may have an answer for that, but it would surely get vatted. I will only say the following: take a look at the people leading the company, then see on wiki where Inon was born. Oh, I didn't say that

Edit: to avoid double posting