Panic button!

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Another tidbit from Todd Howard surfaced. Sources give us this from Computer Gaming World's latest issue:<blockquote>CGW: While we can understand the need to be sensitive to social issues involving the portrayal and treatment of children in free-form environments, it seems very strange not to see children in Oblivion at all...

TH: That's something we're dealing with right now in Fallout 3. So we'll see how that issue turns out.</blockquote>Dealing with, ok. Let us wonder what the solution will be. If I was the speculating kind of guy, I'd be positive because of the fact that they're working on it and at least understand that you can't just factor out children from Fallout like in Oblivion. We shall see.

Thanks Keith.
As far as I know, Sovz' account of Romania's policy on groins and sledgehammers is pretty close. Now, go play and stop spamming the news forum.
"TH" ?=
Pheh. Us, europeons didnt have kids in original Fallouts neither. You all are a spoiled bunch.
That's why european version sucked.

I don't understand the whole "portrayal and treatment of children in free-form environments" thing.

IIRC adults are more valuable than children and deserve more respect and security.
I think that adults are discriminated in computer games.
Sorrow said:
I don't understand the whole "portrayal and treatment of children in free-form environments" thing.

IIRC adults are more valuable than children and deserve more respect and security.

That's where you're wrong.

Sex and violence in video games is always an iffy point in the States. Such things involving children gets your game banned from all major stores and gets you millions of angry Christians banging your door down.

the UK & Germany are pretty bad too

they're the reason why many games get censured in the EU, if i'm not mistaken.
Aye, but the UK and Germany are bad because of stupid laws first, and Christian Right groups second.
oh noes! Killing small polygonal children is almost as bad as the real thing...monsters! In games that have included children rarely do they look like anything but small adults. A developer could probably side step censorship by saying they were mentally challanged dwarves.
It's a well-documented fact that people who play Fallout 2 are likely to go out into the streets and hit scabby young urchins in the groin with hammers.
Hahaha, best visual summation ever. Now I won't be able to stop thinking about Hammerites ganging up on a little kid and yelling "I shall smite thee, villian!" though.
There should be an encounter with those vile censure-loving animals that would contain a long discussion about differences between games and reality and between law and their sick delusions.

Of course there should be also an option of judging them for their abominable sins against computer games and executing them.

*grabs kid off you * hands OFF the merchandise!

seriously though, Fallout is an adult's game, it deals with serious issues, it shouldn't have that censored out of it. if we really acted like our fallout 2 characters, i'm guessing we'd all be slave trading, mass murdering junkie whores who worked for the mafia and blew up nuclear power plants for fun.
SuAside said:
the UK & Germany are pretty bad too
Strangely, Gothic is usk12, meaning it's considered suitable for kids of the age of twelve or above.
I never really understood how that works with the option to brutally murder a helpless victim lying on the ground and even begging for mercy in its last moments.

I think in many cases it's an issue of publishers being pussies. I know a few quite violent games released in Germany uncensored. I know only few "indexed" games and they were all bloodbaths. I also believe the authorities may have become a little more lenient.

Still, I prefer the US version of most games. Localizations suck, and the possibility of a mutilated version sucks even more.