

Vault Senior Citizen
What paranormal/supernatural/freaky experiences have you... well... experienced? Personally, I've only had one and that was enough. I'll start.

It was nightime, December 30th, two years ago at Point Leo, a surf beach which has some pretty dense bush nearby. I'd misplaced my phone, and a friend and I backtracked, going through the trail that we'd previously bush bashed. My friend had the torch, and I was leading. We were walking along the same trail until suddenly it changed.

The entire trail became different, the wind howled loudly for 10 seconds and the sound of the sea seemed to soften noticeably. We turned a corner and as my friend swung the torch around, we saw for the blink of a second the figure of a woman, around 5 foot 6 inches tall, with glowing golden eyes. The torch that we had wasn't the small pissy kind, and so we say everything. Black tattered dress, dark hair and her head was bent, so it was as if she was focussing on something a meter away from her foot. Then, the vision was gone. We both froze.

My friend slowly turned the torch to the direction of where we saw the woman. Everything seemed deathly silent. She was gone. There were no noises suggesting the person had run, or even walked away as we were less than three meters from what we saw. There was, however, a faint afterglow of two eyes. We couldn't have mistaken it for a disfigured tree, because what we saw was in a small clearing, the size of a car.

I spoke first. "Er... Kris. Did you just see that too?"

"Yeah... Fuck your phone, let's get the fuck out of here"

We ran. We still haven't gone back into those bushes since that day.

I still don't have any possible explanation for how we both saw the same thing. What about you fine people?
Not a thing.

I've run into a few odd things, but nothing that was unexplainable.

Kotario's Story said:
I suppose the strangest thing that ever happened to me was in Mexico. While I lived there, I went on periodic hiking trips with a mixed group of American teenagers and adults (Embassy personnel, children of Embassy personnel, missionaries, their children, and a single Marine). For one of trips, in 1998 I believe, we traveling to a mountain overlooking a village of no particular interest.

We parked at the base, left someone to guard the cars, and spent most of the day hiking to the top of the wooded mountain. We set up camp at the summit, in a nice clearing. The weather was excellent, so left our tents packed and our equipment minimal. Everything was proceeding normally, and we settled down around eleven.

Around one o'clock, several light sleeping member of our group were awakened by rhythmic drumming. They proceeded to wake all of us. The drumming surrounded us, from the slopes of the mountain. We hurriedly concluded that this must be some kind of village ritual, and we concluded that the villagers would not be thrilled to find us where they were they were meeting. During the brief time we discussed the matter, the drums had noticeably moved closer.

Our group hastily repacked, and we found a way down the mountain avoiding trails and groups of villagers. We proceeded down the mountain in silence, muffling our packs and without lights; though luckily the moon was half full. On the way down, we passed two parties of villagers equipped with drums and torches. None of the villagers seemed to notice us on our way down the mountain. Eerily, their parties were also silent, aside from the constant drumming.

Once we reached the cars in the valley, we thought ourselves safe, and spent the rest of the night there. We never checked on the village, or talked to any of the villagers, we simply left after cooking breakfast.

I don't put much faith into accounts of the paranormal. People are quite susceptible, and can build events up in their imagination; power of suggestion and all that.
My house has a ghost. It shows up whenever we're doing renovations of some sort, slams cabinets in the kitchen, and turns the sink on and off.

The only major thing I've ever experienced was on Halloween night a few years back, when I was in high school. There was this condemned old house in the middle of the woods back then, it's since been torn down so the land could be developed. Anyway, this place was an absolute shithole. You had to be really careful of where you stepped or you'd fall through two stories to the basement, which was full of mud and old matresses. There were dead animals inside of it - ripped open - old candles, pentagrams spray painted in red on the decaying walls, all of that creepy shit that comes to mind when you think "Satanic cult house." Anyway, we'd been there plenty of times during the day, snooping around, but we went that Halloween night just for kicks. It's about 10 PM, and the five of us are trekking across a field to get to the woods that surround the house. As soon as we get within 20 feet of the house, the temperature drops drastically - I'm talking like twenty or thirty degrees. We shrug it off and push on - then, simultaneously, our flashlights cut off. We bang on them, click them on and off, but can't seem to turn them back on. Suddenly, there's a massive gust of wind (enough of a gust to push you back an inch or so) and a horrendous moaning sound coming from the house.

That spooked the five of us enough to go running a quarter mile back to the car. The next week, the house was demolished.
had 2 strange occurences:

- 8 years old:
taking a bath, my mom is there in the bathroom, i say the name of a person we haven't seen, talked about or heard from in years & that by normal standards i shouldn't even remember. we weren't even talking, just both listening to the radio i think, so the name wasn't related to any conversation, i just said it out of the blue. seconds later, phone rings, guess who...

- 14 years old:
have a dream about a carcrash (which wasn't too bad really), see the faces, color of the car & brand/model. i talk about the accident, the car & color with my parents & brother at breakfast because it freaked me out due to how realistic it all looked (and because i almost never remember dreams). few hours later near noon on that sunday morning, we hear a crash, go out, see the same car, same color at an accident at a crossroads near our house. i couldn't tell if they were the people i had seen in the dream, since i never shared that part with anyone and i didn't go see up close.

now i don't put much stock in paranormal crap, but i cant seem to rationalise this stuff... i'd have said they were just the mind fooling around with you (like déjà vu & such), but since i actually told someone before it happened that seems unlikely.

either way, i never think about it... i believe in stuff that science can explain & i dont believe i can see the future or somesuch shite. still fucking weird coincidence...
Nothing spectacular, but was freaky enough to scare me near to shitting myself.

My mates and I were about 14-15 and were shooting a B-grade movie for our English class. We decided to do it late at night (about 11pm) with the infra red on, all Blair Witch like, which was all the hype at the time. I had to play a part where I ran away from the camera into the dense bushland.

As I ran through the bushes, the temperature dropped around 10 degrees, which was abnormal for a warm summer night. I stopped in my tracks and began to feel I was being watched. I stood there for around 5minutes unable to move. Then I could hear voices whispering around me and then they all stopped when I called out to my friends. I managed to run up to where my friends were, and they never heard me call out, even though I was only 100m, and it was deathly quiet.

I found out 2 days later that someone was mudered down there a week before we were there.

No shit...
Well nothing really freakish has ever happened to me, but i have a cousin of mine who had a really strange story.

This happened some 10 years ago. My cousin was playing as keeper for the local football team, when he suddenly started to get these huge blisters on his hands. Due to them he could not play anymore and he even got free from gym class, he also had great problems writing. Not any doctor or specialist or cream or whatever kind of normal method of fixing this helped. So my gradparents wich he was living with decided to take him to the Snåsa-kallen. Or "the old man from snåsa" as it will roughly translate to.

He is this local healer that lives in the middle of norway in a place called snåsa and he has some reputation. There is possibole that some of the other norwegians on this board has heard of him.

Anyway what happened was that they traveled to the old man from Snåsa and asked him for help. As far as i know he has never asked for payments. The old man took my cousins hands in his own. My cousin said that they were big and very warm. Then he rubbed my cousins hands against eachother. And that was the end of the treatment. When they left the Old man looked at my cousin and said to him

"You are going to become a doctor" My cousin who at the point was taking an education aming to become a fysical therapautist(dunno if this is the correct spelling) told him "no that was not correct" and then they left.

On the two hours long ride home the boils that had been pestering my cousin for two months diseapered to never return again.
And just the last year my cousin took the doctors degree in arabic literature.
Two years before my only brother was born, I drew a picture. I draw alot, but I never draw children. I've always hated children, expecially babies since I'm very quiet and hate noise, and children and babies tend to make lots of it.

Anyway, this picture stands as the only picture I ever drew of an infant and it was a sketch of me holding an infant. I have no idea what I was thinking when I drew it, though I was fairly sure I saw the infant before. When my brother was born two years later, it was the exact child I drew myself holding.

I never told my parents about the picture nor the child named I had named Joseph when I drew the picture, yet they named my brother Joseph. He was born premature, with massive birth defects. He died 18 days after birth, far longer than the doctors expected. I only held him once in those 18 days, it was on the last day, he died in my arms with the exact peaceful expression I drew.
Monsharen said:
I foretold I would write this message.

I foretold I would write this message.

Once when I was at the airport I stopped to look at one of the tv screens. The image was distorted and a thick black line was running over the screen. At first I just followed it running downwards like a loop but then it stopped at the center. I looked at it some more and just waited for it to go downwards again and suddenly it did but stopped again just before it exited the screen. I looked at the top to see if it would come out there but instead it started to go upwards towards the point where I looked. It stopped just at the point I thought it would stop. Then I started to play around with it making it go to different spots. It worked very well but I had to catch my flight and left after like 5 mins. Now days I just think I'm crazy.
LP's Amazing Psychic Powers said:
I have had multiple occurences where I've dreamed an event before it happened. Sometimes they are very vague, other times, extremely detailed.

I have also predicted an earthquake before it happened by about a week. I also felt an earhtquake happening in India, when no one else around me knew what I was talking about. (I was in Oregon, west coast USA.)

One time with my brother, I had him concentrate on a number 1-10 as hard as he could and I guessed it three times in a row. Actually we just stopped there, so I don't know if I could have done it more. Not that great, overall.

That's all of the good stuff I can think of. I am also extremely intuitive, though my memory weirdness helps. (I remember details of things insanely well sometimes, which leads me to guess what people will say before they say it when I've known them for a while. EXAMPLE: A friend started going through old playstation games, holding them away from me so I couldn't see them. He says "OH! We should play this!" I said "We're not playing Monopoly." "What!?" He couldn't believe that I knew what he was going to say, but I just DID. Intuition.)

Er.. yeah.
I can't remember any spectacular events or experiences, but there are some minor odd things that happen to me frequently.

For example, at least 2 or 3 times a month I will wake up and go through my day thinking constantly of one song (not songs I've heard recently, it could be of a song that was a hit in my country 7 or 8 years ago but disappeared into obscurity, or other songs I've heard once or twice in my life and just pop into my mind for no reason), then at some point of the day I will definitely hear this song either on the radio or on TV or while sitting in a cafeteria.

Another funny thing (and a product of modern lifestyle...) is when I sometimes get the sudden urge to grab my cellphone to see if I have any messages or missed calls, then 10 to 20 seconds later the phone will receive a message or a call.

I sometimes also have dreams (how original) that involve me and my life, and situations that I have planned in the near future (like a trip, or a date with someone, etc), and stuff that happens in the dream often also happens when I actually do the thing I dreamed about. When I first realised this, I started writing down my dreams the moment I wake up. On one occassion when a friend asked me something, I actually gave a particular response simply because I had dreamed myself being asked that question and giving that response.
Oh man...Phredbean...yikes.

By the way not long ago I started a thread called "Do you believe in ghosts?" While the discussion centered on beliefs it did lead to some stories being told. Here it is for reference:

I think I like this one better so far since its ALOT more constructive.

Anyone notice anything relating all the stories? They take place in a dark area or at night and all involved "suddenly feeling cold" in addittion to a gust of wind.

Those are all stereotypical elements in ghost stories. Note that darkness plays tricks on the eyes and the wind and cold could easily be the same thing.

Not that I'm saying any of you are fact I unfortunately have my own tale to tell.

When I lived in Los Angeles I stayed near an area of foothills adjacent to the Santa Monica Mountain Range. My area was "The Valley" which was wedged between the mountain range and a strange separate peak that was a few miles distanced from it forming a narrow valley.

Once I was walking through a park that bordered the separated mountain and came across a trail. Though I hadnt told my family I was going (They wouldnt have let me though I love hiking.) I was so filled with wanderlust I immediately started walking it. It was somewhat long and very picturesque including a small stream that ran the length of the trail and ended in a waterfall that cascaded over a rock wall about 15 feet high. When I reached it I marveled at the amount of water and the rock wall that clearly had the dirt eroded away from it. I did want to continue, but the sides of the trail were steep slopes that eventually lead to the top of the mountain. Then I noticed rather crude steps literally carved out of some hardpack dirt. After climbing up them I realised that they had to be man-made and traversed a very narrow pathway that also looked to be carved from the dirt. After a dozen feet I was on top of the waterfall in a small clearing. For some reason I felt very strange. I noticed that although water came from the top of the waterfall and I did indeed find a small puddle on top there was no sign of any water flowing into the puddle. Its like the water was diffusing out of the earth through the rock wall, which I admit is possible. There was also a very lone and unexpected swing in the form of a rope hanging from the branch of a tall tree that grew on the edge of the clearing and hung over the center. I continued ahead past bushes that were alot bigger than any I had encounted before and I could only take a small path through the middle. At this point the mountain walls were becoming so steep and enclosed I figured past this point I would eventually find where they met and couldnt go further. I came out of the bushes and there was something I would never forget. A perfectly kept sky blue house was sitting in a clearing I just came upon. The clearing itself was the end of the trail...just beyond about a car's length from the house the mountain walls met and you couldnt go on ahead unless you could climb very well. I immediately considered that I could be on someone's property, but this didnt make any sense. Being on that mountain and coming from a park I knew this was public land. As if that wasnt strange enough the scene was wrong. There were NO plants in the clearing either to decorate the house or just normal shubbery. Not knowing what to do I somehow stepped forward and looked at the house from a few feet away. It was too perfect...spotless exterior with no damage or even dulling of the paint color. It was sky blues with white trim windows and two stories with a shingled some beautiful vacation home. I dared one more thing. I noticed that though the windows were close there were no drapes and I could easily see inside them. I looked in and the main room inside the door...was impossible to explain. There was no furniture and the walls and floor were a pitch black the exact color of wood that had been burnt. I would say it appeared the house had been set aflame and that the whole thing burnt yet somehow it was secluded to the inside of the house leaving not only the frame of the house standing, but the outside totally unharmed. I looked long enough to notice both a door to another room and a stairway up alongside the back wall.

At that point I decided I had enough. I turned around and immediately went back then I remembered my dog. I saw her on the edge of the clearing still in the bushes...she hadnt followed me and was reluctant to come. Me and her practically ran back to the park and then on to home.

Later on I discussed it with a friend who not only enjoyed the outdoors, but who just so happened to live across the street from the park. I mentioned the house to him. He said that often people in the city who practice "unique" religious ceremonies often go up into the foothills away from prying eyes. Often there people from South America who still have "traditional" religions or so-called "devil worshippers" who sacrifice small animals. He had seen the house I spoke of with the strange burnt-out inside and said that it was probably a vacation house that was one of many about 50 years ago when La Crescenta was a escape from Los Angeles and not a suburb. I convinced him to come to the house with me.

It was months later til we went. I dont know if we forgot or were dreading it however it was all irrelevant. We went and when we got to the clearing the house was gone. I mean just not there anymore. In its place I found some dense mats of leaves which seemed odd since there werent any nearby trees. I moved the leaves to find a concrete foundation...that which a house would rest on.

We had no idea why anyone would remove it or how they could in such a secluded area with no access road.

Many months later I read an article in the local newspaper about law enforcement officials worried about people going up into the hills to practice sacrificial ceremonies. Apparently they happen enough to where its causing substantial litter though in actuality they arent committing any crime though some of the things they find are appalling. The article mentions dead animal corpses displayed on the ground or strung up to trees.


The Vault Dweller
Anyone notice anything relating all the stories? They take place in a dark area or at night and all involved "suddenly feeling cold" in addittion to a gust of wind.

Those are all stereotypical elements in ghost stories. Note that darkness plays tricks on the eyes and the wind and cold could easily be the same thing.

Not that I'm saying any of you are wrong

Hell, it may have just been my mind playing tricks on me at the same time too. I do not believe in this paranormal stuff, but some things are just wild coincidences.

I still think that it suddenly feels cold because your blood pressure probably falls and your body temperature falls as well. I have no idea, clearly, on the real way these freaky things affect the body, but your mind certainly helps in believing that you see, hear and feel certain things.

Even still, these stories amaze me.

PhredBean, that story is amazing, yet somewhat ...i don't know... sinister...
It seems we here at NMA have a few psychics in our ranks.

Not me, though.

When I was around nine or ten years old, I remember something spooked me really well. I was heading upstairs to go to sleep in my room, as I had school the next morning. I remember getting into bed, and feeling a creepy vibe all around me. I remember looking around, seeing if there was anything my room out of place. I walked into the hallway and turned on the light, and walked back to my room, and left the door open. I got into bed, and began to brush aside the scary feeling I just had. For some reason, I woke up after, oh, a half-hour after I fell asleep, and got a really creepy vibe again, like something bad was going to happen. I turned towards the hallway, and was temporarily blinded for a second by the unusually very bright light coming from the hallway light. Then, I heard it. A voice, that sounded just like my dad's, except with a bit more softness to it. It called out to me, "Jason," and paused for a few seconds, and again "Jason, Jason" in quick repitition. I FREAKED, but tried to keep the fear I had going through me under control. As I regained sight, I ran downstairs, and got a cup of water, and slept in the living room where my mom was. My dad was still at work, so there was noone else in the house. The voice was soft, but it was definitely noticable, though my mom didn't seem to notice, and I never told her.

When I was around six or seven, I remember I was being baby-sat by my aunt in the city while my mom and dad were at work. She lived in an apartment complex that was expanding, and there was construction going on right next to her ten-story building. There was no equipment or anything around, but there was a two, to three-story deep hole. I was playing around with my friends, and we began to walk near the giant hole. I remember standing right near the edge, and feeling anger, as well as having thoughts of death. I thought to myself, Wouldn't it suck to fall and die? Ironically, enough, the ground beneath my feet then slipped, and I fell. All I remember was the dirt giving way, and the bottom of this big hole getting closer. Then, I blacked out for a while, before waking up laughing. I remember having the taste of dirt in my mouth, and a headache the size of Alaska. I thought to myself I sure called that one. I don't think this is paranormal, or psychic stuff. I'm just letting you know that coincidences happen. Lesson learned: don't stand near the edge of a giant dirt hole.

I used to having a feeling that the current house I'm living in was haunted. There have been a few incidents of question. I'm sitting there, watching a movie in my room, when a piece of paper, that seems to just appear out of nowhere, comes flying across the room as I catch it in the corner of my eye. The weird thing is, it was as if the thing had fallen from the ceiling, animating itself out of thin air. The windows were shut, it wasn't windy, anyways, there was no air-conditioning on. This paper just seemed to come out of nowhere. Maybe there's a wormhole or something in my room leading to a parallel universe. If I find it, I'll let you know, if I make it back to tell.
Another creepy moment was when I was going to get a midnight snack from the fridge in a darkened kitchen. I close the fridge door, and turn around, and there's a white face staring at me on the back wall. I looked around to see what the fuck it could be, and turned back and it was gone.
Yet another incident was when, again, I was watching t.v. I was sitting there on my bed, going about my normal life, when the string to the light in my closet flickered around. I looked at it, and then it was as if someone just pulled real hard on it, and let it go, as I saw the string bounce around the closet as if someone had flicked it around.
I should really not watch t.v. because I think it pisses off the spirits. So I'm sitting there, watching the television, in my room no less, and the hook lock on my door mysteriously unlocks. And I'm not talking about a simple "falls out of place" thing. I mean this bitch flipped up and around, and unlocked itself. It has done that more than once, but not anymore, at least, for now.
What creeps me out even more about these incidents in my home, was when I got a small flask of holy water from a friend, and put it in my room, all these incidents seemed to go away, and there haven't been any freaky reaccurances. Maybe it's a trick of the mind, maybe it is some kind of telekenetic hautning of our minds we haven't discovered yet, or maybe it's a ghost. Whatever the reason, it's fun to read up on them.

Most of these are explainable, but some are just freaky.
I should really not watch t.v. because I think it pisses off the spirits. So I'm sitting there, watching the television

Still watching the television after this all happened, eh?

There have been a few weird occurences of freaky shit in my house:

1) My brothers mobile phone falls from his chest of drawers and, no joke, lands around 5 metres away in my room.

2) Creaky floor and walls when I'm sitting up late at night at my PC. (Usually around the change of seasons, thus the house expanding and contracting according to the weather)

3) Remembering going to the toilet around 3am, a few hours after falling asleep, and the light not working, or it shines at half brightness, too dark to see whats happening. But then I tell my brother and says the same thing has happened to him a few nights before.

4) My old printer turning on and off.

5) Curtains and blinds moving as if someone is running from one end to the other.

Just weird shit like that.
PhredBean, i agree with duckman, creepy yet amazing.

I've got my our stories but like Lazarus Plus and Hellion its mostly dream stuff. Little random little things like; in middle school i had a dream about my friends and me at the spot were we normally are at lunch, but in the dream I had got no clue who the people were. I woke up and forgot it, then like 2 or 3 years later i was standing there with my friends all i always am and someone will said something an it hit me that dreamt about it. Anyway I’ve got three paranormal/weird experiences:

I always thought my old house was haunted or just creepy because you would just get a feeling that someone was watching you all the time. Or like you would be watching tv in my living room and out of nowhere the hair on the back your neck would stand up, but only in one spot. And it wasn’t next to a window or a door for the wind to blow through. The only thing was that there was a hallway behind that spot on the couch. Get this before I was born my brother and sister were getting ink (no clue way but they were) and it spilled and made the creepiest thing I’ve seen to this day. It was the head of a woman if you look at her from the side. It wasn’t like it looked close it looked dead on like woman’s head hair and all that. Creepy to this day.

A while ago when i was still a little kid i was having a dream in which you can control what you’re doing because you know its a dream, then i woke up, but i was floating above myself looking down. So I looked and saw how I was laying, watched myself for a little while. I’ve got no clue why I didn’t freak out but anyway then out of nowhere I "woke up" out of the out of body experience. I moved my head to see how I was laying and it was exactly the same, no change in no way. I’m no sure about it, not sure if it was an out of body experience or my mind knowing how I was laying and projecting it in my dream but either way it was weird.

The other thing was like kinda PhredFred’s but not as… amazing. So, my brother had a kid and I never really knew what to do as far as she went. I mean how/what I’m I supposed to do I was like 14 it’s a baby. Anyway like 5 months later I was slowing warming up to her, I started to play with her and hold her, you know stuff you do with a baby. Anyway I had to go to school on Monday so I went to sleep. I woke up, went to school, came home and went to sleep. That night I had this dream, as always in my future telling dreams it was in 3rd person and it was my sister walking up to me and telling me that my niece had died. As always I woke up, forgot the dream, went to school, and came home and went to sleep. So the next day it was like every other Wednesday, was walking home and my sister called and asked where I was which was weird, why would she call? So I talked to her and she asked where I was. I told her and she told me to come home, which is what I was doing so I finished the conversation and continued to walk and got to about the outside of my community. I saw my sister walking and I asked what was up. Then she told me just like she did in the dream and I like felt this like wave of energy hit me from the back and passed though me and to tell the truth it seems like the skies a different color, a semi-brown tannish color. I mean its not like that now but for that day.
Creepy creepy. :D

I have had a lot weird things happen to me. But I'm a little reluctant to say most. I will share some, but others in private, as I don't like to just say them... Even over the internet I try to remain an image. :D

So anyways. 2 years ago during the summer. '04 it was.

I had stopped by my grandparent's house in Cali for the first time in... Way too long. I barely recognized the place, as they did a little renovating, but the childhood memories came back. (Long story short, I've only visited on moves across the country) So anyway, my uncle was there, and so was his daughter. We hit it off immediately. We fought and tumbled and - no not like that you perverts. :D
So anyway, we were sitting together in a room off to the side. The dog kept coming in the room and barking like crazy, damn pomeranian. Anyway, we started feeling cool spots in the room, like not under the AC vents and stuff. So, we got the stupidest idea ever. LET'S MAKE A OUIJA BOARD! So we took two pieces of paper, made a triangle out of one, and put letters, numbers, yes, and no on it. Maybe too, I think. So, we proceeded to ask questions. "Are you there?" Yes. "Are you a girl?" Yes. And then we asked "How old are you?" 7. Now, I didn't think about it at the time, but later realized, my grandmother had been dead for 7 years. Coincidence or not, I don't know. So, yeah. We were creeped out, and at that point we noticed litte cuts. 3 on my hand, 4 on hers. Perfectly normal for all the tousles we had.
Hours later, after crumpling up the paper, tossing it in the bin, and vowing to burn it if we found it uncrumpled, we were walking back towards the house from my cousin's aunt's house. We stop at the same time, and look at eachother. I asked her if she saw a little girl. She did. One thing, though, I saw her in a mourning gown, but she saw her in a wedding gown. I don't much get that part. Anyway, after that, nothing happened.

Well, I feel it lead up to a bunch of things happening, but that's for another time and in maybe a more private setting.
Far be it from me to actually revive a topic, but I'm pretty interested in this, and it fell down quite quick. I won't post again if it falls just as fast. Some people don't look down, and I'm quite interested in what people have to say on this subject.
Right-o. Until you have something ontopic to say, don't bump up old threads.
Well since the thread was revitalized......

My stories are nowhere near as exciting but I have a few:

I was about 10 years old.I was in the living room with my mom when we heard something break in the kitchen.I ran in the kitchen and I saw a broken glass duck statue on the floor.It was on the middle of the counter,so I dont know how it fell.
A old women died in our house before we bought it which may explain something...maybe not.
This is the weird one though.One time my dad had a friend over.She is a Indian and my Dad is into that culture(which may explain the talon and other stuff).Anyway he had a hawk talon in his cabinet.He got it out and poked her finger with it.She went hysterical!She started babbling incoherently even though she was normal before then.I looked in the other room while she was freaking out ,and I saw a white image streak across the room right through the wall!I saw it clear as day.
Of course it didn't scare me,but it was freaky nevertheless.
I had a couple of weird experiences. One when I was around 8. I was lying in bed, it was around 10 pm. I was having trouble getting to sleep, so I was just staring at the wall across from my bed. I saw this dark figure walk across my room from the closet to the hallway door. At first I thought maybe it was a shadow through the window, but after checking I figured it wasn't because the window was up high, so the person would have to be walking on the roof of our garage, plus the curtains were closed and made of pretty thick material. Never told anyone about that.

The second was back in 96. I had a pretty bad car accident where I lost control of the car, hydroplaned and ended up rolling it. The only thing I remember about the accident was this urge to look up at the roof of the car. At that moment I saw the roof collapse in and was able to duck down before at smacked me in the head.
The highback buckets stopped the roof, but the thing is I am 6 foot 5, the top of my head was about a 1/2 inch from the roof.