Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

Freed do to a medical condition. Hmm, sounds like she just doesn't want to go to jail to me... It's pretty ridiculous how the rich/famous get this special treatment. Wasn't she convicted of a DUI? People who drive drunk should be euthanized, starting with her.
Her looks:
Square face (especially the chin), weird shaped, uneven eyes, too slim and pointy nosebone, weird lips (come on, they don't look healthy, gave head to a horse or so?)

Her brain:
She accomplished nothing by her self in her life, and is living party mode on daddy's money. Tries to be a role-model to young girls (find a guy you can live off, don't get a job, just act like a whore, tape it and sell it to some reporters).

A South Park episode comes to mind, where she promotes a "stupid spoiled whore video playset". Withthis set, young girls could learn how to become a slut, and tape it.
The main characters arrive at a gathering of people, in front of Paris' stage. they ask 3x who she is and what she does, all the people can say is "she's Paris", "she's famous" and "she's a slut".

What DOES she do anyway?

Nah, I spit on her. Or... She'd probably be used to that by now, and will happily swallow my spit. Yuk.
And people wonder why I don't date blonde women. If a dark haired woman commits a crime, they throw the whole crime and punishment book at her while they let em skanky blondes go scott free.
The forces of good is still attemting to make justice served:

I bet her laywers will be able to draw it out so she gets away though. :?

But New York civil liberties lawyer E Christopher Murray said house arrest was a more appropriate sentence for a celebrity.

Yeah...good going there laywer. Perhaps he should write the next UN charter...."celebrity rights" as opposed to the human rights.
Here I was hoping that we could have Winona Ryder and Paris Hilton star in Prison Orgies for Celebry Sluts.

(it's not like Paris hasn't already done porno and where is WInona's career these days?)

While I wouldn't mind a cameo of a young sophia loren

We can probably skip Courtney Love and Martha Stewart.
welsh said:
and where is Winona's career these days?
She was in "A Scanner Darkly". Which was a pretty okay flick, if you want my opinion. She's a good actress with a bad habit. It happens.

Also: I am really glad that my little one is back home. This is a clear sign that justice always prevails and that America is clearly a better country than I had previously imagined it to be. At least now she hasn't got to stay in the same room for 23 hours in a row. She can take a stroll through the corridors of her mansion, maybe take a dive in the pool if she feels like it and the weather allows it. She can have her friends over for tea and biscuits, and so on. That's a bearable punishment. I can live with that. I hope she can, because I know how much she loves to shop and go out.
Neamos said:

She should push the concept even further and turn the 40 days she spends at home into a reality show : what will the stupid spoiled whore do next ? Will she resist the temptation of getting drunk and doing the entire local football team ? Find out in tonight's episode of "home sweet home"...
stormcrow said:

Yay apparently Paris goes back to jail. As a Frenchman I say, Thank you America!


I betcha they're just doing this to tease me.
Loxley said:
The forces of good is still attemting to make justice served:
Paris said:
I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope that others have learned from my mistakes

stormcrow said:

Yay apparently Paris goes back to jail. As a Frenchman I say, Thank you America!
Paris said:
As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.

What does she think, that she's n°1 role model for today's youth? Is she finally realizing that she's leading a lot of mentally unstable young girls to slutty, irresponsible behavior?

I sincerely hope my kid sister will never look up to that kind of woman, I'd have a hard time beating off drooling jerks from her as it is already ^_^

The pic on that 2nd site is priceless, TBH. Good that she's doing her sentence, but please Paris, don't act like some martyr. You fucked up bad, and this is just one minor punishment for just one of your wrongs.
boer_kameel said:
I sincerely hope my kid sister will never look up to that kind of woman
'k, but you must realize; there are essentially two types of females (although the species can be divided into countless categories): Possibly fuckable females and Family females. In the case of Paris being a bad or good role model, your sister, or mother, or aunt do not apply. I for one think that chicks should look up to Paris and become more slutty - sluts as they generally are to begin with - since that would essentially, hopefully, mean more sex for me. Note how I'm not talking about my mother or any other female relative here, since they're in the other category.

boer_kameel said:
I'd have a hard time beating off drooling jerks from her as it is already ^_^
This is disturbing.
Luxor said:
boer_kameel said:
I sincerely hope my kid sister will never look up to that kind of woman
'k, but you must realize; there are essentially two types of females (although the species can be divided into countless categories): Possibly fuckable females and Family females. In the case of Paris being a bad or good role model, your sister, or mother, or aunt do not apply. I for one think that chicks should look up to Paris and become more slutty - sluts as they generally are to begin with - since that would essentially, hopefully, mean more sex for me. Note how I'm not talking about my mother or any other female relative here, since they're in the other category.

boer_kameel said:
I'd have a hard time beating off drooling jerks from her as it is already ^_^
This is disturbing.

The man who fucked a striper have talked! :lol:
Hilton is broken.

She was dragged by police out of her mansion, into the backseat of a car where she is to be taken back to county jail to serve out the rest of her sentence (45 days) as ordered by court. A papparazzi managed to catch her crying and calling out for her mom like an innocent girl in the back seat of the police car.

Apparently, not even the rich can escape justice.

Serves the bitch right in any case. :P

News Story Link
Good. I guess she will be spending her time annoying sick patients in the medical wing. Shame they can't sedate her. But who knows, she might get special treatment still and a lot of individual counselling?