Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

As far as role models go.. meh. There are plenty of male and female celebrities who are horrible role models with their drugged, drunk, promiscuous antics.
I don't hate Paris because she sleeps around anyway.. big deal if you ask me. I hate her because she's a spoiled brat who never had to work for her massive amounts of money and thinks she's above the common people.

.. and 45 days in prison is a joke. I'd give her 45 years! That'd teach her.
Luxor said:
boer_kameel said:
I sincerely hope my kid sister will never look up to that kind of woman
'k, but you must realize; there are essentially two types of females (although the species can be divided into countless categories): Possibly fuckable females and Family females. In the case of Paris being a bad or good role model, your sister, or mother, or aunt do not apply. I for one think that chicks should look up to Paris and become more slutty - sluts as they generally are to begin with - since that would essentially, hopefully, mean more sex for me. Note how I'm not talking about my mother or any other female relative here, since they're in the other category.

boer_kameel said:
I'd have a hard time beating off drooling jerks from her as it is already ^_^
This is disturbing.

I generally value women as a whole. A dumb girl/woman is nice to play around with, but no chance in hell that she's going to think she can have me.
Those girls don't pose a challenge anyway, if you use your wits, you can get em any second.

Give me one of them smart ones, not looking like super wow hot externally, but when tickled right becomes some sex goddess... More intelligent women tend to be able to learn more of the finesses and depths of relations and sex, while them skanky ones are just used to getting nailed against objects.

About my sister: She's quite a pretty one, and very social. Hence, she's going to attract some drooling jerks. If they bother her, I need to remove them.
I don't like reading the phrase "boer kameel on his sister" again, thank you very much.