horst said:
i like housing, but thats just me. can be fun and immersive.
I actually like the ability to have a safe house somewhere, but to me it's more immersive when it's not given to you, or the same house every time.
It seems much more plausible if you make your own place, by choosing an easily defensible building and pushing some stuff around to blockade any doors/windows. It would be really immersive it you could lock the door to keep any badies out and people from stealing the goods you stored there.
Had you been able to leave an NPC in one of those farmhouse random encounters in Fallout/FO2, in order to keep the location on the map, it would have been awesome.
as it was, I ended up cleaning out a smaller location (not a town) with some decent storage and making it my base of operations in both games.
In FO2 I'd leave any party members that I couldn't keep with me, at the emptied out raiders hideout, and store all sorts of misc gear and extra weapons there.
Same effect, but it feels less contrived and it isn't handed to you like a trophy.
In addition, ANY type of character had this option open to them.
Here, you'll have to be the kind of character who doesn't want to nuke a random town for profit.