LuckyOasis said:
I consider myself to a part of the core fanbase
You do? I don't mean to sound presumptuous, but let's get the facts straight. Have you been supporting Fallout for the past 10 years? If no, have you at least been following the development of the franchise since, like, Van Buren was being designed? Are you one of those (oh yeah) "fallout fans" that existed BEFORE Bethesda showed the world how FOE looks like? If so, then I think you are part of the core fanbase. I'm none to tell, but I think you are. Of course, just because you are, doesn't mean you think like the others, it doesn't mean you don't like FOE. Fact is, Bethesda is alienating the core fanbase by wholly shifting the design of the series, and by shifting the very target public. How more alienating can it get?
LuckyOasis said:
and I'm really excited about where Bethesda is going with Fallout 3. I don't feel alienated at all. Or, am I not allowed to be a part of the core fanbase because I feel that way?
Huh... bleh... You are entitled to your own opinion. But just because you like what they're doing doesn't mean you weren't alienated in the first place. I like StarCraft. And I like RPGs. If Blizzard had turn starcraft 2 into a RPG I'd feel alienated, even if I'd like what they'd be doing (I probably would). Do you see my point?
LuckyOasis said:
Have you guys played Mass Effect? It's pretty awesome. The choices you have to make in Mass Effect are very black and white (or, it should be said, "paragon" or "renegade"), but some of the decisions the player is forced to make were among the most memorable I've ever experienced.
I've played the game for a while. From what I was able to see, it's pretty much as you put it: t3h epikzorz choicerz t3h ebul/imma do smoe mity good... 1337 speak included. Not ingame of course. Yet another biohazware fine product. I'll live well without playing the remaining storyline...
LuckyOasis said:
I realize that Mass Effect and Fallout 3 are two very different games in some ways, but I just wanted to illustrate that a Real-Time w/ Pause system can provide very visceral and tactical combat while also offering extremely memorable player choices and storylines.
KotOR COULD have offered some tactics, but it boiled down to watching the game play by itself. Mass Effect is THE real time with pause, just like FOE will probably be, and it plays like every other shooter out there. Only know, instead of having hotkeys (you don't have a keyboard, whaddya think?) you have to pause the game and issue commands and whatnot...