People you just really wanna punch!

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[PCE said:
el_Prez]jesus, your a little pissed at the world. i was expecting to read
"people who wear shoes.
people who have brown hair.
people who were born before 1981. ect. ect."

why waste all that time punching, you could probably take out a few of your mortal enemies at once with a high powered machine gun.

Anyways, I'd like to punch eminem just to put that skinny little fuck in his place.
Well, I hate a lot of shit, and I've certainly done my reading. I am an in the know, critical young fellow. My motto is something along the lines of, "if you're smart / innocent, you're OK, but fuck up once and I will skullfuck you."
Yes it does. Evidently, you didn't read it. I'm trying to justify my critical status & state how I hate lots of stuff.
atoga said:
Yes it does. Evidently, you didn't read it. I'm trying to justify my critical status & state how I hate lots of stuff.

Your justification being "I'm intelligent"?

This might've worked during the Renaissance/Enlightenment, and even in the earliest 20th century, but that thought-line's been thoroughly exterminated.

And it's a bit contradictive, to say "I hate everything because I'm intelligent", because hate is an irrational emotion.

Or I might misunderstand you.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]Atoga seems to me like one of those people who has never been in a real fight. Maybe he's just seen too many movies.

Heh, well, it's just hypothetical punching.

Lots of people've never been in fights. This is flawed, it doesn't work, just watch Fight Club, you'll get it :P
Hating things doesn't mean I'm irrational. Hate is passion, and what you're saying is essentially that I'm letting passion triumph over reason (how Elizibethan); what you fail to acknowledge is that the two can coexist. Because I passionately hate some things doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

"I'm intelligent" hardly factors into the equation, given the nature of what I'm rambling about. Dislike turns to hate simply because I promote my cause sometimes and try to convince others, though for the purposes of a topic that reads "People you really wanna punch!" I hardly see how hate / wanting to punch someone differs and I don't feel a need to justify what I'm listing, since I'm merely adding a loose opinion to the stack. A simple "fuck this" works in a pinch, instead of rambling about what you hate.

I'm a critic, so I tend to judge and maybe overanalyze a lot of things. I 'hate' a lot of things because they're shallow or just an annoyance. Of course, I like a lot of things too, though I'll still criticize what I like.

I fail to see what you mean by 'hate' here, Kharn. I don't 'hate the world' as you said. I don't have teenage angst. I don't despise my parents because they're responsible for bringing me into the world. I'm just a critical person, and perhaps I get a little emotional, but who doesn't? Love is an irrational emotion as well, but most people would consider that a part of human nature. I'm going to go on hating things which I thouroughly dislike, thank you very much. Oh well. Excuse my ramblings.
atoga said:
Hating things doesn't mean I'm irrational. Hate is passion, and what you're saying is essentially that I'm letting passion triumph over reason (how Elizibethan); what you fail to acknowledge is that the two can coexist. Because I passionately hate some things doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

Yeah, but you can't rationally hate something, it's an emotion. You can passionately hate something in a rational way, you can be rational about other things at the same time, but not about hate, which is irrational.

What the crap are we talking about anyway?
'Yeah, but you can't rationally hate something, it's an emotion. You can passionately hate something in a rational way, you can be rational about other things at the same time, but not about hate, which is irrational.' Yes, that was what I was getting at ("You can passionately hate something in a rational way"). Ie. justifying what you hate. (Not "I hate Britney Spears, she's a skank", for example).

Fight Club is a bad movie. Don't get me started. It tries too hard to be cerebral and philisophical and fails miserably. It doesn't bring any point across other than 'violence is cool, especially when it's organized', supposedly. The plot premise (how they meet up) is okay, but the way Pitt / Norton evolve around Fight Club is idiotic.
And the writing just plain sucks. Essentially, it's a big budget, ego-centric movie that accomplishes nothing (realistic anyway).
atoga said:
'Yeah, but you can't rationally hate something, it's an emotion. You can passionately hate something in a rational way, you can be rational about other things at the same time, but not about hate, which is irrational.' Yes, that was what I was getting at ("You can passionately hate something in a rational way"). Ie. justifying what you hate. (Not "I hate Britney Spears, she's a skank", for example).

Then it's just hate, not rational hate.

Fight Club is a bad movie. Don't get me started. It tries too hard to be cerebral and philisophical and fails miserably. It doesn't bring any point across other than 'violence is cool, especially when it's organized', supposedly. The plot premise (how they meet up) is okay, but the way Pitt / Norton evolve around Fight Club is idiotic.
And the writing just plain sucks. Essentially, it's a big budget, ego-centric movie that accomplishes nothing (realistic anyway).

Fight Club was fantastic. The point of the movie was to purvey one simple philosophy; "human life needs pain". And it does that beautifully.
I think fight club is a great movie becasue of the fact that its one of the few films that is actually BETTER than the book (a few other examples: Dr. Strangelove and One Flew over the Cukoo's Nest). Its shot well, great acting, great soundtrack, it even adds substitutes a few scenes that work a lot better than they did in the book. I think your seeing fight club trying to just impress people with the 'mind fuck' element when all its doing is transferring a good book to a different medium and making a great film.

Dont say its bad writing. Palaniuak (or however you spell his damn name) is a very good writer. True he uses a few tricks to impress people (like writing and entire book withought naming his central character) but hes very orginal and conveys great ideas into his writing (i suggest reading hes novel 'Choke').
Well if the point is "human life needs pain", then it is presented in way too obvious a way. Take that part where Pitt sticks up that Korean shop owner and tells him to turn his life around... that was way too obvious, sappy, and narcissistic. Pitt approaches the role in a mongoloid, I'm-a-big-boxer-and-I-fuck-who-I-want type of way - it's clear he doesn't know what he's doing. I could say a lot of other movies and books bring that point across as well, in which makes it badly done and unoriginal - a cover for its mindfuck status.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]I think you dont like Fight Club because everyone else does and you just want to be different.

Ehehehe, Prez, I must say I seriously do like your direct approach.

High five, man.
Mohrg6sic6 said:
And you dye your hair pink and wear spiky wrist jewelry!

Actually, that's pretty mainstream

All this Pink and Avril Lavigne stuff is amusingly mainstream, in fact.

And goth is mainstream as well these days

And metal too

I guess all there's left is Hillbilly...
Ok.....and you wear a rebel flag bandana and have a bottle of moonshine with you at all times!


Mohrg :twisted:
Well excuse me if I can't appreciate the subtle, pseudo-intellectual intiracies of Fight Club because I've been bathed in nihilistic bullshit for all of my life. As for "LOL U DONT WANT TO BE LIEK EVERYONE ELS," I might point out that I like a lot of mainstream stuff as well. Just because I seem to be more discerning than you doesn't mean you need to assume I have a superiority comnplex.

And prez, you thought wrong - I hate to shatter your ego, but I've been in fights before. Asshole.
Guys don`t start calling names at eachother, particularly since i love you all and today i don`t have much time to edit the posts and send them to the vats.

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