Per's guide Fallout 1


I am going through Fallout 1 again, following Per's Guide and looking for problems.

I am playing an unpatched version of Fallout 1.1.

Ok, so far- No kid with a BB. Gun in Shady Sands

Also while I found that the trick of getting the experience for crop rotation without science score works. I was not able to find a rifle on the second level of Vault 15 (according to Per it's in the Southwest room).

Not quite so perfect, Per!

Any other problems?

Per's guides can be found here-

note that spoilers abound.
welsh said:
I was not able to find a rifle on the second level of Vault 15 (according to Per it's in the Southwest room).

I finished FO a few days ago and in my game I did find the Hunting Rifle in Vault 15. It's there alright. It's in one of the rooms on level 2, in the SW one as Per says, in the bathroom (or is that just a toilet?), very close to the wall. Only found it two years ago or something when going through the game for like the twentieth time. :wink:

welsh said:
I am playing an unpatched version of Fallout 1.1.

Ok, so far- No kid with a BB. Gun in Shady Sands

Can't comment on that really. I played the patched 1.2 version and unfortunately without kids.

Per's guide for FO isn't even half as good as his guide for FO2, but it's still one of the best out there, imo. And don't forget he states that he played the English v1.2 (UK) without the kids. So he probably got that bit of information about the kid with the BB Gun from... the NMA boards! :eek:
AH ha! So the kid does exist! Great. I will go back and look. I think I had been robbing the same damn kid. There seem to be two, and they are carrying alot of rocks.

Cool, something to look for.
I guess the Internet isn't that st00pid afterall..
FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

EDIT: Never mind.

Requesting that the exact location of that gun be added to the guide. It's probably the hardest to find item in the game.

- - -

On a separate note to Per, it might be worth a separate mention in the chapter that there's a First Aid book hidden in the far corner of the right computer room, and that sometimes a radscorpion guards the entrance on the ground level map (something that matters to melee characters who skip most of Shady Sands).
Re: FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

Humppa Papan Tappaa said:
Requesting that the exact location of that gun be added to the guide. It's probably the hardest to find item in the game.

On a separate note to Per, it might be worth a separate mention in the chapter that there's a First Aid book hidden in the far corner of the right computer room, and that sometimes a radscorpion guards the entrance on the ground level map (something that matters to melee characters who skip most of Shady Sands).

Are you the one who mailed me about the rifle, scorpion and some other things? I don't always get around to answering submissions, especially if they require working things out or booting up the game to check things. I already found the scorpion in the V15 entrance map script, it's random. The rifle should always be there, however; it's part of the map, not placed by any conditional scripting bit. The rifle should be findable as long as you know it's there, but I suppose I could be more specific.
Re: FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

Humppa Papan Tappaa said:
EDIT: Never mind.

Requesting that the exact location of that gun be added to the guide. It's probably the hardest to find item in the game.


When I first when through Vault 15 I had nothing, but MY BARE HANDS! To think some people actually need a weapon I did without is shameful...

...its also completely irrelevant that I had to fight bare handed since I lost my pistol in Shady Sands when I gave it to a curious little kid to play with who ran around the corner whom I chased to find impossibly mixed in with a gang of identical children all of whom denied having my pistol. You see I would have fought bare handed if only for the challenge.

:look: ,
The Vault Dweller
Re: FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

Per said:
Are you the one who mailed me about the rifle, scorpion and some other things?
A couple months ago, yes.

The rifle should be findable as long as you know it's there, but I suppose I could be more specific.
Given that right in this thread two people can't find it even when they know exactly what to look for and in which room, yeah, you could. The problem with the rifle is that it's almost impossible to see, a dark brown smudge on another dark brown smudge that's near invisible even when supposedly revealed by the cutout window, jammed into the corner you're least likely to search.

I must have completed the V15 some 25-30 times without finding that gun, myself. :/
Just a question, but did any official printed guide get made for the Fallout games? I've never seen one, so I don't think so. But I figured if anyone knew than it'd be Per.

I think the guide is pretty near perfect myself. I must admit the gun was hard to find, but that was before I knew there was one. After I read Per's guide I found it relatively easily.
Re: FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

Humppa Papan Tappaa said:
EDIT: Never mind.

Requesting that the exact location of that gun be added to the guide. It's probably the hardest to find item in the game.

That rifle is a neon sign compared to that tiny sliver of plasma rifle visible in the radscorpion caves.

Re: FO1/Per's Guide: Of hunting rifles and radscorpions

Mongoose said:
That rifle is a neon sign compared to that tiny sliver of plasma rifle visible in the radscorpion caves.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... alecking! At the post count of 4!
My god, these guys are getting younger and younger.

And didn't you say the next alecker -- no matter whom it would be -- would get a real strike?

:: points ::