Pete Hines interview on SPOnG

Well I give up.

I have stopped posting On the Fallout forum, as they seem to be tightening the fascist like hold there as of late. Any post or flame to a beth fan gets erased, the digs on fallout fans they leave there and make a post later saying stop flaming. They let CCNA back out of his cage ect ect. There not going to make a game I am going to buy, or even want to play, and further there not listening to anything I say so why even both posting there anymore?

All I can do is make sure anyone I know, work with, or play games online with knows what they have done and what kind of shit it will really be. Wish there was a way to really stick it to them, but with the mainstream gaming media basically demonizing us, I don't know what can be done.

Fallout was the best game series I had ever played, now its little more than Gears of war 2: With nukes! I guess until this point I had been hoping the devs would listen to the fans, and maybe take our concerns to heart. This pretty much dashed that hope. It may be childish, but now I just want revenge :)
Not quite right Brother None, not only was it not fantasy, but Fallout had full facial animations and lip-syncing! Truly why it has held up so strongly as one of the best RPGs for a decade now.

Actually, Fallout stands as irrevocable proof that you can have a deep roleplaying game and include mass-market friendly production values to keep both camps happy. Shame nobody seems to have learned that lesson in their quest to cheapen the whole RPG genre.

As for VATS, I think they're really fucking themselves into a corner here. It's not going to make the fans happy, and it's not going to make the kiddies we're being replaced with happy. But then again, Bioware bravely pioneered "worst of both worlds" game systems and have done entirely too well out of them.
And using concept art from F:BoS on page 3 and 4? That's pretty funny. A hint, perhaps?

In a few months the Proles will forget what the first two Fallout games looked like.


Pretty much everyone who saw the brain-meltingly awesome demo at this year’s show is in agreement on this.
Yep, confession at last. Now I know where those dilettante previews, interviews and crapviews, including terms like rabid fans, are coming from.

Melted brains.
I love how Pete the Liar strawmans fan criticism into "wanting everything to be exactly how it was in 1997".
Because, you know, nobody accepted Van Buren or anything. :roll:
Section8 said:
As for VATS, I think they're really fucking themselves into a corner here. It's not going to make the fans happy, and it's not going to make the kiddies we're being replaced with happy. But then again, Bioware bravely pioneered "worst of both worlds" game systems and have done entirely too well out of them.
Sadly it's not the quality of the game that counts any more but the quality of the hype.
Wow, interview number one gazillion not shedding any more light on anything. I was positive to Fo3 at first, but hearing everything about nuclear catapultz0rz and exploding cars sort of sets the bar. It's like they think Fallout 1 and 2 were good games, but that they needed some Coca-Cola-ad-coolness. Or something. I don't know where I'm going with this, but give me in-canon grittyness rather than Bethesda-coolness :|
Briosafreak said:
Wait that's on the interview? That's hillarious! :D
If by hilarious you mean "utterly fucking idiotic" then yes, I agree.

Super Mutant Daedroth?

BethOut: This ain't The Master's Race.

Someone should take Lou or Marcus' talking head trying to have a conversation with the FallOrc. Nothing but a series of grunts and whistles coming from FallOrc as Marcus and Lou get progressively more frustrated with the "new" breed of Mutant.

FWIW, I googled "nuclear automobile engine" and found this tidbit on the 1958 Ford Nucleon -- a nuclear powered car concept they had then.

Google both "nuclear automobile engine" and "nuclear aircraft engine" and one will find a lot of references to both from research projects back in the 1940s and 1950s.

Pete Hines says that the Fallout 3 world is on a "different timeline" from ours -- it is an extension of the 40s and 50s -- the future as those decades viewed it. In that connection, "nuclear everything" makes sense -- based on the historical record as easily reviewed using google.

Pete Hines says that the Fallout 3 world is on a "different timeline" from ours

Umm, yeah, actually that's what the original creators said about Fallout in the first place.
Petey the Ugly just tries to make it sound like they invented the wheel.
Yes, let us hold a moment to praise our exorbitant efforts spent on creating the ultimate lip syncing and facial expression features achieved in oblivion and then make it sound like they were the major unique features of Fallout. Wisely chosen words Pete, I must say.
Allen63 said:
Pete Hines says that the Fallout 3 world is on a "different timeline" from ours -- it is an extension of the 40s and 50s -- the future as those decades viewed it. In that connection, "nuclear everything" makes sense -- based on the historical record as easily reviewed using google.

For the last freakin time. It's not that the cars are nuclear powered. It's the fact that they go up like Hiroshima when sneezed on that's the problem.

And if Pete the Liar tries to take credit for Fallout's ideas or claim seniority over Interplay/Black Isle one more time I'll go berserk.

"The face that scared a 1000 children" - Homer ( Iliad, 800 B.C. )
Vault 69er said:

For the last freakin time. It's not that the cars are nuclear powered. It's the fact that they go up like Hiroshima when sneezed on that's the problem...

While you may be right about the "Hiroshima" car thing (and I would not like a Hiroshima car), I personally am not sure that actually happens in Fallout 3.

The reporters only saw each aspect of the game demo for a few seconds, probably. They had impressions. I imagine some of their impressions were incorrect.

They saw a car shot. They saw the explosion. They say it was a radioactive cloud that formed. All that is probably true -- as far as it goes.

But, they did not have hands on, they did not investigate in depth, they don't know (or could not convey) the details like: What part of the car engine, exactly, exploded? How, exactly, was radiation released? What, exactly, did the explosion (seen in motion) look like?

The details of everything that happened may be entirely consistent with a "realistic" nuclear powered car -- but, right now, the reports don't give the details.

So, I am in a "wait and see" mode on a lot of what has been reported. All I can say now is that nuclear powered cars make sense in the Fallout 3 world. But, I do not know if they have been portrayed "realistically" -- maybe so, maybe not.
Descriptions of "shooting the nuclear power source" and "mini-mushroom clouds" are enough for me. Unless the previewers were all sleeping through the demo.
Not to mention that in any case any power source these cars might've had would be long since looted. Do you think the Highwayman in Fallout 2 was ready to go with nothing missing? Smitty had been restoring it for a long time, and it still needs parts when you come along.
Vault 69er said:
Not to mention that in any case any power source these cars might've had would be long since looted.

This, among other things such as common sense, tell you that functional/exploding nuclear cars are complete rubbish. No company would ever make cars that result in nuclear explosions when damaged, therefore, the cars wouldn't exist. Ever.

Cars powered by FUEL CELLS, however, are acceptable by the means of Fallout canon and common sense.

Edit: Changed my 'is' to an 'are'.
While the interview is pretty good, I still need to say that the main quest in Fallout is both :violent: and like a :wall:

Pete Hines also described the VATS combat. I didn't get any the wiser from reading this. It sounded, from what Pete described, as something between the combat in an FPS game and the CTB combat in Fallout Tactics.

I'm a bit concerned with the whole 'supermutants' trying to overtake the world concept. It seems like something straight out of --- you guessed it --- Oblivion.

I just thought the we layed waste to the Master's (evil) plan in Fallout 1?? It sound to me, more and more, like FO3 is going to be, BoS hunting Supermutants in the urbane wasteland...

changed a smiley