Pete Hines interview on SPOnG

@Allen63 Nuclear powered vacuumers might be 50's style, but it's not Fallout-style, it's as simple as this!
So i won't change my ming even if you acutually find some nuclear-powered hood-dryer or come up with 'look russians got civil nuclear-powered-ships (icebreaker). That might be all right, but it dosen't matter when speaking about the Fallout universe...

If there would have been some clues about 'nuclear-powered' cars or so in F1 / F2, but i don't remember any, so i won't buy any '50's style' explenation because 50's style dosen't have to fit to Fallout style...
The Highwayman in F2 uses fusion cells, which are nuclear power sources. It was originally going to have a large fusion reactor instead but the idea was dropped.
I prefer fusion cells now because that's what's been established, but full on nuclear cars wouldn't be outside the realm of Fallout.

Exploding nuclear cars on the other hand are a ridiculous abomination. And it's very true that just because it's 50's it doesn't mean it's Fallout. Fallout is a unique 50's inspired world. This doesn't mean every single half-assed idea they had in the 50's should be incorporated into Fallout.
First, forgive me if this is covered ground; however, I noticed that Todd and Pete continue to say the exact same thing with regards to Fallout Fans and the game Beth is making...

In this particular interview it's in the form of:

SPOnG: What’s the whole deal with rabid Fallout fanboys desperately worried that Fallout 3 is not going to be a proper RPG?

Pete Hines: Well, at its core Fallout 3 is definitely a role-playing game. If you are of the opinion that any Fallout RPG has to be exactly like the games that came out in 1997 and 1998 down to every feature and detail, that’s definitely not the game we are making. We are trying to make a true successor in the Fallout franchise, something that is a true role-playing game that immerses you in this world, and hopefully brings out the best of what that series is about – which is great tone and setting and themes and characters and player choice… You know, it’s a really interesting, special role-playing system.

I believe this is the "biased sample" fallacy. (although I'm not 100% sure)

Also, it would be a fascinating article (for me anyways) to see examples of the various logical and argumentative fallacies that Beth is using to besmirch Fallout fans that don't agree with their vision while at the same time touting Fallout 3 as the greatest/most immersive/best/most Fallouty RPG made... I suspect most of the known fallacies can be found in interviews and statements from Todd/Pete.

Anyways this statment has been bugging me for a while now...
Aww trust them, they're just doing what they do best.

:D Pay attention. Fallout 3=nexgen
Xbox 360=nexgen. Edit: Also, nexgen=1337

That's why it's 360, it's not 180, or 45, or 225, it's full 360. Come to think of it, that's a really shitty name...isn't it saying that you're putting out the same damn system?
Stag said:
:D Pay attention. Fallout 3=nexgen
Xbox 360=nexgen. Edit: Also, nexgen=1337

That's why it's 360, it's not 180, or 45, or 225, it's full 360. Come to think of it, that's a really shitty name...isn't it saying that you're putting out the same damn system?

Yup. A pretty shitty name indeed.
As for the picture, nicely done. What a fitting caption for the bottom.
He's a trool.


So, why does beth not only have that italian dude as their spokesman?
Because Pete Hines is paid to lie to us, it's his job.
And Todd Howard's the executive producer which means the buck stops with him. And he just looooves making all those decisions that "improve" Fallout.
Also, Emil is creepy.
But Emil knows his stuff...Pete is stupid, as is Todd. I wouldn't mind Todd so much if I didn't have to hear from all the other a holes.
Stag said:
But Emil knows his stuff...Pete is stupid, as is Todd. I wouldn't mind Todd so much if I didn't have to hear from all the other a holes.

Oh he's just more verbose. But he can be as clueless as Todd when it comes down to it, like the stupid justification for no eye shots (where he apparently thinks all eye shots are made with a minigun vs. an unprotected human head).
But yes it would be nicer to get more info from him than from Pete the Liar. But that's not going to happen.