Pete Hines interview

I would like to think they wont slaughter the Fallout classic style with a FPS, but in all reality it wouldnt suprose me... I just hope they atleast add a option for turn-based for pc... the overhead view xperience I believe can be mod'd into the game reletively easy enough, easier than the turn based thing.

Still, untill it comes out (probably around the end of my College degree... 2 1/2 years left, NST) I'll live in my white fluffy world where they will fall in love with the classic Fallout (1) style, keep its style and everything intact and create others as this will obivously make universal world happiness if it ever happens :D

i think the only hope for an isometric view would be if bethesda wants to really create another franchise with fallout, seperating it entirely from morrowind. the chances of this would seem pretty good if taken from a common sense standpoint, but who knows whats going on in their heads.

here they have a brand new engine that they will probably want to milk before it becomes outdated in 5 years or so. they have never done a 2D game to my knowledge, they were doing first person 3D back in its super primitive wolfenstein 3D years and havent looked back since.

in my opinion, what would be best (considering we are stuck with 3D. 100% hand drawn 2D for me please, for life) would be oblivions engine with a 100% free roaming camera that can be positioned and locked anywhere you want, which means the game would have to accomodate for that by removing the tops of structures as you scroll over them etc. you may be able to experience a fallout-like perspective this way.