I’d say that mutual aid, like I said, would come from Red Cross and secular church-style groups. A typical statist argument tends to be “but what if they poison the blood plasma” or some weirdo shit, but, like, if someone is going to privately run a clinic or aid service, and take up that responsibility, why the fuck would they purposefully sabotage it? “Lmao I spent years of my life just to kill you all with the wrong blood type on purpose hahah long grift get rekt fag”.
I just backspaced some text to make space milord

. I was dog tired last night , still am last 48 60 I've had about 8 10 hours kip.
Marx mentions the withering away of the state, in no way am I a statist but as I said you cannot create utopia overnight. So to a degree It's all , nothing or a fair big chunk.
I am not a reformist as you cannot polish a turd. Traitor Blair created ' New Labour ' a populist so called meritocracy, champagne socialism, pro bankers, pro capitalism, Thatcher
acolyte. I detest the cunt although Brown the Presbyterian type was a decent chancellor. " . Government can and will always revoke it " ? Your type my type would never revoke
gains made in such matters ! You still see government as the enemy this is where anarchism can contradict itself. Without any sort of lead who calls the shots ? I would say a revolutionary government putting forward radical changes in society would have backing of the people, or if the people were the ' government ' they would do away with the money
mad and run industry, food production, schooling, health etc etc for the people by the people kinda gig. Confiscation is not ' the politics of envy ' It's fucking revenge lool.
Salvador Limone " Viva La Revolucion "