For me, I enjoyed Fallout 3 more. I might have enjoyed Stalker more if not for the crazy shaky camera as you walk/run (which was fixable with a patch) but the FPS elements just weren't all that fun IMO.
Maybe the game gets better later on, but I quit shortly after doing some of the arena fights and some of the quests that involve going underground. Enemies re-appearing too quickly (making for stressful gameplay) was another issue, as well as not being able to carry enough. I guess a lot of this could be fixed with fan-made patches though....
Ultimately I realized that I wasn't having fun. It was more of a chore to play. The equipment and collecting radioactive artifacts was fun though.
On-topic, I might pick up a few of these titles. Like Dawn of War II and the Dark Crusade and Soulstorm expansions maybe... although I did try a Soulstorm demo a while back and found it to be rather uninteresting.
Who made the Metro 2033 game? I wonder if I would like it... I like the FEAR games and Half-Life games. Most other FPS style games bore me. xP
Edit: As for the pricing on these, I did a little research and on average this deal saves you about 50%. You can these games for double the price on eBay. You'd also have a hard copy, but STEAM activation is probably better than a hard copy nowadays.
It's only a 75% off deal if you were going to buy from THQ or more if you were going to buy from a retail store.
Edit 2: You forgot to mention that they only take payment in the form of $$ credit cards $$, so if you usually purchase online thingies with paypal, then you're out of luck.
Oh well, these games aren't really all that costly now, and pretty soon we'll be able to purchase hard copies for about the same price.. give or take 20%.