Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

Well the Witcher games are better now...I mean did you see Fallout 4? It's like someone distilled all my worst fears of how Fallout could be dumbed down and concentrated them into a single videogame.
Witcher 1 i played. No fallout game has ever been as much of a horrid mess as that game. Witcher 2 from what ive seen looks allright but thats it. So i doubt witcher 3 is good enough to outdo fo1 2 and nv combined together. Witcher just seems extremely overrated to me. It has 1 supposedly amazing game, one good game and one horrendous mess. Fallout despite fo3 4 and bos outclasses witcher greatly imo.

Then again i am going of heresay with w2 and w3 so i might be talking out my ass.
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Witcher 1 i played. No fallout game has ever been as much of a horrid mess as that game. Witcher 2 from what ive seen looks allright but thats it. So i doubt witcher 3 is good enough to outdo fo1 2 and nv combined together. Witcher just seems extremely overrated to me. It has 1 supposedly amazing game, one good game and one horrendous mess. Fallout despite fo3 4 and bos outclasses witcher greatly imo.

Then again i am going of heresay with w2 and w3 so i might be talking out my ass.

3 is pretty solid, 2 was alright. Neither is better than NV, F1 or F2 though.
Witcher 1 i played. No fallout game has ever been as much of a horrid mess as that game. Witcher 2 from what ive seen looks allright but thats it. So i doubt witcher 3 is good enough to outdo fo1 2 and nv combined together. Witcher just seems extremely overrated to me. It has 1 supposedly amazing game, one good game and one horrendous mess. Fallout despite fo3 4 and bos outclasses witcher greatly imo.

Then again i am going of heresay with w2 and w3 so i might be talking out my ass.
Yea just saying the Witcher games are definitely better than the current Fallout.
"Have you seen the review scores, Fallout 3 is objectively the best game in the franchise."

(Someone actually used that argument on me a while back.)
Well last I checked New Vegas is sitting at "Overwhelmingly Positive" while Fallout 3 is a step below at "Very Positive" and Fallout 4 is getting a flood of negative reviews to "Mostly Positive" because people have realized how stupid it is.

So by steam standards, Fallout New Vegas has the best rating.
Well last I checked New Vegas is sitting at "Overwhelmingly Positive" while Fallout 3 is a step below at "Very Positive" and Fallout 4 is getting a flood of negative reviews to "Mostly Positive" because people have realized how stupid it is.

So by steam standards, Fallout New Vegas has the best rating.
They were taking about critic score. I even pointed them to steam and meta-critic user score, but apparently that didn't count (for some reason).
Witcher 1 i played. No fallout game has ever been as much of a horrid mess as that game. Witcher 2 from what ive seen looks allright but thats it. So i doubt witcher 3 is good enough to outdo fo1 2 and nv combined together. Witcher just seems extremely overrated to me. It has 1 supposedly amazing game, one good game and one horrendous mess. Fallout despite fo3 4 and bos outclasses witcher greatly imo.

Then again i am going of heresay with w2 and w3 so i might be talking out my ass.
Explain how The Witcher 1 is worse than Fallout 3. If we concentrate only on Role Playing and not gameplay.
If we are talking about bugs and glitches, I think you have a fair point. BUT(!), the developers behind the Witcher, did a hell lot of work to fix that game AND throwin out content for free. Fallout 3, is even today still a mess.
"Obsidian are so lazy they used the same engine as Fallout 3. Also, Fallout is Bethesda's idea, Obsidian just asked if they could make a Fallout game."

This is no joke, two arguments that two different people made. One almost bust my nut.
Well they're obviously not adults.

The amount of children Fallout 4 has brought into its fanbase is getting annoying when they defend this crap with so many childish arguments.
Well they're obviously not adults.

The amount of children Fallout 4 has brought into its fanbase is getting annoying when they defend this crap with so many childish arguments.

I think one of them was an adult, I beat him down with the fact that Bethesda haven't changed their engine since Morrorwind and how New Vegas took less development time than it took to make Fallout 3 and he shut up after that.
You should read there forums, its a ****ing circus over there, the amount of whining over FO3.Im not kidding, they whined and ****ed about every single aspect of fallout 3.They hate everything about it.That is seriously one of the worst fanboy sites I've ever seen.Even if this game gets a perfect 10 from professional reviewers(you know, reviews people actually care about) like gamespot or ign, that site is so biased they will very likely give it a 1/10. These are the types of dudes that are in there 20s, are fat, balding early, wear stupid video game shirts and generally dont have a social life.

Do many people here know about it? They complain about how Bethesda raped Fallout and that none of them are ever expecting Fallout 4 to be good, they just whine about Fallout 3.

NMA is a community in a state of arrested development. They can not let go, and toxicity is the consequence.
NMA gets called "toxic" and "depressing" and I agree that it is sometimes better to be blissfully ignorant and just enjoy the game but there is a limit to that - and that limit is paying $25 for f***ing mannequin crafting DLC in a Fallout game that has no role playing.