donperkan said:
And what role do asteroids play in this? Elements are present in all planets and galaxies they are not brought by asteroids.
And he's right, at least from an economic standpoint, I'm sure all elements are present but some are only in traces and that means not worth bothering with.
Is that a serious question? You could answer that by logic alone.
Now I am not a pro when it comes to astro physics. But if I remember correctly it is a widely accepted theory that asteroids have been responsible for many changes. Most important the fact that they carried watter. Eventually.
Anyway. Fact is that asteroids contain materials. If they collide with the earth or any other planet/object the material will retain there.
So again. 4,5 Billion years. Thats enough time for a few rocks to hit either earth or moon.
I will try to explain it this way.
Asteroids contain elements. Asteroids collide with moon. Moon now contains those elements.
many of it are theories, but I sounds logic enough for me.
Meteor Shower Rained Gold On Ancient Earth
many of the elements we have on the earth today come from space. Which is obvious. The same is true for the moon if not as much like on earth eventually. Since the moon exists for quite some time now and since it was hit by asteroids (the craters have to come from somewhere) it is not far away to assume that it will contain elements of some value, like gold, platinum, uranium etc. Pretty much many of the elements you would expect on asteroids. The moon even contains "water".
It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
which is again explained by the fact that most asteroids do contain a lot of water in form of "ice". I think 60 or 70% of them are made from ice even. But I am not sure about that right now. There are enough theories that contain the idea "life" could have never worked on earth without the impacts of asteroids which have eventually brought elements to earth needed to form the most simple life forms. If that is true? Who knows. Its not really proven yet. But the whole concept about how life started is not completely understood anyway. But it is a common theory that most of the elements on earth come from impacts with asteroids.
zegh8578 said:
but pagano loco and donperkan are right in that it would really not be worth it to go all the way to the moon for mundane minerals and chemicals, really. if we can find even fairly rare compounds here on earth, why fly to the moon for mere traces of them?
because we might not find enough of it on earth at some point. Or because it might seem safer to do the mining and processing on the moon. You don't have to worry about pollution there after all for example. Not to mention for operations in outer space it would be much cheaper and safer to do the things on the moon then earth. I mean the process of refueling space crafts and stations in space. The moon has much less gravity. But that is all just dreams of the future. Like a mission to mars with human astronauts.
But yeah. Its not feasible for now. But who knows how things will look like in 100 or 150 years from now. If the technology is really advancing at such a rate it might be "realistic" to expect something in the next 150 years projects with the idea to do some mining on the moon. Just as how they already thought during the 50s about mining on the bottom of the ocean. Those are of course long term ideas. Nothing that you can expect in our life time.
Would have someone guessed in 1912 that we will today fly in to space? Took a long time till we reached the moon after all. But it happened. Why should it not happen one day that we have eventually a base on the moon? Mining for minerals eventually? As said. Only the future knows. I am not a dreamer. I just think that with enough time many things are possible.