Von Drunky
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Whatever, after everything said i'm the asshole and i earned my strike. Do you even know what I means when i say "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood" you dont because if you did, we would be on the same page. I never actually called anyone a racist, I only called some people closed mind for not giving black culture or hip-hop a chance im sorry for asking scary questions. No matter who the protagonist of GTA is you better bet your sisters sweet panties that its not going to illustrate that characters ethnicity in a positive way being black, white or anything in between. CJ betrayed OG, Tommy fucked over Diaz (w/e I’m sure you can figure it out) and speed fucked everyone to get what he wanted. SO I really don’t see how you can call CJ inconsistent compared to the previous characters, I personally thought he was deeper because not only did he want to come out on top but he also wanted to bring the fam with him. But fine if you all think CJ sucked as a protagonist there really isn’t much that I could do, I tired maybe one of you will replay that game in a new vision and realize that there was actually more depth to the characters of SA then you original thought.
Sub question when you hear black culture what is the first thing you thing about? I understand that this is an international website, I’ve been all over the world including the Middle East and Europe and black people there are a lot more different then those back home in New York.
Sub question when you hear black culture what is the first thing you thing about? I understand that this is an international website, I’ve been all over the world including the Middle East and Europe and black people there are a lot more different then those back home in New York.